Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 31 Destruction Falls from the Sky

Flower City.

This is not only the name of the capital, but also the name of the area where the capital is located in the mouths of the people of Wano.

Compared with other areas, Flower City has developed much better. It is a large plain in itself, suitable for agricultural development. For Wano, which was once an agricultural country, this is the largest granary.

There are also many towns distributed outside the capital. Even in the past few years of Kurozumi Orochi's perverse actions, these towns have not suffered any damage.

Because the factories of the Beasts Pirates are basically not built in this area, the agriculture in this area still maintains its past appearance. Outside the town, there are large tracts of farmland, a vibrant green.

Caishen Town, a small town not far from Flower City.

The reason why this town is called this name is because it is close to Flower City and has reaped a lot of dividends, making it relatively richer.

However, this was several years ago.

After Kurozumi Orochi came to power, all the towns in Wano Country weakened equally, and that guy had no interest in development.

Caishen Town has nothing to do with wealth. The residents of the town are already pale and thin. However, the farmland outside the town is not abandoned. After all, Kurozumi Orochi likes to levy heavy taxes. If they don't work hard, it's not a matter of not having enough to eat, but starving to death.

It was morning at this time, and the farmers in Caishen Town had already gone to work early and tended their crops in the fields.

Of course, they heard about what happened in the Flower Capital in the past few days.

Kozuki Oden was executed.

General Orochi was killed.

The new general, no, the new king is an eight-year-old child.

However, these things are just their after-dinner talk and have no impact on their lives.

At most, they would say in a hopeful way during a chat, "I hope the new general will collect less land tax."

The farmers who were working under the morning sun felt the ground shaking.

They rubbed their waists and stood up, showing expressions of astonishment.

In the distance of the road, a large army was coming quickly.

Three samurai on horseback marched at the front of the queue, their heavy hooves crushing the dirt road in the countryside, raising flying dust.

The farmers stopped working one after another, quietly watching the army go away.

They didn't start talking to each other until the army disappeared at the end of the road, "It's time to fight."

After Caishen Town, it was almost to the Flower City.

Shimotsuki Ushimaru rode on his horse, over a hill, and at the end of the distant plain, the most prosperous city in Wano Country was already in sight.

However, what he saw more clearly was the army that had already lined up not far from the plain.

"They're already waiting for us."

Fugetsu Mikie held the reins with one hand and the hilt of the knife at his waist with the other.

"It seems that there are only samurai and ninjas?"

Ugetsuki Tempura took out a telescope and looked at the army in the distance, "The Beasts Pirates didn't come."


Fugetsu Miyuki couldn't believe it, "Kaido didn't come?"

"Not just Kaido,"

Ugetsuki Tempura handed him the telescope, "The Beasts Pirates' cadres didn't come either, only two little devils came!"

Shimotsuki Ushimaru took the telescope and looked over.

At the forefront of the army in the distance, a black-haired boy was riding on a tall horse that didn't match his height at all, and he was also looking at this side.

There was also a white-haired girl behind him, and her face was very intimately close to the boy's ear, as if she was saying something to him.

"It seems that Kaido doesn't seem to take us seriously at all. Let our child general deal with us."

Shimotsuki Ushimaru raised the corner of his mouth, "Haha, I'm really underestimated."

He raised the reins, "Attack!"


Fugetsu Miyuki drew his sword out of its sheath.


Ugetsuki Tempura roared.

Isn't this the best opportunity?

Kaido, just be careless!

It would be best if you still ignore us until we stab your heart!

The three daimyo charged on horseback, the samurai behind them galloped to catch up, and the last foot soldiers followed closely behind, and the whole army launched a charge.

On the opposite side.

Ian looked at the daimyo coalition forces rushing down the hill in the distance, and tilted his head slightly with some pride, "See, I said, even if you sleep a little longer, you will definitely make it in time."

"That kind of thing is fine!"

Yamato was eager to try, "Let's go too, Ian!"

"No hurry."

Ian looked at the daimyo coalition forces getting closer and closer, "Let's talk to them first."

"Huh? What's there to talk about with them?"

Yamato pouted, "Anyway, just kill them."

"There's no need to rush to do things that can be solved with words."

Ian said.

The three daimyo are all strong. If they can be subdued, that's not bad, right?

"Let's go and see what they say."

The next second, golden light shone, and a huge golden dragon spread its wings and flew up.

"Fu Lu Shou."

Ian bowed his head.

"Your Majesty."

The bald ninja knelt respectfully.

"Look for my signal to launch the attack."

After saying that, Ian flapped his wings and suddenly flew towards the rapidly approaching daimyo coalition.


Fukurokushou looked up in astonishment.

No, Your Majesty, you haven't told me what the signal is yet!

Ian flapped his wings forward, and in just a few breaths he had arrived in front of the Daimyo coalition.

"Is that kid also a person with special abilities?"

Ugetsu Tenra reined in his horse and looked up at the golden flying dragon in the sky, "This ability doesn't look good!"

"He killed the Kurozumi Orochi himself."

Fugetsu Miyame said in a deep voice, "It is said that he has the power to manipulate fire."


Shimotsuki Ushimaru murmured in a low voice.

"It seems that this young general, like his teacher, likes to face the enemy alone."

Ugetsu Tenra said, "But he flew too high, and the bow and arrow could not reach him at all, so he could only rely on the iron cannon."

In Wano Country, muskets are called iron cannons.

However, before the three daimyo ordered to open fire, Ian's voice, flapping his wings and flying in the sky, had already sounded in the wilderness.

"Although it's a bit presumptuous, can you please put down your weapons and surrender? I think this is good for all of us."

Shimotsuki Ushimaru didn't say anything, just quietly looked up at Ian, then he raised his right hand and waved it vigorously.

Pah pah pah pah!

Dense gunshots rang out, and bullets instantly soared into the sky under the push of gunpowder, crackling and hitting Ian's stomach.

"Is that so?"

Ian nodded gently. Sure enough, in the original work, Teacher Kai didn't make these guys surrender, and it was too difficult to make them surrender. "Is this your answer? Then-"

"It doesn't work at all?"

Fugetsu Mikie sensed something was wrong.

You have this level of defense without using Ryuo?

"First of all, I want you to stop running around."

The wild momentum instantly turned into a hurricane, descending from Ian's body!

This gust of wind swept the entire samurai team in an instant.

A large number of samurai began to fall down with their eyes rolled back at this moment.

Although they still couldn't control it as they wished, they could already use the Conqueror's Haki.

"This is! Oden's!!"

Shimotsuki Ushimaru's face changed drastically.

Although he didn't have it, he had seen it!

"Then I'll come too!"

Yamato also joined in the fun.

The violent spirit also burst out from her body.

The two Conqueror's Haki acted downward at the same time, and large groups of samurai fell down.

Then, Ian flapped his wings forward.

"Be careful! The attack is coming!"

Shimotsuki Ushimaru shouted angrily.

The golden dragon swept over the coalition forces like the wind, and large pieces of golden flames were thrown out from the vibrating wings.

The flames suddenly expanded and covered the sky like clouds.

Then, they began to fly downwards, like a waterfall of flames pouring down from the sky.

It looked extremely gorgeous.

But behind this splendor, what was hidden was the most thorough destruction.

"Damn it!"

Shimotsuki Ushimaru was sweating profusely, and he jumped up, swinging his blade wildly, slashing into the sky, tearing the flames into cracks one after another.

It was just meaningless.

The flames finally fell, instantly turning the area into a sea of ​​fire.

The warriors who fainted due to the impact of the Overlord's Haki didn't even know that they should escape.

Even the warriors who barely maintained consciousness could only scream in the face of the terrifying high temperature brought by the flames falling from the sky.



The golden flames covered the entire coalition in the blink of an eye, and the terrifying temperature instantly put all the warriors into a desperate situation of death.

It's not over yet.

Ian circled in the air and turned around, with flames surging in his mouth.

"The Divine Mighty Flame Cannon!"

The blazing pillar of fire fell from the sky, and in an instant it swept across the sea of ​​fire below from back to front, splitting the entire sea of ​​fire into two artificially. The violent explosions suddenly formed a line, and the explosions formed a raised mountain range.

Ian just shook his head casually, and the same mountain ranges had already formed mountains on this battlefield.

The flames had already engulfed some.

Destruction fell from the sky!

Ian floated in the sky, looking down at the raging flames below.

Unstoppable, irresistible, I am the catastrophe!

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