Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 56: Furious Wang Zhi! Farewell fireworks (please read on!)

"Thunder gossip!"

Yamato's iron rod, wrapped in white mist and invisible domineering force, suddenly hit a long sword.

The owner of the long sword, A·O, who had a long face like a hippopotamus, staggered backwards.

He was so badly injured that even after being treated by Marco's healing fire, the injury still existed.

And the strength of this girl as his opponent should not be underestimated.

However, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates will not admit defeat like this!


A·O roared and charged at Yamato with a sword.

Facing his charge, Yamato just opened his mouth, "Hyoga without a Samurai!!"

The white bolt instantly hit A·O's body.


The terrifying low temperature suddenly turned A·O into an ice sculpture.

He worked hard to mobilize his domineering energy to resist the spread of ice into his body.

But at this time, Yamato had already ejected.

"Horse Phantom Blade!"

The iron rod packed with more powerful freezing power hit A·O's head. The ice on the surface of the man's body suddenly shattered, his body suddenly spun, and his head hit the ground heavily.

"It's over! The third generation, Yinnaraku!"

Yamato jumped up, spinning the iron rod quickly, and then smashed it down.

boom! !

The earth shattered, ice spread, and A·O was smashed into the depths of the ground.

"Yeah! Get one!"

Yamato cheered and turned his head, "Another one——"

The octopus fishman named Kalma should be said to be much more miserable than A·O.

In the final analysis, A·O's opponent is just Yamato.

But Karma's opponents are Jack, Black Maria, Babanuki, and the other pirates from the Beasts Pirates.

Karma, who was already severely injured, was entangled in the silk of Black Maria, was trampled by Jack the giant elephant, and was shot by Babanuki and the pirates several times. Now he is dead.

"Eh-why is this happening?"

Yamato was disappointed.

"Anyway, Miss Yamato,"

Babanuki said quickly, "Let's board the ship quickly!"

He raised his head and looked at Ian who was fighting with Marco in the sky.

It’s just like a dream!

Lord Ian actually stopped Marco the Phoenix!

Doesn't this mean that Lord Ian is also strong enough to fight Lord Jhin?

Lord Ian, you will always be a god!

"Yes, hurry up."

Black Maria also said, "Ian, it doesn't seem to be good now."

Ian is indeed not very good.


He swung his sword vigorously.

However, Marco dodged down extremely quickly and kicked him away.

The idea of ​​exchanging injuries for physical strength is very feasible.

It's a pity that Marco has changed his style of play.

He realized that even Haki could not completely block Ian's sword. After being hit, the wound and the surrounding body parts would disappear, and even the healing flame would be wiped out. It would take a lot more energy to recover from the injury.

A very scary sword.

So, he started avoiding getting hit.

After seeing the color, it finally started operating at full capacity.

Ian's shortcomings in domineering were once again magnified.

It was exactly the same as what Ian had judged would happen when the two of them fought in close combat.

It was difficult for his sword to hit Marco, but Marco's claws could always hit him easily.

What's even more troublesome is that even if he wants to distance himself, he can't distance himself. Marco's speed is no slower than Ian's.

It's broken. If this continues, I will be consumed to death.

Therefore, Ian had no choice but to completely ignore Marco's attack, use his body to hit it hard, and then wait for an opportunity to counterattack with his sword.

The shortcomings in armament and color are made up for with the sword of destruction; the shortcomings in sight and color are made up for with a strong body.

Although Marco is not known for his strength, he is still a phantom beast. Coupled with his powerful domineering attitude, Ian was beaten all over the head with his constant attacks.

It hurts, it hurts!

Severe pain was felt throughout his body.

As compensation for being beaten, Marco's body was inevitably cut with many wounds by Ian. Ian just didn't know what to do, and his ability to react and seize opportunities was not bad.

Although Ian was beaten badly, Marco's body would be torn out with a huge gap every time he received a sword.

Even if the injury can be recovered, Marco's energy is constantly being depleted.

Not to mention that he was still maintaining Fengli Rui to treat the remaining pirates in the pit below.

So I can still withstand it for the time being.

Ian looked down while he was busy, and saw that Yamato and the others had already begun to board the ship.

This is good.

So, let’s lure Marco a little further.

Ian flapped his wings forward.

"Don't even think about running away!!"

Marco gasped slightly. At this time, he was too lazy to talk to Yamato and the others. This kid was the most dangerous and the most deserving of being dealt with!

He flapped his wings and chased after him, hitting Ian in the chest with his kick and causing him to fall down. However, at the same time, a ravine was created in his chest with a sword.

"Brother Ian!"

On the deck of the Golden Flying Dragon, Runti looked over there worriedly. She quickly said, "Let's go back and help Brother Ian!"

"what are you talking about?"

Yamato looked at her incomprehensively, "That's Ian."


Runti was a little confused.

“Ian’s words will never be a problem.”

Yamato said matter-of-factly, "Babanuchi! Let's sail the boat!"

"Yes! Miss Yamato!"

The ship sets sail.

This way.

Ian fell outside the port like a cannonball, crashing directly through a building and creating a hole dozens of meters in the ground.


He sat up taking in the cold air.

It was so powerful, this big flying kick caused me to break my bones.

In head-to-head confrontation, it's still a bit worse.


A roar came from the side.

Ian was stunned, and a huge shadow suddenly enveloped him.


He was a little confused.

A big snake jumped out from the side, opened its mouth wide and bit directly at Ian on the ground.


No, you haven't finished filming yet?

Snake had just been kicked unconscious by Ian with a big flying kick.

I didn't wake up until now.

As a result, when he woke up, he saw Ian falling to the ground.

The moment he was kicked away, although he could not react to Ian's attack, he could at least see his appearance clearly.

This kid who made himself suffer humiliation must die! !

The anger made him lose his mind. Let him go to hell with the Beast Pirates!

"That's scary, don't do that next time."

Golden fire shot into the sky, and a red sword light flashed away.

The big snake's body stiffened and stopped in place.

The next second, a black line appeared on his stomach, extending from the part touching the ground to the top of his head.


The body of the big snake split in half and bloomed on both sides, like a flowering intestine.

Inside the Skeleton Building.


Wang Zhi suddenly smashed the window sill with his fist, "That brat! How dare he-"

He froze.

In the distance, on Beehive Island, Ian was shot down again, smashing a building into pieces. The next second, Marco chased down, and two figures, one blue and one gold, shuttled through the town, smashing another building. One house brought a natural disaster.

"It hurts like hell, you bastard!!"

Ian fluttered his wings and soared into the sky. Apart from fighting with Teacher Kai, he had never been injured like this before. He took a deep breath and said, "Divine Flame Cannon!!"

The blazing pillar of fire struck diagonally downwards.

Marco turned sharply in the air, easily avoiding the pillar of fire, and then flew up and kicked Ian away. The moment he flew out, Ian also used his strength to backhand his sword, and the tip of the sword drew a shallow line on Marco's face. Shallow ravine.

The pillar of fire that Ian sprayed did not hit Marco, but it hit another target.

Wang Zhi lowered his head in shock. The pillar of fire penetrated the lower end of the Skeleton Building. The huge explosion suddenly shook the whole building, and even started to shake.

"The brilliant flames of the Winged Dragon!"

Several more flames fell in succession, and the entire island suddenly exploded.

"Boss Wang Zhi!"

One of his men burst into the room.

"This bastard brat!!!"

Wang Zhi roared and ejected in the next moment.

Ian flapped his wings and flew high into the sky, his breathing already starting to become a little rough.

After opening the Phoenix, he used the Flame of God's Wrath, followed by continuous injuries, and after a series of fierce battles with masters like Marco, Ian's physical exertion was considerable.

He lowered his head, and the light of the flaming sword in his hand also dimmed.

Even if you use your willpower to turn the flame into an entity and survive it, the energy of the flame is still physical and mental power. The energy is consumed in the constant destruction, and it will come to an end.

But it's okay.


Marco, who was chasing after him, was also panting.

At any rate, Ian was only beaten. Marco, in addition to constantly repairing his own body, was also helping the pirates who were dying to die. The physical exertion may even be more than his own!

Ian raised his lips.

This is my battle plan! Marco!

So the question is, should we start a second round of Phoenix?

If I had the current physical strength to fight for a second long round of Phoenix, it would definitely be the final battle, and either I would die or Marco would die.

But, can Marco be killed?


Unfamiliar sounds exploded in the air.

Ian lowered his head.

A figure jumped into the air.

It was a man in a suit and tie, wearing a top hat and sunglasses.

Who are you?

"Wang Zhi?"

Marco knew the man.

Is this Wang Zhi?

Ian raised an eyebrow.

Whether it's reading comics or traveling to this world, this is the first time I've seen this guy.

"You guys should have had enough trouble!"

Wang Zhi roared, "Now, get out of here!!"

His right fist dragged dark lightning, and then he punched upward.

boom! !

The sky is exploding.

Terrifying impact waves swept across the sky, and holes were blown out of the clouds in the sky.

Both Ian and Marco were blown away by this domineering force, like birds in a hurricane.

So exaggerated and domineering!

Ian tried to stabilize his body and slashed the domineering force coming towards him with a sword.

Much stronger than Marco!

Isn't this the kind of domineering punch used by Garp?

Super arrogant usage.

is for--

Ian looked down.

Flames spread across the island.

Um, you can't blame me, can you? How can you care about anything else when you are fighting against a master like Marco?

At this moment, the flaming sword in his hand finally shattered and turned into little sparks that dissipated.

Ian turned his head.

The Golden Dragon had sailed far away, and only a shadow could be seen.

That was about right.

"I'm so sorry, Boss Wang Zhi, I will compensate you. Please send the bill to Wano Country. Of course, Marco's bill should be sent to Whitebeard."

Ian chuckled, and flames burst out behind him. He instantly chased the Golden Dragon like a meteor.

"Kid, don't even think about running away!!"

Marco certainly couldn't let him leave like that, and immediately flapped his wings to chase him.

Moreover, the troublesome sword of this kid was also broken!

"Asshole kid! Don't even think about running away!"

The angry Wang Zhi also started to chase.


The Moon Step was too slow compared to the speed of Ian and Marco, and he could only watch the two kids go away.


Wang Zhi was furious.

But he couldn't catch up.

Ian soon arrived above the port, then flew to the sea, and Marco followed behind.

Still chasing, it's time to realize that although I can't do anything to you, you can't do anything to me either, right?

Ian was a little distressed, that was really helpless.

Part of his physical strength disappeared instantly, and Ian's body melted into flames again.

Marco, who was chasing, stopped moving almost instantly, and ptsd was.

Can this move be used a second time in a short period of time?

"It's almost here, Marco."

Ian grabbed with his right hand, and a scarlet flaming spear condensed in his hand, and swung it downward with his backhand.

Marco was stunned for a moment.

He lowered his head, and the spear was heading towards the big pit below.

And at the bottom of the big pit, there were still many pirates receiving treatment.

"Enjoy the farewell fireworks, Marco."

Ian laughed with a breath.

Then he went away without looking back.

This time, the Phoenix will not last too long.


Marco's pupils shrank.

Is that spear the same as the sword just now?

After it escaped from Ian's hand, it began to twist!

Without any hesitation, Marco immediately shot downward.

He went down at full speed and finally caught the spear when it was about to fall.


Marco groaned.

His claws began to be destroyed when they touched the spear. Even with the added Haki, the Haki was also destroyed. He could only mobilize the Haki with all his strength while repairing it with the healing blue flame, and make sure that the flame did not touch the spear.

Grabbing the spear with great effort, he was ready to throw it away.


Ian, who had already flown far away in this short time, looked back gently, "Art is explosion."

Boom! !

The red fireball suddenly bloomed in the air, expanding continuously, almost engulfing the pier head below.

Compressing a large amount of flames together and then exploding instantly, not bad.

Really beautiful fireworks.

Ian went straight away.

As for what kind of flame is a phenomenon and how to compress it, why compressed flames will cause explosions, then I can only say that you should not care about the physics of the pirate world.

Anyway, this is my last flame, Marco, take it well.

Genuine 4K, I think I can ask for a monthly ticket

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