Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 46 Solidified Flame, Flame Weaponry

"Okay! There's another fight to be had!"

Facing the menacing Big Maelstrom Spider Pirates, Yamato cheered directly.

I'm just worried that I haven't opened my heart.

"Brother Ian! Come on!"

Jack and the two approached, and he pulled out his special weapon from behind. They were two strange blades with straight lower ends and sickle-like upper sections. This guy was already eager to try.

Black Maria also carried her weapon, which was more peculiar than Jack's. The top of an iron rod was connected to a wheel-like head, which looked like a special heavy hammer.

In addition to looking strange, their weapons are actually unusual.

They are all exquisite weapons made by Kozuki Sukiyaki who was brought to Onigashima. If judged according to the standards of the sea, they are probably all good and sharp swords.

"Then let's fight."

Ian said calmly.


With a cheer, Yamato was ready to be the first to charge, "Hand over the guy with the big sword to—"

However, Ian directly pulled her ponytail and chuckled, "No, leave that guy to me."


Yamato turned around unhappily, "Why?"

"have a test."

Ian pushed the toad mirror to his forehead and stepped forward, "The others are assigned to you."

Apart from fighting against Teacher Kai, I haven't fought seriously in the past few years, and I lack a correct understanding of my true level.

This large vortex spider is very suitable.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates basically have the same strength as the vice admiral - of course, the gap between the upper and lower limits of the vice admiral's strength is ridiculously large.

But in any case, it should be enough to be used as a target.

"Then I'll do it!"

Without waiting for Yamato to react, Jack transformed into his orc form and charged.

Jack's orc form is the same as Maria's, which is a combination of the upper body of a human and the lower body of an animal. At this time, Jack is like a man and horse, charging forward with a rumble on four legs.


His huge body was incredibly fast thanks to the shaved head. He dragged two long blades of light into the group of pirates, and with just one sprint, several pirates were dismembered.

The pirates around him only had time to raise their weapons, and before they even swung their weapons at Jack, white spider webs flew over and covered all the pirates.

The sticky spider webs tightly bound the pirates.

"Well done, Maria!"

Jack laughed and waved his two knives, "Shan Lan!!"

Two blue slashes roared, and a large number of pirates were sent flying by his attack.

Of course Jack can't feel the breath of all things, but after mastering the six postures, he can also release Lan Jia through the blade in his hand.

"I'm so happy to be praised."

Black Maria wasn't going to watch the show either. She was also using Shaver, but her speed was much faster than Jack's.

After all, she used eight spider legs at the same time, as fast as a phantom, and the huge strange-shaped weapon brought out flames the moment she swung it. This was what she specifically requested from Kozuki Sukiyaki, a weapon that can emit flames. .

"Furisode Rin Dao!"

Black Maria, who had a gentle and weak personality, was swinging the hammer extremely violently at this time. The pirates who were bound by the spider webs could not escape at all. They could only show their frightened eyes, and then they were all knocked away by the stick.

"Spider finger gun!"

While swinging the heavy hammer, the eight spider legs also attacked one after another. While maintaining their standing position, they penetrated the bodies of the surrounding pirates like spears.

In just an instant, the pirates of the Great Maelstrom Spider Pirates had already suffered heavy losses.

"Asshole! Don't be so arrogant!"

The pirates behind raised their guns, and the next moment there was a burst of gunfire.



Jack and Black Maria said in unison.

The body that became harder than steel easily blocked all the bullets.

However, someone stronger than bullets attacks.

"Go to hell, you little devils!"

A man dressed like a knight jumped up with a long lance pointed at Jack.

The end of his spear was stained with darkness!

The armed color is domineering and hardened!

"You two are just like Ian, so deceitful!"

Along with the girl's unhappy voice, a white shadow came from the sky, "You are not allowed to fight with me! Horse Phantom Blade!"


The man turned his head in disbelief. The girl wielding the mace turned into a white werewolf and appeared beside him in an instant!

How could it be so fast? No reaction at all.

The iron rod wrapped in white mist and domineering force crashed down on the head.

"Kid! Stop looking down on others!"

The spear turned suddenly and struck Yamato with a sweeping sweep.

It’s just a level of domineering power!

I'm hardened——


The spear covered with domineering force broke directly, and the iron rod hit the man's head mercilessly, embedded deeply into the man's head, and froze his head into ice.

The man's head was hit so hard that it almost sunk into his chest, making a crackling sound that made people's teeth hurt. His body suddenly fell down, and a big crater was instantly made on the ground.

He is indeed more domineering, but there is a huge difference in strength.

Domineering doesn't mean everything.

Yamato took a deep breath nonchalantly, "Hyoga no Samurai!!"

The laser-like breath swept across, and the surrounding pirates were directly frozen into ice.

"Sister Yamato——"

Jack was helpless.

Can't we let him play too?

"Let's just watch the show."

Black Maria is really open-minded, wouldn't it be nice to watch Ian perform?

Dang Dang Dang!

Compared to Yamato's crushing battle, Ian's battle with the Vortex Spider was quite anxious.

Scuyard's knife was exaggeratedly big, but in his hands it was extremely docile, like a tamed hound. It could move like an arm and dexterously attack any place he wanted to attack. The huge blade was simply waving. It can be described as gorgeous.

In comparison, Ian's moves are much weirder.

He met Scuyard's blade with his bare hands.

This is certainly not an easy task.

After all, Scuyard's domineering force is much stronger than him. If he really wants to catch the blade with his hand, the hand will be cut off in an instant. Without using his ability, his defense power is no different from that of ordinary people.

Therefore, when Scuyard's knife slashed down, Ian's hand would twist like a snake, then flick it, draw it on the side of the blade, and directly slap the blade away.

Paper painting·Snake fist!

Although the two of them had a lively fight, in fact, Scuyard's most threatening blade never even touched Ian, and Ian didn't even use his domineering force.

While resisting Scuyard's attack, he even had time to swing his hand and hit Skuyard on the face like a whip.


Scuyard was so struck by this blow that stars appeared in his eyes, and he immediately doubted his life.

The power of this little devil is amazing! He couldn't suppress him at all!

What is even more exaggerated than his strength is his fighting skills.

There is no genre at all, but it is extremely terrifying!

How could a kid of thirteen or fourteen be able to deflect every one of his slashes so easily? Even if he awakens to see and hear, he still can't do it!

If Ian knew Scuyard's surprise, he would probably laugh. Compared to Teacher Kai, your attack is as slow as a turtle crawling.

If you can't even react to your attack, wouldn't you have been beaten in vain all these years?

Scuyard's face was already gloomy.

Because Mrs. Shi said that these two brats are both capable! A user with phantom beast ability!

If you are so strong without using your ability——


There was a loud shout, and the sword suddenly slashed down.

Ian was like catkins in the wind, bending his body to avoid the blow.


Skuard unsheathed another samurai sword at his waist, and pulled out a brilliant sword light with a killing blow.

What a fast knife.

Ian sighed.

The blade struck him in the chest.

However, before Scuyard could reveal a delighted smile, the feeling as if he was chopping on a seastone made his expression change drastically.

How could it be so hard!

"It's amazing,"

Ian had already entered the orc form in an instant. His broad wings spread out and fanned out a wave of heat, causing Skuard to step back repeatedly. "The knife just now almost hurt me."

It was too late to dodge, the knife was really fast.


Scuyard didn't speak, but held a broadsword in his right hand and a samurai sword in his left hand, his face tense.

With all his strength, he couldn't even break through this kid's defense?

Ian looked behind Scuyard.

He saw ice sculptures all over the ground, and Yamato had finished the battle there.


"Let's finish it here."

Ian stretched out his right hand, and the flames condensed in his palm, stretching into a sword. The flames rose and wrapped around the domineering sword.

The five years of life-returning practice have already begun to bear fruit.

The flames can be condensed into various forms at will, which Ian calls the Flame Armor.


It was difficult for Scuyard to understand. Flames solidified into entities?

And, is that domineering?

This kid can use Haki?

What kind of monster is this?

"I'm coming."

Ian chuckled and suddenly turned into a golden phantom. The next moment he appeared in front of Scuyard, and the flaming sword fell.

So fast!

It's too late to escape! !

Even because the distance is too close, the sword is useless!

Scuyard gritted his teeth, there was only one thing he could do!

Let go of the sword in your right hand, hold the katana in both hands, covered with dark domineering energy, and swing the sword to attack!


There was a flash of fire.


Ian stood behind Skuard. He looked at the flaming sword in his hand, "So it's so sharp? It can't be cut at all when it cuts Teacher Kai."

Sure enough, Teacher Kai should not be used as the standard for judgment.


This was the sound of the blade falling to the ground.


Scuyard's tall body fell to his knees slumped, the katana in his hand was broken in the middle, the fracture was melted, and molten iron was flowing down along the blade.

And on his chest, a wound diagonally downwards was so conspicuous.

But no blood flowed out of the wound, because the wound was instantly carbonized by the high temperature before blood could flow out.

Ian turned back and looked at Scuyard, who was kneeling on the ground with his back.

What? I'm quite strong.

I can kill twenty guys of this level in one breath.

Please give me a monthly ticket! Please add me to your collection!

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