Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 58 Ian the Burning Sky! His fame spreads across the world!

The next day, because of the heavy physical exertion yesterday, Ian wanted to have a rare sleep.


"Ian Ian Ian! Get up!"

The door to his room was kicked open by Yamato, and this girl dragged Ian out of bed.

Before the sleepy Ian could figure out what was going on, he heard Yamato shouting in his ear, "Ian! You are in the newspaper!"



Later, the restaurant.

Ian sat on a chair with a newspaper spread out in his hands.

Yamato lay on his back, put his hands around his neck, rested his head on his shoulder, and gestured with the newspaper, "The battle that happened yesterday was in the newspaper so quickly!"

Ian looked at the newspaper. The front page described the battle that took place on Beehive Island yesterday.

It's quite true.

Ian glanced at the newspaper title.

World Economic News.

Is there a time when that guy Morgans doesn't make things up?

Or is it that the news itself is already exciting enough and does not need to be processed at all?

Black Maria stood behind Yamato, covering her mouth with a condescending smile, "Ian, now everyone will know that you were as good as Marco the Phoenix, and you also annihilated three people in front of him. Whitebeard’s pirate group is really going to become famous all over the world.”

"Ian of Burning Sky, that's what the newspapers called you."

Burning the sky? I still have star bugs.

"Because the newspaper said,"

Black Maria smiled and said, "When you turned into a firebird and spread your wings, the sky seemed to be on fire."

Ian nodded, "That's not bad."

As we all know, the nicknames in the pirate world are generally quite plain and simple, such as Straw Hat, Red Hair, Hawkeye, Whitebeard and so on.

Ian of Burning Sky.

Quite different.

"Brother Ian!"

At this time, little Runti ran over and excitedly handed a piece of paper to Ian, "Your wanted notice!"

Is there a wanted order?

So fast?

The navy's work efficiency is also very high.

Ian took the wanted notice, looked at it, and then raised his eyebrows.

There are talented people in the navy. It should have been taken when he and Yamato teamed up to fight against Snake. I didn't notice it at all.

The boy on the wanted poster rolled up his sleeves, his black hair flying in the wind, full of youthful spirit.

What’s more noteworthy, of course, isn’t the photo.

Rather, it is the amount below.


Ian was a little surprised.

"There has never been such an exaggerated amount!"

Babanuki was on the side, and he was countless times more excited than Ian himself, "Sir Ian! No one's first reward has ever reached this level! It's really amazing!"

"Brother Ian is so awesome! The bounty is much higher than dad!"

Ian heard a strange voice. He lowered his head and looked up at his Runti. There was another child looking at him with admiration.

Peggy Wan, her face was still covered with gauze.

"Is it Xiaopei?"

Ian also rubbed the kid's head, "Is the injury healed?"


The little boy clenched his fists excitedly, "I heard from my sister that it was Brother Ian who saved us!"

"It's not just me."

Ian corrected him, "It's all of us."

"Of course it's mainly due to you, Brother Ian!"

Jack was a little dissatisfied with Ian's statement, "Without you, it would be impossible for us to escape from Beehive Island!"

"That's right! It all depends on brother Ian!"

Runti also agreed.

As a result, Peggy Wan looked at Ian with even more admiration.

It looks like I have another little fanboy.

Forget it, it doesn’t matter.


Ian looked at the reward order in his hand again.

The first time the reward was offered, the amount was indeed a bit exaggerated.

Now, are you really going to be famous all over the world?

Back in time.

Navy Headquarters.

"Who could imagine such a thing?"

In the Marshal's Office, Navy Marshal Sora had a heavy expression, "A teenage brat was able to fight to that extent with Phoenix Marco, who has been famous for many years, and even left calmly after destroying three pirate groups."

"That bounty is not exaggerated. The Beast Pirates have another monster, a monster that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Jhin and Quinn! In fact, he will undoubtedly become even more powerful in the future!"

"The key question now is,"

The speaker was a man with an afro sitting in front of the marshal's desk, Admiral of the Navy, Buddha's Sengoku, "The war between the Beast Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates. The latest news is that Whitebeard has begun to move towards Beehive Island." , I’m afraid he won’t let it go this time.”

"Brother Kong, what do the Five Old Stars say? What should we do?"

"Wu Laoxing?"

The navy marshal recalled yesterday when he went to see Wulaoxing.

Those who are called the highest powers in the world said, "Since they want dog to eat dog, let them have fun. As long as they don't destroy the pattern of the new world, there is no need to worry about it."

After listening to Sora's retelling, Sengoku understood, "Then I go there? Keep an eye on them?"


Sora nodded.

What kind of new world does the government want?

Of course, it's like now, with multiple powers standing side by side, fighting each other, and endless chaos.

After the opening of the Great Pirate Age, a large number of powerful pirates will flow into the new world every year. This is the reason why this sea area is given to the pirates, in order to allow the elite pirates to consume each other.

But if someone shows great strength and wants to unify the entire new world, that is not what the government wants to see.

The war between Whitebeard and Kaido can cause both sides to lose, it can end in vain, someone can win miserably, but one side can never win completely.

A certain sea area in the New World.

"Whitebeard and Kaido are going to war?"

The red-haired man sat on the side of the boat, flipping through the newspaper, "Sure enough, is it because of Oden's matter?"

"Are we going to get involved?"

His first officer was sitting on the side of the ship smoking a cigarette.

"forget it,"

The red-haired Shanks shook his head, "Oden is my friend, and I like him very much, but now I am the captain of the red-haired pirates."

After separating from the Roger Pirates, everyone embarked on their own adventure.

Since it is your own choice, you should be responsible for yourself.

He can't bring all his partners to fight for a former friend. That would be irresponsible to these partners who have entrusted everything to him.

The vice-captain, Ben Beckman, nodded lightly, "But that kid named Ian is really exaggerating. He's not even a few years older than Uta, right?"


The red-haired man suddenly became angry and shouted, "What are you talking about, Beck! Of course Uta is the cutest child in the world!"

Who told you this?

From the corner of his eye, Ben Beckman saw a small figure approaching quietly.

It's really yours, Shanks.


The little girl happily rushed towards her father.

"Oh! Are we, Princess Uta, awake?"

The red-haired man laughed.

Champagne Islands, Xia Qi's rip-off bar.

"How long will it take for you to read a newspaper?"

The slim proprietress was wiping wine glasses behind the bar and glanced sideways at the man sitting in front of the bar, reading a newspaper.

"I'm thinking, if Oden had spoken back then,"

The man whose golden hair was already mixed with some silver threads pushed up his glasses and asked, "Would the result be different?"

"If you care so much, just go there."

"Forget it, I'm a retired person, and hasn't Whitebeard already taken action? However, I do care about this kid under Kaido. He reminds me of a person."

"That boy? The reward amount for the first time was terrifyingly high. So, who do you think of?"

"Barrett, Douglas Barrett, I don't know how that bastard is doing in prison."

Somewhere along the Grand Line, inside a large island-like ship, inside an ancient castle.

"It's that bastard! It's that bastard brat!! I will never forgive you!! Just wait! Wait until I bring Oz back to life!!"

Ian of Burning Sky.

This name, this nickname, swept the whole world like a storm.

Everyone knows that a brand new monster has risen in the new world.

"Having a fierce fight with Marco, is this really something a teenage kid can do?"

"The third leader of the Beasts Pirates has finally appeared! Isn't he comparable to Yan Disaster and Plague? Whether it's bounty or strength, he's already fully matched!"

"Then what should he be called? He also uses fire. Should he replace Jhin's name?"

"He is only a teenager! Who knows what his future will be like? Why should Jhin and Quinn be placed alongside him? He must be the heir Kaido cultivated for himself! If Kaido is the big king, then he is the little king !”

The whole world is talking about it.

In any case, the name Ian will never be a stranger from now on.

In a certain sea area of ​​​​the New World, a huge whale-like ship quickly rides the wind and waves.

"Dad, all the pirate groups who have joined are heading towards Honeycomb Island to reunite,"

Foil Bista, who had two moustache, reported to Whitebeard, "Everyone is ready for revenge!"

On the deck of the Moby-Dick, all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates had a mix of sadness and anger on their faces.

The white-bearded man sitting on the chair nodded slightly. He was also holding a newspaper, "Is this the kid? He killed so many of my children and made Marco sob with self-blame on the phone."

On the side, Diamond Jozi, who was holding his arms and sullen, said calmly, "Marco said that there is something wrong with this kid's fruit ability. His defense is impenetrable and his flames are indestructible. I want to see if it is really like this." That’s what Marco said.”

"It doesn't matter what happens,"

Bista said angrily, "Based on what this kid has done, we will definitely not be able to spare him this time! It's just -"

"Only 800 million!"

This is what is written on Ian's reward order.

Ian of Burning Sky.

No matter life or death.

The bounty is 800 million Baileys.

Wano Country, Onigashima.

"Huh? Is that bastard kid's bounty already higher than mine?"

Quinn was furious, "Are you kidding me? Did all the navy grow up eating shit? Are they saying that brat is already stronger than me?"

Quinn's bounty is 780 million Berry.

"This kind of thing doesn't matter."

Beside him, Jin said calmly, "What we are discussing now is the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Of course you don't care, you bastard!"

Quinn was furious, "Your bounty has not been exceeded!"

Jin's bounty is 850 million Baileys, which is temporarily higher than Ian.

"Why does that brat have the right to do that!"

Quinn's defense was broken.

He watched that brat grow up, and he is only thirteen years old this year!

"Hehe! Isn't this great? The brats have finally grown up."

Kaido, who was sitting in the main seat, laughed loudly, "And the time is just right!"

"This time, let's make a big fuss-"

"Bulu Bulu."

When the atmosphere was heated, the Den Den Mushi suddenly rang.


Kaido was slightly stunned and picked up the Den Den Mushi to answer it.

"Mom, mom! Kaido, you kid seems to need a little help."

"Lin Ling?"

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