Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 25 VS the Black Charcoal Clan!

Among the many outrageous remarks made by Mr. Kai, Ian thinks that today's "You will be the general of Wano Country" is one of the top three outrageous ones.

In case you don't know, the general of Wano Country you chose is only eight years old this year, still a child.

"General Orochi!"

Before Ian could say anything, the people watching around him had already screamed subconsciously.


The general of Wano Country, Kurozumi Orochi, was killed?

And the ninjas and samurai under Kurozumi Orochi's command reacted more violently than the people. They shouted "Lord Orochi" and the ninja warriors led by Fukurokuju had already rushed towards the fallen body of Kurozumi Orochi.

But the next second, the flames suddenly rose.

Jin just waved his hands lightly, and two walls spread out, directly blocking the samurai and ninjas' steps forward.

Fukurokuju's face froze instantly.

It wasn't a mistake.

Kaido's gun was aimed at General Orochi.

The old woman named Kurozumi Muchan also reacted. Her face suddenly turned pale and her body was shaking. "Kaido! What are you doing!!"


Teacher Kai said calmly, "Just taking back my property."

"You, you, you——"

The old woman was like a candle in the wind, shivering with great sadness, "Do you want to break our agreement?"

"Agreement? How interesting,"

Teacher Kai smiled cruelly, "Didn't we just break the agreement with Kozuki Oden?"

Kurozumi Muchan's eyes were red, and Ian actually saw tears in the corners of her eyes.

She cried!

Oh, after abusing children, now he is bullying the elderly, Teacher Kai.

"Shouldn't it be like this?"

The old woman slumped on the ground, muttering to herself, "How could you do this?"

Ian just watched coldly.

Kurozumi Orochi played Kozuki Oden in the palm of his hand, and Teacher Kai played Kurozumi Orochi in the palm of his hand.

Teacher Kai was ready to cross the river and demolish the bridge.

Twenty years earlier than in the original work.

Is it because the person chosen this time is himself, not Yamato?

Yamato, who knew nothing about this, cheered directly, "Great! Dad! We should have dealt with this guy a long time ago!"

For this white-haired girl, she simply thought that Kurozumi Orochi was too annoying.

Good death!

However, as a mythical beast species Yamata no Orochi fruit ability user, Kurozumi Orochi did not die so easily.


Kurozumi Orochi's body began to twist, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a six-headed snake.

Oh, another head is missing, and another life is killed.

The six heads of the snake danced, roaring at Kaido in disbelief, "What did you do!!"

"You are a bug-like guy, but your life is as tenacious as a bug."

Kaido was a little impatient, as if he felt that wasting one more second on a guy like Kurozumi Orochi was a luxury, "Wouldn't it be better if you just died honestly?"

Kurozumi Orochi was a cowardly man, but when his life was threatened, he didn't care about being afraid at this time, but just looked shocked, "Kaido! Are you going to betray me?"


Kaido sneered, "Are you questioning a pirate?"

Because I have no morals, so you can't deny me morally.

"Forget it, there's no point in talking too much with you."

Without waiting for Kurozumi Orochi to reply, Kaido looked at Ian, "Kid, since you are his successor, you should deal with him."

"Teacher Kai, is this really okay?"

Ian scratched his head, "No matter what, Wano Country is very important to us, let me, who has no management experience at all, be a general or something."

Not to mention this life, even before crossing, the highest official I ever served was only the health committee member.

Kaido frowned slightly and said as a matter of course, "What are you talking about? Even Kurozumi Orochi, an idiot, can do it, can't you do it?"

Ian was stunned.

I'm so, it makes sense, I can't refute it at all.

Ian thought to himself, it seems that it can really work.

Being the general of Wano Country is considered a civilian job, right?

Then maybe I don't have to go on business trips in the future.

Not bad.

"Then I can try it."

Ian nodded seriously.

Who would have thought that I, at the age of eight, would become the leader of a country?

Ian's attitude changed so quickly that even Teacher Kai was slightly surprised.

But immediately, he raised his hand and pointed at the raging black charcoal snake.

"Then, let's go and deal with him now."

"Dad! I want to do it too!"

Yamato volunteered to raise her little hand high, "That annoying guy, I want to deal with him together with Ian!"

"Don't make trouble, girl,"

Kaido grabbed the little horn on Yamato's forehead, lifted the little girl up and put her on his shoulder, "This is Ian's battle."

Got it, a battle for the transfer of power, right?

"Then it seems that I have to show my skills."

Ian stepped forward.

Killing a big snake is just like kicking a stray dog ​​to death on the roadside, it's so simple and simple.

"Kaido! You want to kill me!!"

The black charcoal snake finally realized that Kaido was ready to kill him, and the six snake heads suddenly became distorted. Then, the anger could no longer be suppressed, "Okay, okay! You bastard is killing the donkey, right? I can't forgive you. you!!"

"Fu Lu Shou! Send your people to me!"

The flames blocking the road have been extinguished, but Fu Lushou, who is leading the Orochi Royal Court Fans, is silent at this time.

He looked at the Black Carbon Orochi, then turned to look at Kaido.

"Then choose!"

Teacher Kai said loudly, "Those who are willing to follow the big snake should stand behind him. Those who are willing to surrender to me, now,"

"Kneel down!"

The samurai under Black Carbon Orochi and the ninjas headed by Fu Lu Shou were all silent.

Their silence made the Black Carbon Orochi panic, and he roared angrily, "Fu Lu Shou! What are you doing standing still?"

Fu Lu Shou took a deep breath, and the bald man with an extra long head took a deep look at the black charcoal snake.

He said, "We are the imperial clan, ninjas who have been loyal to the general of Wano for generations. We are 100% loyal to the general."

The black charcoal snake's eyes suddenly lit up, "Fu Lu Long Shou!"

I never knew you could be so loyal.

Even Ian and he were a little impressed by this big bald head.

In the original work, this guy was also quite loyal to Orochi. He pretended to surrender to Kaido when Orochi faked his death, but he remained loyal to him after Orochi was resurrected.

However, the next second, Fu Lu Shou knelt down directly towards Teacher Kai.

"We are only loyal to the General. Whoever is the General, we will be loyal to."

Ian twitched the corner of his mouth.

Quite honest.

Because I realized that the big snake was dead, I immediately decided to change the court, right?

"Fu Lu Shou! Are you going to betray me too?"

The black charcoal snake was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

"Orochi, we once betrayed the Kozuki family and followed you because you were the general of Wano Country,"

Fu Lu Shou has directly called Black Carbon Orochi Orochi, "Now, we are going to follow the new general."

"This is how ninjas behave."

Seeing that Fu, Lu and Shou were all kneeling, the ninjas under his command no longer hesitated and also knelt down.

Seeing the ninjas kneeling, the other samurai followed suit.

Who wants to die with the big snake?

"How could it be! How could it be!"

The black charcoal snake screamed excitedly, "How dare you guys betray me! I'm going to kill you! Kill you all!"

"Uh-huh-huh-huh! That's how the world is!"

Kaido laughed loudly, "Orochi, if you want to blame, just blame yourself for being a weakling!"

"Ian! What are you still hesitating about?"

Ian twisted his neck and stepped forward. When his feet landed, brilliant golden light had already bloomed on his body. His broad golden wings spread out, and the golden-armored wingman had already appeared with a billowing heat wave!


The people who were already shocked and speechless by the change at this time were even more surprised when they saw Ian's change. After all, his transformation was extraordinary at first glance.

"No, don't come near me!"

The blazing temperature came towards me, and the big snake, who was angry just now, was instantly frightened and stepped back, "You guy, don't come close to me!"


Ian tilted his head.

An old woman and an old man stood in front of the big snake.

"At this point, even crying and begging is of no avail,"

The old woman named Heitan Muchan cried, "Orochi, fight as Heitan in the end."

"No! No! How could I die here!"

The black charcoal snake trembled and stepped back, "How could this general die here! Stop them! Give me time!"

As he spoke, he ran away in embarrassment.

However, a figure suddenly stopped in front of him.

Fu Lu Shou held his sword and said calmly, "Orochi, General Ian hasn't said you can leave yet."

"Fu Lu Shou!!"

The eyes of the black charcoal snake were on fire.

Traitors are more hateful than mere enemies!

Ian almost laughed.

When it comes to adapting to the wind, this guy is indeed the best.

Is this the ninja's prediction?

Ian stepped forward, flames rising from his body.

"Come on, the coals must be burned to ashes."

One to three, what do I have to fear about someone else?

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