Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 23 The war is over! Kozuki Oden's public execution

Ian stood on the edge of a huge basin.

This place was originally a plain, but because of the fierce battle between the two monsters, it has now completely sunken.

Moreover, in this basin, there are all kinds of huge smooth chasms, as if there are traces left by a giant who can support the sky and wield a huge sword that can tear the sky and the earth.

The battle with the Nine Red Scabbards is over.

After being infected with Uncle Quinn's virus, the warriors of the Red Scabbards can almost be declared finished. Facing the fierce attack of the two uncles, it didn't take long for them to be annihilated.

This time they had no way to hide and wait for an opportunity to resist.

Uncle Jin had burned them clean with a fire.

But Kozuki Momonosuke is still alive.

The strong physique inherited from Kozuki Oden is indeed well-deserved. After being infected with Uncle Quinn's special virus, he is still alive.

However, even if he is not dead, it is almost the same. He has been thrown aside with his whole body black, his eyes closed and muttering something.

The only one who still cared about him was probably Shimotsuki Yasuie, who was defeated by Yamato and tied up by spider silk again, lying on the ground like a caterpillar.

This man who was also burned all over his body burst into tears.

It's over, the Kozuki family is over, and this country is also over.

"It's over."

Jin, who was standing next to Ian, crossed his arms and spoke calmly.

"Mhahahaha! Of course!"

Quinn laughed excitedly, "Of course it's Kaido's victory!"

At the bottom of this huge basin, the battle between the two monsters has indeed come to an end.

"Kozuki Oden! Is that all!!"

Teacher Kai's appearance has become more and more ferocious, the color of his scales has become darker, the muscles of his upper body have bulged, his teeth have become extremely sharp, and his eyebrows have become layered like clouds.

He looks more like a monster.

The monster held a stick in both hands, and the lightning of the overlord color splashed everywhere, tearing the earth and shaking the sky.

Iron rods rained down like a rainstorm, "Gundari·Ryusei Army!!"

His opponent, Kozuki Oden, was already in tatters, bleeding from his head, and could not open one eye. He could only wave his blade to barely resist Kaido's attack.

The distraction just now had directly determined the trend of the battle.

The two swords in Kozuki Oden's hands finally stiffened for a moment in Kaido's continuous heavy blows, and this moment of stiffness was enough for Kaido to hit Kozuki Oden with several consecutive sticks.


The disc-like bun on the man's head was smashed to pieces in an instant, and he himself was struck by lightning and was directly smashed into the deep ground.

"You can't protect anything!"

Kaido soared into the air and turned into a huge blue dragon, with flames pouring out of his mouth, "This is the most suitable ending for you!"

"Fire Dragon Torch!!"

The rich magma-like flames instantly wrapped the blue dragon and turned it into a dragon of fire thousands of meters long!

"Rising Dragon!"

The head of the fire dragon was wrapped in dark domineering, and the domineering lightning began to radiate in all directions of the sky again.

"Flame Bagua!!"

The fire dragon fell down with a bang.

This is the strongest attack after Teacher Kai combined his ability with domineering.

Ian narrowed his eyes as he looked at the fire dragon falling from the sky.

It almost has a physical body, and can even add domineering fire.

There is a way.

I also want to drive a Gundam.

They are both controlling fire, so it doesn't make sense that Teacher Kai can do it and I can't?

The moment he thought of it, the fire dragon had already crashed into the ground, crashing into the hole where Kozuki Oden was smashed into.


The earth shook violently, and the ground in the basin was melted into magma in an instant. A terrible explosion and then occurred, just like a super volcanic eruption, splashing hundreds of thousands of meters of volcanic ash, and the flames and smoke turned into a tide and rushed directly to the edge of the basin.

"Are we standing too close?"

Quinn said suddenly.

Isn't it too close?

The flames and the shock waves of the explosion are about to hit their faces.

"Fire Dragon King!"

At the critical moment, Uncle Jin was still reliable. He raised his hand and released a huge fire dragon hundreds of meters long, which instantly collided with the oncoming explosion flames and prevented the tsunami from approaching.

This volcanic eruption-like phenomenon lasted for a long time, as if the earth's crust was really pierced by Teacher Kai, allowing the underground lava to be released and rushing to the surface impatiently.

Until almost two minutes later, the flames finally extinguished, the thick smoke gradually dissipated, and a huge figure carrying a man stepped out of the rolling lava.

"Dad! It's Dad!"

Yamato jumped up in surprise, holding Ian's neck and shaking his body like a pendulum, "Dad won!!"

Of course, it was Teacher Kai who walked out of the magma.

And Kozuki Oden, who was already like a charcoal, was just held in his hand.

Shimotsuki Yasuie, who was lying on the ground, cried bitterly.

Not far away, just in time, Kozuki Momonosuke finally didn't make it, and was defeated by the disease.

Ian suddenly felt a little dizzy.

He raised his head, and behind Teacher Kai, behind the distant mountains, the sun was slowly rising.

Oh, is it dawn?

It was such a long night.

One day later.

Flower City.

The capital city of Wano Country has been decorated with lights.

The news that General Orochi asked for the help of the Beasts Pirates to crush the conspiracy and rebellion of the Kozuki family has spread throughout the city, and is spreading to other parts of the country at a faster speed.

And the more shocking news is that three days later, General Orochi will publicly execute the criminal Kozuki Oden in the Flower City.

At this time, in the center of the Flower City, in the castle tower built on the big tree, the celebration banquet is still going on, from yesterday to now.

Under the castle tower, in the cage facing the street.

Kozuki Oden, wrapped in bandages and bound by seastone chains, slumped in the cramped prison.

The man's eyes were dim, motionless, allowing people outside the prison to point fingers at him.

He has lost everything, but he still can't change anything.

And above the castle tower, on the winding horizontal tree trunk, Ian stood here, overlooking the entire Flower City, "What do you mean by Teacher Kai's words?"

Yamato sat next to him, sitting on the edge of the big tree, swinging his two slender legs.

Both of them had bruises on their faces.

They went to the battlefield against Mr. Kai's orders without authorization, and of course they were beaten by Mr. Kai after the war.

But it was not this beating that Ian cared about.

How many times have you been beaten?

It was just that after being beaten yesterday, Mr. Kai suddenly looked at him meaningfully and said, "You kid should be ready."

What preparations?

Mr. Kai, why are you also a riddle man? You make me panic.

"Are you going to let us go to sea?"

Yamato looked up expectantly. Two of her front teeth were missing from her two rows of small white teeth. They were beaten by Mr. Kai yesterday, but she is indeed at the age of changing teeth.

"How is it possible."

Ian felt that he was really stupid. Why did he think of asking Yamato, "Forget it, it should be clear soon."

Mr. Kai, he shouldn't hurt me, right?

"But that guy is really annoying!"

Yamato suddenly said unhappily.

She was talking about Kurozumi Orochi.

Ian recalled yesterday when the Beasts Pirates returned to the Flower Capital with the captured Kozuki Oden.

Kurozumi Orochi couldn't wait to run over and speak nonsense to Kozuki Oden who was almost burned to charcoal.

Ian almost thought he had defeated Kozuki Oden.

And today, while attending the banquet, Kurozumi Orochi sent his samurai to search for the remnants of the Kozuki family in the Flower Capital.

The remnants he thought.

Ian could see it here. The samurai under Orochi set off waves of killings in the streets. The Flower Capital was decorated with lights and colors, but undercurrents were surging.

Yamato was right, what a disgusting guy.

Ian thought.

But no matter what, the execution of Kozuki Oden would begin in three days.

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