Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 62: Emergency at the border! Ian's plan

By the time the experiment was over, the top of the ghost island was covered with ice, and the ground was frozen into an ice sheet.

The two finally figured out the capabilities of this new mace.

Simply put, there are two.

The first is the ability to create ice.

The second one is the increased freezing ability.

Both must be activated by absorbing Yamato's physical strength, Haki, and even his own freezing power.

It's similar to Yama, it absorbs and then amplifies it.

Quite awesome.

Ian's domineering power is completely unable to withstand Yamato's freezing power, and he has to rely on the fire of his ability to cope with it.

Although there is no increase in Yamato's domineering and strength, it can be said that Yamato's strength has become a lot stronger just with this enhanced freezing power.

Ian estimated that if he met an opponent of Scuyard's level, Yamato should be able to win relatively easily.

After all, Ian's weapon color is completely unstoppable. How much better can a guy of Scuyard's level have a weapon color that is better than Ian's?

However, Ian still did not let Kozuki Sukiyaki tailor a weapon for him after all.

As for weapons, the higher the rank, the less useful they are.

Bai Hu's Cong Yunqi is certainly a supremely sharp sword, but is it necessarily more powerful than Teacher Kai's less famous Hazai Jie?

Besides, what weapon could be more powerful than his sword of destruction?

The morning after two days.

Ian had just finished breakfast when he was called over by Teacher Kai.

The two uncles Jhin and Quinn are already here.

As soon as he saw Ian coming, Uncle Jin said in a deep voice, "The war has begun."

Ian guessed it was the same.

Back in time.

New world, Bighorn Island.

"...You, what do you want to do!!"

A pirate sat slumped in the port, looking at the man in front of him in fear.

"do what?"

The man, Diamond Jozi, was holding a flag in his hand, a flag of the Beasts Pirates.

He held a torch, lit the flag, and threw it into the air.

The pirate sitting on the ground raised his head blankly, looking up at the flaming flag.

"That's what we're going to do."

Jozi grabbed the pirate and said very coldly, "Go back and tell Kaido that the war has begun!"

After saying that, he exerted force with his right arm and swung it hard, causing the pirate to fly into the sky like a cannonball. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a small black dot and disappeared into the depths of the sky.

The pirate flying in the sky was so frightened that he cried bitterly. How could such power come about?

The corner of his eye scanned the sea below.

A huge whale-like pirate ship stood quietly on the sea outside the island.

Around it, dozens of sea ships have dispersed, spreading in all directions.

Lord Kaido!

The Whitebeard Pirates are coming!

Ghost Island.

Uncle Jin said, "The Whitebeard Pirates and their twenty-three pirate groups broke into the sea area we occupy last night."

"Just now, Bigon Island was attacked. All the pirates stationed on the island were wiped out. The person who took action was Diamond Jozi."

Over the years, with Wano as the center, the Beast Pirates have occupied a rather large sea area, with several kingdoms attached to them, and a bunch of small islands with populations only the size of small towns.

However, not all places are stationed by the Beasts Pirates. Teacher Kaido is only slightly interested in some special islands.

For example, on an island rich in mineral resources, Wano Country is now a huge factory, and factories need raw materials. Although Wano Country is rich in resources, it cannot provide all the materials.

For example, on some islands with a decent economy, the Beast Pirates will provide them with shelter and then charge heavy protection fees.

Bigon Island is a mineral resource point of the Beast Pirates.

"Whitebeard's pirate group has dispersed. It seems that an investigation has been conducted."

Uncle Jin said, "Get ready to attack those key islands."

"Prepare to engage in an all-out war with us!"

Quinn looked excited, "Mhahahaha! Boss Kaido, what should we do? Should we fight?"

"This is what Whitebeard wants to see,"

Jhin said calmly, "He hopes to lure us out of Wano Country."

If the battlefield is in the country of Wano, it would be too detrimental to the Whitebeard Pirates.

"But if we stand still, the losses will be too great!"

Quinn countered.

It doesn't matter how many people Whitebeard kills, but if he destroys the property of the Beast Pirates, the situation will be different.


Kaido looked at Ian, "What do you think? How should we deal with it?"

Ian glanced at Teacher Kai.

Teacher Kai is really a very contradictory person.

On the one hand, he is quite cunning. When he was dealing with Kidd, he knew how to instigate Apu first, and then give Kidd an unexpected surprise, and even tricked Kozuki Oden around.

But on the other hand, he is quite competitive and seeks a fair fight. Twenty years later, he is still bitter about Kozuki Oden's defeat, and he is also extremely angry that his battle with Luffy was disrupted by CP0. .

more important.

This man likes to challenge the navy and other top pirates alone.

In the original work, he was caught eighteen times just for challenging the Yonko and the navy!


No need to guess, you already know the teacher’s decision.

He definitely wanted to fight directly.


"A direct confrontation is undoubtedly fulfilling Whitebeard's wish."

Ian said, "But if we do nothing, we will be looked down upon, and the loss is unacceptable to us."

The Whitebeard Pirates will never take the initiative to attack Wano.

They had the idea of ​​wreaking havoc in the Beasts Pirates' territory and forcing the Beasts Pirates to go out to sea to fight.

If we really want a fair fight overseas, it's really hard to predict the outcome, even if the Beast Pirates have an extra member of their own.

Since we have to fight, of course we can only accept the victory, right?


"Since they are destroying our territory, let's destroy it too."

Ian looked at Jhin, "Uncle Jhin's flying speed is terrifying. Even if Whitebeard's territory is far away from Wano Country, it won't take him long to get there."

"If you want to destroy it, let's do it together."

All tactics change depends on who can't stand it first.

However, there's no need to even guess, Teacher Kai doesn't care about the lives of those under his command at all, but Whitebeard can't.

He will definitely send someone back to support, and because of the long distance, there is a high probability that it will still be Marco. After all, he is the only one who can fly.

If Whitebeard dares to send Marco back for reinforcements, then Ian doesn't think he can come back before Uncle Jhin.

There can be a time lag for Uncle Jhin to come back first, and then start the final battle with the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Mhahahahaha! What a great idea!"

Quinn clapped his hands immediately, "If we suffer losses together, that's acceptable."


Uncle Jin said, "If we don't respond to the frontal battlefield, we will eventually be considered by outsiders as us being timid and not daring to confront the Whitebeard Pirates head-on."

"Didn't they disperse all the pirate groups under their command?"

Ian said easily, "You can definitely start with these guys."

Uncle Jin nodded slightly.

This plan is not bad.


"So, what you are saying is that you want me to endure Whitebeard's provocation, right?"

Teacher Kai said coldly.

Ian twitched the corner of his mouth.

It’s really not wrong at all.

The great teacher Kai really intends to fight directly.

Ian thought for a while, "Teacher Kai, it's not impossible for you to fight Whitebeard."

"However, it would be best if we can help hold Whitebeard in check after both actions have been carried out."

Otherwise, it would be too much fun if Whitebeard suddenly ran out while mopping up the pirate group under Whitebeard's command.

Ian did not forget to tell Teacher Kai, "But Teacher Kai, don't hit him on the head, it's not the time for the final battle yet."

Anyway, Mr. Kai can fly. If he single-handedly challenges the Whitebeard Pirates, as long as he doesn't get on top, he can run away easily.

Of course, in the final analysis, these little tricks can only add a theoretical advantage to the Beast Pirates. If we really want to decide the winner, it still depends on the duel between Teacher Kai and Whitebeard.

If Teacher Kai loses, it's all for nothing.

All the remaining members of the Beast Pirates cannot defeat Whitebeard alone.

Teacher Kai stared deeply at Ian.

"Then let's go with this kid's plan."

So, next, it’s time to take action.

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