Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 49: Wang Zhi's warning! Brother and sister (please read on!)

The Golden Flying Dragon slowly docked at the dock of Beehive Island.

The stairs were lowered from the deck, and Ian and Yamato walked side by side from the ship.

Jack and Black Maria followed Ian. Black Maria looked at the lively island, "There are many people on the island. Where are we going to find the people Mr. Kaido wants us to find?"

"Just ask anyone."

Ian stepped on the soil of Beehive Island and looked around.

It should be said that the Beasts Pirates are indeed a famous unicorn company in the new world. Their arrival makes the pirates from the surrounding small and medium-sized companies unable to help but come over to watch the fun.

The pier was surrounded and almost impenetrable.

Fortunately, the minions who wanted to become famous in one fell swoop did not jump out this time. This probably had something to do with Wang Zhi's dislike of people making trouble in his territory.

Seeing Ian and others, the pirates were also talking a lot.


"Are they all brats?"

"Are they really members of the Beasts Pirates? I've never seen them before. Are they fake?"

"Have you lost your mind and gone crazy? What kind of madman would dare to go to Boss Wang Zhi's territory and impersonate the Beasts Pirates?"

Ian didn't pay attention to the discussions of these pirates at all. He just remembered what Mr. Kai said before that Babanuki recited.

After the destruction of the Rocks Pirates, Mr. Kai's old friend formed a pirate group of his own just like Mr. Kai and the others.

But his strength is obviously slightly behind Whitebeard, Teacher Kai, and Charlotte Lingling, so he cannot expand his territory and establish his own foundation.

He regards Beehive Island as his base camp. Wang Zhi does not reject foreign pirates anyway. As long as he pays him the protection fee on time, he can survive here.

This is what Teacher Kai calls an old friend who has settled down here.

Ian feels very subtle about this.

To a certain extent, it is indeed possible to settle down and establish a career.

Not long ago, Mr. Kai, an old friend, encountered a powerful enemy during a voyage. He was the only one who managed to escape, but he himself was seriously injured and died soon. Only then did he call Kai. Teacher here.

He also had a pair of young children, who had no one to take care of them after his death.

After all, I have lived on Beehive Island for decades. If I just ask any old man on the island, I can probably find out the whereabouts of the two siblings.

However, before Ian could find anyone to ask, the pirates watching from the front parted ways, accompanied by exclamations one after another.

A tall and thin man walked out of the passage.

Ian looked at him.

With a height of more than three meters, he is not very outstanding among so many pirates present, but his body is extremely thin, almost like a bamboo pole, and it seems that he will be blown away by the wind at any time.

The cheeks are also quite long and slender. They are no longer at the level of a horse face. They can be called stick insects.

The man who looked less than forty years old looked at Ian and the others up and down without saying a word.

"Hey, what do you want to do?"

Yamato had already taken a step forward and said aggressively, "Do you also want to fight with us?"

I don't think so.

Ian deadpanned.

Apart from members of the Wang Zhi Pirate Group, Ian can't think of any other possibility for being so respected by the pirates on this Beehive Island.

And the Wangzhi Pirates happened to be the least likely people on this island to fight them directly.

Sure enough, this cold-faced man said indifferently, "Boss Wang Zhi asked me to give you a warning. He doesn't care what you do, but remember, don't act recklessly on this island."

After saying that, the man turned around and left without looking back, without any hesitation.

Oh, cool man.

However, Wang Zhi’s attitude means that Teacher Kai has already said hello in advance?

Otherwise, Wang Zhi would have no reason to know how many of them there are, right?

Ian is almost touched. Teacher Kai, you are so gentle now.

"What! This guy is so arrogant!"

Yamato was furious, "You didn't take me seriously at all!"


Ian held her hand and walked forward, "Go find someone to ask for directions first."

Who is the arrogant one?

Isn't this attitude common?

An uninvited guest came to the house, and even though he only came to give a verbal warning, Ian even felt that Wang Zhi was a little weak.


"Can anyone answer a question for me?"

Ian looked around at the pirates and asked loudly.

Runti ran anxiously in the alley.

She is only seven years old this year. This should be an age where she is carefree and pampered by her parents, but Runti is wearing a shabby dress, her body is full of stains, and she is carrying a nail with a lot of nails on her head. Nail sticks were running through the shabby alleys.

The girl wearing a strange mask was breathing rapidly due to the continuous high-speed running, but she did not stop for a moment.

Xiaopei! Sister is here to save you! !

The little girl turned a corner quickly, and what appeared in front of her eyes was a scene that made her eyes split open.

A thin little boy who looked to be about five or six years old was surrounded by several teenagers in their early teens. One of the boys grabbed the little boy's head and pressed him against the wall to rub him. The boy's face was touched by the rough wall. It was worn and the walls were stained red with blood.

"Run, kid, why don't you keep running?"

"Xiao Pei!!!"

Runti felt like she was going to explode.

The little girl had never thought that her life would change so drastically before.

When her father was still alive, she was carefree every day and never worried about anything.

Although her father often had to go out to sea, when he came back, he always spent all his time playing with her and her brother.

So even if her mother left early, Runti did not lack love.

At that time, she took her brother to play crazy on the island every day.

However, since her father died not long ago, the situation has changed drastically.

The pirates who had conflicts with their father came to the door one after another, and used various means to take away all the property left by their father. Runti and her brother could only live on the streets.

And the revenge of these pirates is not over yet.

Lord Wang Zhi does not allow anyone to make trouble on the island, so they send their children over to constantly bully the siblings.

Today, just a moment of carelessness, her younger brother Peggy Wan was snatched away by those bastards, and Runti hurriedly chased after them.

"You guys! Go to hell!"

How dare you bully Xiao Pei!

Runti was furious.

She had promised her dying father that she would protect Xiao Pei!

The little girl rushed forward quickly, jumped up, and smashed the homemade mace in her hand on the top of a boy's head before the other party was prepared.


She screamed. She was just a seven-year-old girl, but she smashed the unfortunate boy's head.

The boy fell to the ground after screaming, and it seemed that he was breathing but not breathing.

"You, you, you-you killed him!!"

The other boys exclaimed.

Although I know that this girl is very strong, this is too exaggerated! They are not ordinary boys, they are all reserve pirates!

After taking the weapon, is there such a big difference?

"You guys go to hell too!"

Runti's eyes were completely red, and she didn't think about anything in her heart, but just thought that these bastards who hurt Xiao Pei must die!

She swung the mace without any rules, and beat the boys so hard that they screamed and ran away, and two more fell down immediately.

"Wait for us!"

The boys fled in a panic.

"Quick, Xiao Pei, let's run!"

Runti did not continue to chase, but quickly carried her brother on her back and turned around to run.

She was still too young to know what to do next. She only knew that she should run away now.


The little boy, with a bruised face and blood all over his face, murmured weakly.

"Xiao Pei! Sister will definitely protect you!"

Runti said loudly.

However, at the moment of rushing out of the alley, a big foot came towards her, and Runti was instantly kicked to the ground.

"Damn kid! What did you do!!"

Several pirates surrounded Runti and her brother and sister, and they looked furious.

The boys who had just escaped followed behind them.

These children were not found anywhere randomly, but their own children.

And now, the children were killed by this guy!

"I'll kill you!"

The restraints of Lord Wang Zhi were thrown out of their minds, and several angry pirates were desperate.

And Runti's first reaction was.

"Run! Xiaopei! Run!"

The little girl screamed, turned over and rushed towards the pirates.


The little boy named Peggy Wan raised his bloody face in a daze, and watched his sister weakly being knocked to the ground by the pirates again in an instant.

Even with such a gifted talent, there is still a big gap compared to the elite pirates who ventured into the New World.

The pirates drew out their knives and guns, ready to kill the two siblings.


Runti fell to the ground and tried to reach out to grab her brother, but a pirate stepped on her back, making her unable to move at all.

And the muzzle of the pirate's gun was already aimed at the back of her head.

The next moment, he was about to pull the trigger.

"It's not good for adults to bully children."

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