Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 54: Phoenix and Phoenix (Please read on!)

At the same time that the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates had landed on Honeycomb Island.

Far away in the Navy Headquarters on the other side of the Red Continent, there are many Marins.

A naval officer hurriedly ran in the majestic headquarters building, and he pushed open the door of the marshal's office with some breathlessness.

"Marshal Kong! In the new world of Beehive Island, there is a conflict between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beast Pirates!"


Marie Gioia.

The Five Old Stars also gathered together because of the war that took place on Beehive Island. Of course, it was not just because of Ian.

"That kid became the trigger after all."

"If those two brats are captured by the Whitebeard Pirates, Kaido will never give up. The war between the Beasts Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates is inevitable."

"Good thing, let them fight. The more lively the fight, the better! They have been expanding in a tacit agreement for too long, and it's time for some internal friction."

Beehive Island, in the skeleton building.

"That kid is also a fantasy beast?"

Wang Zhi stood by the window, looking at the port with his height advantage, "Is it no wonder Kaido attaches so much importance to them and puts the battlefield on my territory? You are a daring brat."

"However, he actually fought Marco without collapsing at the first touch! This brat! Where did that bastard Kaido pick it up from! What kind of luck is this!"

He was a little jealous.

At the port, Macugai jumped from the deck, and his ears were filled with noise.

The pirates landed with cheers and shouts, waiting for an order.

Makugai pulled out the rapier from his waist and shouted loudly, "Attack! Catch them!"


The pirates surged forward like mad dogs.

Not only the pirates under his command, but also the other two pirates from the A·O Pirates and the Octopus Pirates who came together were also sprinting.

A.O., the captain of the A.O. Pirates, is a man with a fat body but slender limbs, and a face like a hippopotamus.

The captain of the Octopus Pirates, Karma, is really an octopus man. He was once a personal trafficker and almost kidnapped Kozuki Toki. Later, after being taught a lesson by Whitebeard, he joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

These two guys were equally excited at this time, waving their blades and leading the pirates under their command to charge.

The advantage in numbers is absolute!

There were only a few hundred crew members on the opposite side, led by a few brats.

And on their side, there was a queue of thousands of pirates!

Isn’t this easy to grasp?

Someone rushed faster than the three captains.


A man dressed as a geisha roared and sprinted forward. He clenched his two guns, and his face was filled with veins like a madman.

Finally, it’s time to take revenge on Lord Oden!

Although they are just two brats from the Beast Pirates!


In the open space at the port, which was still some distance away from the pirates, Babanuki drew his sword and roared angrily.

"Then come on!"

Yamato took a step forward, white hair instantly covered his body, and the wolf god girl appeared!

Jack and Black Maria remained silent, but silently entered their orc forms and stood ready.

At this time, in the sky.

Ian is still fighting with Marco.

"Mysterious truth!"

Ian's body was covered in flames, and the flames spurted backwards. He instantly became like a character in Dragon Ball, with explosive energy flying forward.

"Red Lotus Phoenix Sword!"

The golden flame condensed around Ian's body and turned into a giant sword, a spiral sword!

According to the color, it should be called Golden Lotus Phoenix Sword, but it doesn’t sound very good, so let’s stick with the original version.

The sword was wrapped with domineering energy and was still spinning crazily.

It's not so much a sword as it is a drill!

A drill bit that breaks through the sky!

Marco showed no fear, flapping his wings to speed up and hit with a flying knee.

boom! !

The spiral sword collided with the flying knee, and thunder surged in the clear sky.

The drill bit that broke through the sky was directly smashed by Marco's kick, and Ian himself was knocked back.

The domineering power is a bit too strong, and coupled with the Phoenix Fruit's cheat-like recovery ability, long-range consumption won't be much of an advantage.

Not to mention close combat, if you haven't even awakened to see, hear, and feel, you will definitely get beaten all over your head.

If I had known that I was going to fight this guy, I should have brought some Hailoushi weapons.

Ian looked down again.

The pirates from the three pirate groups under Whitebeard have all landed. At this time, they are charging towards Yamato and others who are waiting for them. The darkness is like the tide.

Finally, it's almost done.

"Then the fun ends here."

Ian's body suddenly expanded.

The next moment, the golden flying dragon spread its wings in the sky.


Marco was suddenly stunned.

The big one is a bit exaggerated.

The wingspan has exceeded fifty meters, and the tail is even longer from head to tail. It is truly a giant.

However, the power of the beast form will indeed be stronger, but this body shape will also be much bulkier. Does this kid think he can defeat himself with strength alone?

"You said that's the end of it? Are you ready to admit defeat? Kid,"

Marco said leisurely, "You are indeed far more powerful than a brat of this age, but you don't think you can defeat me, do you?"

"Not to mention, even from below, we have a complete numerical advantage."

"Are you talking about numerical advantage?"

The golden flying dragon, which looked golden in the sun, sounded like a bell, "Marco, you are called the phoenix. What a coincidence. I also have a move. I also call it the phoenix, the god phoenix."


Marco raised his eyebrows, what's your level? Also called by the same name as me?

“Do the counterfeiters still dare to call themselves gods?”


Shenlong nodded slightly, "Then try to stop the impostor in your mouth."

Ian pointed down with his right hand, "Next, I'm going to burn these guys down there."

The golden flying dragon's body suddenly burst into flames.

The sacred golden body melted into the flames, and the golden flames were dyed bright red.


Marco's eyes suddenly widened.

What a terrifying high temperature! Even from such a distance, he felt the heat rushing towards him.

And, is this elementalization?

This guy completely turned into flames?

Is there such a kind of phantom beast? It makes no sense!

"Now, you can stop me."

Ian flapped his wings and without hesitation crashed into the pirates below.

"You're so disrespectful of people! Boy!"

Marco snorted.

Being so elemental in front of yourself?

Has this kid really never been beaten?

"Crane Claw!"

Without hesitation, Marco used a flying kick that was faster than Ian in beast form, and kicked Ian directly in the back in an instant.

This one blow will end the battle.


"how come!"

Marco's expression suddenly changed.

There was no feeling of hit at all, and he rushed straight into the flames.

The terrifying flames immediately made him feel like he was in hell, and his skin, muscles, and bones seemed to be burned away.

Fortunately, relying on inertia, Marco had already rushed out of Ian's body in the next second. He was already charred and black, and could not see the splendor just now.

Marco had no intention of caring about his injury, even though he didn't need to care, he realized something was wrong.

"Stop it!"

He reached out and tried to grab the firebird's tail, but he couldn't grasp the flames at all.

Marco could only flap his wings and roar downwards.

"Phoenix Seal!"

A fireball mixed with domineering energy and flames crashed down.

However, it still penetrated Ian's body and could not touch him at all.

The Bird of Fire is already very close to the earth.

Can't stop it!

There is no way to stop this guy!

Domination has no effect on him at all!

Marco's eyes were splitting, "Be careful! Everyone be careful!!"

Below, the pirates noticed the terrifying heat falling from the sky.

They couldn't help but stop and look up. What caught their eyes was blazing fire.

The flame bird spread its wings and fell from the sky like a brilliant comet.

boom! !

The golden and red flames suddenly exploded and instantly turned into a tsunami that spread in all directions.

However, the raging flames were immediately restrained by a certain will, forming a huge fireball that only covered the area where the Whitebeard Pirates and others were.

The terrifying temperature made the sea water next to the pier boil.

"Lord Ian!"

Babanuki was so excited that he almost cried.

At the critical moment, it has to be Sir Ian!

The flames gradually dissipated.

This area of ​​the port has completely sunk, turning into a huge crater hundreds of meters wide and several meters deep.

There is flowing lava everywhere in the pit, and it looks like a crater that has calmed down after an eruption.

And in this magma, at this time, corpses were everywhere.

Under the fire bombardment in Ian's Phoenix form, the pirates of the three pirate groups suffered heavy casualties in an instant. Even if they survived by chance, they were still wailing in pain.

This is the advantage of starting bombing on land.

If you are at sea, just jumping into the sea can reduce an unknown amount of damage, not to mention that the Octopus Pirates are a pirate group composed of fishmen.

In the center of the pit, Ian, who had entered the form of an orc and turned into a blazing fireman, raised his head.

He looked at the cyan firebird in the sky and said loudly, "Marco, now the numbers are reversed, what do you say?"

Marco, it's time to start your show.

I deliberately lowered the power of the flames and left some guys behind.

"Pineapple gravel!"

Marco didn't answer, he just flew across the sky, with large swathes of blue flames falling from his flaming wings.

The flames fell on the people wailing in the lava and began to repair their broken bodies.


Ian smiled. Although his smile was not visible at all in this form, he was indeed happy.

Pineapple Gravel is a large-scale treatment move. Although it cannot make the treated person ignore any injuries like Marco who is wrapped in cyan flames, it can still heal them quickly.

But as a price, Marco has to pay a lot of physical strength.

The strategy was a great success!

"You bitch! Look what you've done!!"

A figure with a charred body ejected, roaring almost hysterically, and the slender sword in his hand pierced Ian's chest.

Ian lowered his head and looked at the angry man in front of him.

Lei Qing Makugai.

He was so burnt that he was almost unrecognizable.

"I'm going to blast your teeth out!"

Makugai, nicknamed Lei Qing, swung his rapier wildly, cutting off Ian's neck, tearing Ian's chest, and slicing Ian's waist.


"It's useless."

Ian reached out and grabbed Makugai's neck.

The terrifying high temperature made the man tremble like his heart was torn apart. He wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound. He had no time to think about why he couldn't touch Ian, but Ian could touch him.

"Stop it! Brat!!"

The blue firebird flew down, and there was no trace of the calmness in Marco's words.

"Then give it back to--"

Ian was about to throw the man in his hand to Marco.



The sound of two objects, one light and one heavy, falling to the ground.

Ian lowered his head.

Maku Guy has become Maku) (Guy.

Ian's hand melted his neck.


To be honest, it's disgusting.

It's mainly because I haven't used this form to fight anyone except Mr. Kai for a long time, so I can't estimate the damage I will suffer.


Marco was furious, his whole body was shaking,

"I'm going to kill you!!"

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