Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 19 The King's Spirit

Yamato jumped up and down on top of Ian's head excitedly, "Ian! Come over quickly! It must be right there!"

Even though Yamato has always been short of brains, she also knows that even at this moment, in this country of Wano, if a battle of this scale can break out, except for her old father and Kozuki Oden, there will never be a third party. People want to!

That’s it! The battle she has always been looking forward to is right there!

Kozuki Oden! Yamato-sama is here!

Ian thought for a while, "Yamato, we can go over, but we can't get involved in the battle between Teacher Kai and Kozuki Oden."

Since we bumped into each other by chance, we can't just pretend we didn't see it.

To be honest, Ian is also looking forward to the strong battle between Mr. Kai and Kozuki Oden.

It's just that it's one thing to look forward to it, but it's another thing to get involved.


Yamato was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head in disbelief, "But Kozuki Oden is right in front! Isn't he the enemy we have always wanted to defeat?"

Just you okay.

Ian looked into the distance. The clouds were torn apart, the mountain peaks were cut off, and the forest was burning. The battle between just two people made everything enter the countdown to destruction.

"Yamato, do you really think that we should participate in a battle of that level? Kozuki Oden is not Teacher Kai. He will not show mercy to us. He may die."

That's not courage, it's courting death.


Yamato was a little confused.

Although she has lived in the Beast Pirates since she was a child, Yamato has never experienced separation or death. After all, her only relative is Teacher Kai, and her only friends are Ian and Jack, and now there is Black Maria.

Death or something like that is still too far away from her.

"Yamato, do you want to see me or Jack Maria die?"

Ian said calmly, "You don't want to say that your strength is enough to protect us from Kozuki Oden, right?"

Yamato frowned.

"Ian is right, Yamato,"

Black Maria said softly, "That kind of battlefield is indeed too dangerous for us."

She doesn't want to get involved in such a war at all! She is only eight years old, still a child!

It's not like everyone is a fighting maniac like Yamato or Jack.

Jack didn't dare speak.

He finally saw that Brother Ian didn't seem to be interested in conquering Kozuki Oden.

Since this was what the elder brother meant, he didn't dare to refute it.

Moreover, it seems to be really dangerous.

With his strength, if he rashly participated in the battle with Boss Kaido, he would probably turn into powder in an instant.

"I'm so unwilling!"

Yamato pouted, and hit Ian's head with his hand, making Ian deeply feel her unwillingness, "Is it all because we are too weak?"

"Let's just look at it from a distance."

Ian suggested, "It should be fine if you don't get close."


Yamato nodded heavily, and the smile bloomed on the little girl's face again.

So, Ian flapped his wings and began to approach the battlefield.

It didn't take long for him to reach the edge of the battlefield and above the mountains.


Yamato stood on top of Ian's head, Jack and Black Maria also came to either side of Ian's back, and the three of them looked down in surprise.

This was the first time they had seen such a large-scale battle.

Below is a battlefield of great chaos.

The two warring parties are the Beast Pirates and the Kozuki family.

The Beast Pirates dispatched thousands of pirates, including three barbarians, and the Kozuki family, including Kozuki Oden, only had ten people in total. Kozuki Oden and his nine retainer.

This was supposed to be a contest with a huge gap, but the battle turned out to be quite fierce.

In the original work, the nine samurai known as the Red Scabbard Nine showed amazing strength and fought fiercely with thousands of pirates.

Especially the fat samurai named Asura Doji, who was running rampant on the battlefield like a heavy tank. Even the Barbarian Tyrant couldn't wrestle with him. The huge mace collided with his blade. repel.

Then there are the cats and dogs of the fur tribe. Their strength is not as good as the Asura boy, but their speed is even more exaggerated. The barbarians simply cannot keep up with them.

"Are you so strong?"

Jack was a little unbelievable, "All the samurai under Kozuki Oden actually have such strength?"

Fortunately, I didn't get involved rashly, otherwise I would have definitely been hacked to death by now.

Shuangyue Kangjia, who was caught in Ian's claws, also breathed a sigh of relief.

it's not finished yet!

Oden, you really did not disappoint me!

"What are Uncle Jhin and Uncle Quinn doing!"

Yamato looked towards the edge of the battlefield with some dissatisfaction. On the top of a hill, old gods Jhin and Quinn were standing there, with no intention of participating in the war.

In fact, the reason why the battle situation is so anxious is entirely because these two guys have not participated in the war yet.

Otherwise, Quinn would not say anything, Jhin alone would be enough to sweep through the Nine Red Scabbards.

Nine people combined couldn't break through the Lunaria clan's defense.

"They are guarding against Kozuki Oden."

Ian said.

On one side of the battlefield, among the mountains and forests, is the battlefield of monsters.

A huge blue dragon hovered in the sky, his roar released thunder, his breath turned into flames, and his body rolled up a storm.

Thunder like rain! Flames like the sea! The wind was like a knife!

And in this storm, a figure was shuttling like a phantom.


Kozuki Oden raised his hand and slashed twice, tearing the falling fire pillars and thunder with a magnificent slash.

He jumped up, holding his two swords high.

"Ugh, ugh!"

Amid the crazy roar, Kozuki Oden was greeted by the long tail of the blue dragon that fell like a pillar of the sky.

Kozuki Oden was smashed down like a fly, and fell to the ground in an instant, making the ground fluctuate like an 8-magnitude earthquake, and a huge hole was blown out in an instant.


Yamato watched this scene from a distance and cheered, "Dad fought well!"


Kozuki Momonosuke, who was also watching this scene, cried again.


Shimotsuki Yasuie's heart tightened.

But Ian said nothing.

Too careless.

It seems that Teacher Kai doesn't take Kozuki Oden seriously at all!

Otherwise, he shouldn't use the dragon form, which is specially designed to be beaten.

In the smoke on the ground, a figure shot up!

Kozuki Oden landed on Kaido's slender body like a cannonball, and flew forward all the way using the body of the blue dragon as a road.

No, if this goes on, Teacher Kai will be chopped again.

Ian narrowed his eyes.

Now that we are here, we really have to do something now, right?

We can't just watch Teacher Kai being chopped, right?

There is no other way, go!

No matter how much you hate fighting, there will always be a time when you have to fight.

Ian took a deep breath and flapped his wings forward.

Swinging his sword to smash the thunder and flames, Kozuki Oden, who was holding his breath and flying forward, jumped up when he was close to Kaido's upper body.

"Hot Breath!"

Kaido opened his mouth and exhaled a fiery breath.

Kozuki Oden was instantly engulfed by flames, but he didn't care. His whole body was covered with domineering, and the two swords in his hands were wrapped with dark lightning, "Kaido!!"

The anger and repression of the past five years were all integrated into this attack.

"Taoyuan Ten Punch!!"

The two swords crossed, and the slashes with armed color domineering and domineering color domineering instantly crossed the sky, and the surging fire column was directly broken into four from the middle.

The slashing momentum did not decrease, and the next second Kozuki Oden was about to chop Kaido fiercely.

However, it was at this moment.

"Kozuki Oden! Look who this is!"

A voice suddenly came from the sky.

Kozuki Oden didn't care at first.

But he heard it.


The unbreakable determination was replaced by another emotion at this moment.

The two swords that were powerful enough to split mountains and seas became soft at this moment.

Kozuki Oden looked up in disbelief. He saw the golden dragon spreading its wings in the sky, and the one caught in his claws——


Kozuki Oden exclaimed in disbelief.

How could it be!

How could Momonosuke be here!

What happened in Oden Castle?

What happened to Toki and Hiyori?

Kozuki Oden fell on Kaido's long body again. He looked up, his body trembling slightly, "You, what did you do!!!"

Kozuki Oden was furious because his beloved family was hurt.

The violent spirit turned into a raging storm and swept up the sky in an instant.


Jack and Black Maria on Ian's back fainted instantly.

Ian also felt his head sink.

Oh no, am I going to lose consciousness?

If he falls now, the situation will be bad.

I will die.

I will be chopped to death by Kozuki Oden.

I will definitely die!

I will die at the hands of Kozuki Oden, a waste?

What a joke, what is the point of all the hard training in the past few years!

How can I die here!


Ian suddenly widened his eyes, invisible power exploded in his brain, an uncontrollable invisible force surged out in an instant, and collided with the fierce air wave below.

What's more interesting is that above Ian's head, another aura burst out almost at the same time, and together with Ian's aura, it clashed with Kozuki Oden's domineering color.

Kozuki Momonosuke fainted instantly under the impact of these two forces from above his head.

And the awake Shimotsuki Yasuie widened his eyes.

Same as Oden...

Or both of them have it!!

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