Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 2 Ian! The Three Forms of God

Ian looked down at the Moria Pirates and his group, feeling a little helpless.

If it were the fat house Moriah twenty years later, it wouldn't be impossible to find out.

However, Moria now at least has disaster-level strength!

It's definitely at the level of a monster.

After all, why did you travel to the world of pirates?

Even if he had to travel through time, he was playing YGO before traveling through time. If he wanted to travel through time, he should go to the Yu-Gi-Oh World, right?

Although the world of Yu-Gi-Oh is also dangerous, as long as you don't participate in the main plot, there are as many safe places as there are.

If there is really a crisis of annihilation, the gods and dogs of all generations can handle it.

In comparison, what kind of human misery is there in the pirate world?

Relatively stable franchise countries have to withstand repeated squeezes from the Celestial Dragons and Celestial Gold, and pirates that attack from time to time will also give you unexpected surprises.

Not to mention the non-franchised countries, pirates, gangs, and human traffickers are rampant. Maybe the Tianlong people will come to play a killing game at some point.

But there was no way. When Ian came back to his senses when he played the Winged Dragon deck for the sake of soul and was beaten by the human machine, he had already come to this world.

Moreover, his body shrunk to that of when he was two years old, and he traveled directly to a deserted island in a new world.

If Kaido hadn't happened to commit suicide at that time, Ian would still be a savage now.

In this way, it has been three years since Ian was picked up by Kaido and returned to the Beast Pirates.

In addition, although Ian does not have a system, it is not a blank slate for time travel. There is also a fruit traveling with him.

After eating that fruit, he gained the ability to transform into the Winged Dragon of the Sun God!

This is why Kaido is willing to take him back.

Before time travel, I was playing games without my soul and was killed by a man-machine explosion. Instead, after time travel, I directly transformed into a god.

Ian was also very emotional about this.

However, now is not the time to dwell on the past.

Teacher Kai was watching from behind, and he had no choice but to do it if he didn’t want to.

"Divine Flame Cannon!!"

The judgment of the gods turned into the breath of flames, condensed into molten gold in an instant, and spewed out from Ian's mouth and came down!

Moria's pupils tightened, "Be careful!!"

boom! !

Brilliant flames exploded, and a beautiful golden flower bloomed in the ice and snow.

The terrifying temperature swept across the entire place in an instant, and the surrounding snow melted directly. Even the flying snow was evaporated and turned into a long mist in the sky.

The most basic ability of the Winged Dragon is to control the golden fire with unusual temperature at will.


Above Ian, Kaido laughed, "Not enough! Boy! It's blocked!"

Is it blocked?

Ian looked down.

After the flames dissipated, what appeared in his eyes was a black wall stretching across the sky. Although it was somewhat damaged by the explosion, it did block the explosion.

This is my second strongest move! Blocked so easily?

So strong, Moria.

He is worthy of being a hero of the West Sea.


Under the black curtain, Moriah roared.

Although the explosion was blocked, the instantaneous explosion of terrifying heat still caused his friends to scream, and many of them were directly burned.

If he hadn't used his shadow as a defense in time, perhaps this blow would have caused heavy losses to the Moria Pirates.

"How dare you hurt my partner!!"

Moria clenched his fist at Ian, "Even if you are a brat, I will never forgive you! Kaku Knife Shadow!"

The shadow curtain stretched instantly, turning into a long and narrow spear that stabbed directly towards Ian's stomach.


Ian's pupils shrank so quickly that he couldn't escape.

In an instant, before Ian's thoughts could even dissipate, the long and narrow shadow spear had already stabbed into his stomach.

This is a sharp spear that can pierce even the tough flesh of the ancient giants!



A crisp sound.

The sharp shadow gun pressed against Ian's stomach, but it couldn't make any progress.


Moriah's expression changed greatly.

There's something wrong with this kid!

What a hard body!

Ian breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, I don’t have to hide.

"You guys prepare to defend! Leave the rest to me!"

Moria said loudly, his attacks are ineffective, and his partners can't hurt this kid!


Kaido laughed.

This kid's golden body's defense power is on par with his dragon scales.

How could an attack of this level possibly hurt him?


The piercing spear turned into a shadow in the shape of Moria, and then turned into Moria himself in the next second.

As a shadow fruit user, Moria can switch places with his shadow at any time.

Since simple shadow doesn't work, then the body will be better!

The giant scissors were coated in Haki, ready to attack Ian directly.

Ian's heart trembled. Moria used his domineering energy, so this form might not be able to block his attack.

Then transform!

The two huge wings suddenly closed in front of him.

Flames appeared on the surface of his body.


The scissors chopped heavily on the surface of Ian's body. Moria only felt that he had cut seastone, and his hands were hurt.

"How is it possible!!"

Moria's eyes widened in disbelief.

The flying dragon in front of him turned into a huge golden sphere with wonderful patterns on the surface.

And his scissors chopped on the surface of the sphere, and could not shake him at all.

Pterosaur·Ball Form!

"You can try harder, Moria!"

Kaido's voice was like thunder, "This is the boy's defense form. In this state, his defense should not be inferior to that stinky old woman Lingling!"

This is a defense that can be compared with Jin!

Indestructible in the true sense.

And it's not just defense. In this form, this kid can even quickly recover from his injuries.

Moria's face has become ugly.


He suddenly brightened.

On the golden sphere, the brilliant flames surged and directly engulfed Moria.

The next second, Moriah appeared on the ground in a black body.

Of course, the black on his body was not caused by burning, but by the covering of domineering.

At the moment of being engulfed by the flames, he first used domineering defense, and then exchanged positions with the shadow again.

The Shadow-Shadow Fruit is too shameless.

Ian sighed in his heart, and even the close-up attack could not hit.

"This flame!"

Moriah looked up and looked at the golden sphere wrapped in flames.

The temperature of this flame is wrong!

It's a bit too hot!

Even he used domineering as a defense and was almost burned.

What kind of ability is this kid?

He is so young, but he can exert such power! !

"Ugh, ugh!"

Kaido's laughter sounded again, "It's almost there, Ian."

Winning should be impossible,

Ian thought.

But Teacher Kai said so.

The golden sphere deformed again, and Ian turned back into the form of a golden flying dragon.

Then, a brilliant flame ignited on his body.

Ian's breathing became rapid.

The first form, the golden flying dragon.

The second form, the golden sphere.

Next, the third form.

Bright red impurities suddenly emerged from the golden flames, and the golden dragon melted directly into the flames, turning into a flaming bird composed of two-color flames.

The third form, the immortal bird!

Consume some of the physical strength, completely transform yourself into flames, and turn into an immortal bird with wings spread!

The more physical strength consumed, the longer it lasts, and the greater the destructive power of the flames!

The dark clouds in the sky began to dissipate, and the nearby snow began to melt directly.

The strong heat wave began to spread in all directions with Ian as the center.

The terrifying temperature instantly made everyone in the Moria Pirates sweat profusely, and then the sweat evaporated instantly, leaving only salt stains on their bodies.

The temperature of the golden and red flames was far from comparable to the golden flames just now!


Moria couldn't believe it.

It is a common understanding that the mythical beasts have special abilities, but the elemental ability is too exaggerated! This is the biggest reliance of the natural system!

He didn't have more time to think, because the flame bird transformed by Ian had already swooped down directly.

Although it probably wouldn't be of any use, it was in this state anyway, so there was no need to be afraid, so just try to hit it head on.

"Boy! Don't look down on me!"

Moria jumped up, waving the huge scissors in his hand and went straight to Ian.

Elementalization, so what?

Armed color! Boy!

Ian didn't dodge and hit him head on.

Moria opened the scissors and chopped Ian with the sharp scissor blades. He was covered with domineering to resist the high temperature emitted by the flame bird.



The blade wrapped with domineering directly tore open the head of the flame bird.


"... How is it possible!!"

Moria's face changed drastically.

There was no feeling of hitting at all!

It was like a knife slashing into the void!

Armament Haki doesn't work? Or, this isn't elementalization?

Of course not elementalization.

The state of the Phoenix God is that Ian has completely turned into flames, and there is no concept of entity at all, just like Charlotte Linlin's Zeus. Haki has no effect on him, because at this time he is flame, just the phenomenon of burning!

The flames instantly engulfed Moria, and then the bird of fire crashed to the ground, engulfing the entire Moria Pirates.

Boom! ! !

The pillar of fire that soared into the sky penetrated the dark clouds, and the exploding fireball crushed the earth.

The world suddenly became hot!

It was as if the sun fell to the ground.

"Ugh, chuckle!!"

In the sky, Kaido laughed loudly.

New book, please collect! Please read it! !

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