Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 15 Shimotsuki Yasushi!

"What is that?"

The man who was entrusted by Kozuki Oden to come here to protect his wife and children, the famous samurai of Wano Country, the white dance daimyo Shimotsuki Yasuie, looked up in astonishment.

He saw that under the dark clouds in the sky, a huge monster was quietly approaching.

When passing through the gap between the dark clouds, the moonlight from the gap illuminated him.

It was a dragon!

A golden flying dragon with wings spread!

"Enemy attack!!"

Shimotsuki Yasuie drew his sword in an instant and roared angrily, "Everyone prepare for battle!"

Not good, not good, not good!

If it was really someone sent by Kaido, wouldn't it mean that Oden and his men's attack was exposed?

Oden, what is the situation over there now?

The samurai scattered in the courtyard immediately moved towards him, and at the same time drew their swords to be on guard.

"Mrs. Toki!"

Koujia turned around and looked at the somewhat panicked Kozuki Toki, "Please go back and take care of the two children quickly, leave this to us."

Koujia Toki had also traveled the sea with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates. She was not a weak noble lady. She did not refuse, but immediately said solemnly, "Then, I leave everything to you!"

Koujia Shimotsuki nodded solemnly, "This is my promise to Oden!"

Although the man did something wrong, he had already carried the weight of the entire Wano Country to fight.

Then I will not let his rear be lost.

Kozuki Toki hurriedly ran into the castle tower, and the children were still asleep.

At the same time, a golden dragon fell from the sky, and its huge wings rolled up a strong wind, blowing Komotsuki Toki's blue afro out of shape, and his hair even stuck to his scalp.

He stood still, but the warriors behind him all changed their expressions.

What kind of monster is this?

"Who is coming!"

Shimotsuki Yasuie raised his saber and aimed at the landing dragon.

"I am Yamato!"

Before Ian could speak, Yamato, who was standing above him, had already jumped down, swinging his mace and smashing down, "Where is the family of Kozuki Oden?"

You are really anxious.

Ian was a little helpless, Yamato really wanted to participate in the battle between Teacher Kai and Kozuki Oden.

Shimotsuki Yasuie swung his saber backhand to block, and the next moment his face changed slightly, and the amazing power from the blade made his arm bend slightly.

But Yamato was still bounced out by him.

Seeing the attacker's face clearly, Shimotsuki Yasuie couldn't help but be slightly startled.

It was just a child about the same age as Momonosuke!

Isn't it someone sent by Kaido or Orochi?

It was really hard for him to believe that the enemy would be such a child.

"Oden's family won't go with anyone!"

Shimotsuki Yasuie's tone couldn't help but soften a little, which adult would be serious about a child?

"Child, it's late, you should go back quickly."

"Although I also want to go back,"

Ian flapped his wings to lower the altitude, and said leisurely, "but this is the task assigned by Teacher Kaido. If we don't do it, we will have a hard time after we go back."

"Can I trouble you to do this?"

At present, I am quite happy to stay in the Beasts Pirates.

Although I am often beaten by Teacher Kai, but other treatments are full.

Ian doesn't want to leave for the time being.

Shimotsuki Yasuie widened his eyes, and another childish voice!

Is it a child too?

But, Teacher Kaido!!

"You, are you sent by Kaido?"

Shimotsuki Yasuie found it hard to believe.

"It was Dad who asked us to come!"

Yamato raised his mace, "Hand over Oden's family quickly! We are in a hurry!"


She is, Kaido's daughter!

Is the monster in the sky Kaido's disciple?

Shimotsuki Yasuie's expression has completely darkened.

Kaido, this madman, actually sent such a young daughter and disciple out?

"No matter what, I will never hand over Oden's relatives to you!"

Shimotsuki Yasuie shouted, "Go back! Kids!"

Even if they are Kaido's children, they are still children, and Shimotsuki Yasuie cannot force himself to do anything to them.

This guy is not bad, right?

Ian looked at the man carefully, and the more he looked, the more familiar he felt.

"Who cares about you!"

But Yamato didn't understand this kindness at all. He ejected at the moment Shimotsuki Yasuie refused. During this process, the transformation was completed, and the werewolf Yamato appeared again.

"Don't block the way! Thunder Bagua!"

The moves that teacher Kai gradually learned in hundreds of continuous fights are now displayed, and the iron rod is wrapped with ice and swung.

A person with special abilities?

Seeing Yamato's changes, Shimotsuki Yasuie also frowned slightly and swung his sword to meet the attack.


A shocking loud noise.

Shimotsuki Yasuie's face suddenly changed, and his body staggered backwards.

Such a strong force! !

Much stronger than before!

"Mushi Bingya!"

Yamato took advantage of the situation and blew out a breath of frost.

The frost instantly engulfed Yasuie.

"Master Kangjia!"

The surrounding warriors saw their lord being attacked, and without any hesitation, they surrounded Yamato.


Ian finally remembered who this man was.

Shimotsuki Yasuie.

The future flatterer Lao Kang.

He is still a real daimyo at this moment.

But why is this guy here?

Ian thought so.

There won't be an ambush, right?

Behind him, Jack and Black Maria had jumped down.

"Then let's start the war!!"

Jack laughed wildly.

Thick fur grew wildly on his body, and the moment he landed, he transformed into a tall mammoth. He knocked several warriors away with a single charge.

Black Maria turned into the upper half of a human body and the lower half of a spider. The weird thing is that the lower half of her spider body also has a face, even eyes and a mouth. At this time, between the mouth and the In the middle, a large amount of spider silk was spit out, and the warriors who were caught off guard were scattered all over and were directly stuck.

These two guys did a pretty good job.

Ian thought so.

"Ian! Hurry up!"

Yamato looked at Yasujia Shigetsuki who came out of her frozen breath, raised his head and shouted loudly, "Go and capture Mitsuki Oden's family!"

Are you so anxious?

Ian glanced down at her, "Are you sure you can handle it?"

"completely fine!"

The little girl slapped her chest, full of confidence.

Ian glanced at Shuangyue Kang's family again.

This man's body was covered with ice. Although he was not frozen, his body was still trembling slightly in the low temperature.

Don't you know how to use domineering?

Speaking of which, although this guy is called a model samurai by Oden, the original work does not seem to say that he possesses powerful force.

Even in the original work, after Kozuki Oden was defeated, he was not among the daimyo who united to resist.

Probably because he is really not good at fighting.

Then there is nothing to worry about.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

Ian fluttered his wings and flew towards the top of the castle tower.

Generally speaking, important people live on the top floor of the castle tower, right?

Although I want to delay it for a while, in order to prevent accidents, I'd better take it easy.

"Don't go!!"

Shuangyue Kangjia's eyes were about to burst, and he jumped up, trying to intercept Ian.

Ian didn't even pause when he flapped his wings, but a ball of flame fell down the moment he flapped his wings.

The brilliant firelight illuminated Shuoyue Yasujia's angry face, engulfing him and knocking him down.


If you don't know how to use your Haki, it's not a good idea to just use your body to resist your own flames.

"Master Kang!!"

The warriors were already screaming in panic.

"Ian! Didn't you say you are my opponent?"

Yamato's dissatisfied shouts came from below.

Aren't you afraid that something might happen to you?

With this thought, Ian shrank his body, transformed into an orc form, and the next second he crashed into the top floor of the castle tower.

At the same time, Shuangyue Kangjia, who was wrapped in flames, endured the severe pain and shouted, "Leave me alone! Go and stop him!"

Among the gathered warriors, two of them looked at each other, gritted their teeth at the same time, and then ejected.

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