Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 64: Powerful Yamato! Fighting on three fronts! (Please read on!!)


The round-headed pirate, Captain Brody under Whitebeard, screamed, "It's Ian from Burning Heaven!"

"Get ready to fight! Everyone, get ready to fight!"

Pablik, who was dressed like a mafia pirate and had just shouted in a funny voice to hand over all the treasures, was suddenly sweating on his forehead, and the palms of his hands that were clenching his guns were already slippery.


A monster that could rival Marco didn't follow Kaido to fight his father, but ended up finding them?

Doesn't this guy have any pride in being a strong man?

He seemed to have forgotten that the monster in front of him, whom he had been afraid of until now, was only thirteen years old this year.

The guy who looked like a walrus rushed directly into the palace from the gate without saying a word, his hand already pressed on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

He was panting heavily, and he didn't know whether it was because of fear or excitement. In short, his eyes were locked on Ian.

Ian looked at the pirates in the palace.

Let him find it easily.

After flying over the sea for more than a day, we finally blocked these guys here.

The guy with a round head and no neck, Brody.

Mafia guy, Pablik.

A walrus-like guy, Eruwan.

Are the three pirate captains working together?

Good news.

There are a total of twenty-three pirate groups under the Whitebeard Pirates - there were originally twenty-six, but three were killed by Ian before.

If each of these pirate groups disperses, it will not be easy to find them all and kill them.

But if these guys work together to fight brotherly war, the workload will be much smaller.

"Hahaha, anyway, just kill these guys, right?"

Yamato jumped in along the hole made by Ian, and drew out the mace with joy.

"Be careful and don't be careless."

Ian warned.

The pirate captains under Whitebeard are all ruthless characters. Almost all have bounties exceeding 100 million. They can be called big pirates.


Yamato responded cheerfully.

At the moment of falling, white hair had grown vigorously from the surface of her body.

Werewolf Yamato, come on!

The mace Ah Jian No. 2 in his hand instantly became crystal clear, dragging a long line of mist down.

"She's Kaido's daughter!"

Pabrak, who was holding two guns, raised the guns as if reflexively, and aimed them at the falling Yamato. His domineering power spread to the two guns, hardening the projectiles in the chambers.


"Freeze it for me!"

The iron rod waved in the air.

The white mist condensed into white waves that crashed down, sweeping across the entire palace in an instant.

Everything was frozen, everything in the palace, pirates, ministers, nobles, and even the king, everything was frozen into ice.

Ian twitched the corner of his mouth.

Yamato, you have to understand one thing first. We are here to rescue, not to commit massacre.

But forget it, this country lacks everything, but there should be no shortage of people who can be kings. Can't even a fool do this job?

At the moment of being frozen, Publik had subconsciously gathered his domineering energy to prevent his body from being frozen. Then, with the help of his domineering energy, he broke the ice that bound him.

The ice on the surface of the body suddenly shattered, but the black shadow fell into the air.

"Jiang Sanshi Yin Nai Luo!"

Caught off guard, Pablik was directly smashed into the ground by Yamato with a stick, and his head turned into a large broken ice lump.

He actually subconsciously used Haki to harden his head, but it was not enough. The moment the pitch-black head collided with the white iron rod, Publik's head was completely frozen.

"Smelly brat!!"

At this time, the round-headed Brody also recovered from the ice. Seeing his companions being killed, he was so angry that he couldn't help himself.

He was obviously quite short and stocky, but at this moment he showed agility like a cat.

And the weapons he used were indeed like cats, two knives, each with two sickle-like blades, like the claws of some animal.

"Go to hell!"

Brody waved his claws.


Yamato smiled happily, and used his two slender arms to exert force, "Jundali·Long Shengjun!!"

The white iron rod turned into a storm in an instant.

Iron rods and claws began to collide.

However, at the moment of the collision, Brody's arms were suddenly covered with a layer of ice. Before he could break the ice, the second collision came and the ice was instantly reinforced again.

His expression suddenly changed.

But there was no time to do anything. After several collisions, his arms were wrapped in thick ice, which he could not break open with his domineering force!

He could only watch helplessly as the storm-like iron rods continued to bombard him.

In the end, Brody was blown away.

The body is completely white, with many imperfections.

Ian nodded slightly.

The new equipment is really awesome.

The strength of these two pirate captains is pretty good, probably not much better than that of Scuyard.

But when facing Yamato at this time, they were almost always crushed.

Yamato also smiled, turned around, and there was still the last one left——


The walrus-like Eruwan jumped up, roared and slashed at Ian outside the palace with his sword, "Pay for their lives for Izo and the others!!"

Eruwan is not an ordinary pirate captain. He was once a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. Later, with Whitebeard's permission, he left the group and established his own pirate group!

He and Yi Zang used to have a very good relationship. To him, that man was his family!

And this family member died in front of this kid in front of them!

So, no need to say more about revenge!

Ian just stretched out his hand, easily passed through the castle wall, and grabbed the guy's body.


Eruwan howled in pain.

His body was as fragile as porcelain in Ian's hands, and just a little bit of force made all the bones in his body tremble.

"Yamato, here you go."

Ian casually threw the guy towards Yamato.

"Thunder gossip!"

Yamato jumped up, swung the crystal iron rod in the air, and immediately blasted Eruwan away like a baseball, crashing directly through the castle and flying into the sky, scattering a lot of crystals along the way.

Ian turned his head and looked at the pirate flying into the sky.

In this case, there are only twenty left.

This is too much.

I hope Uncle Jin will take action soon.

In this case, the final battle can start earlier and I will be less busy.

At the same time, the second half of the new world.

On a certain island where the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates is flying.

A dark figure suddenly fluttered its wings and came over.

Jhin looked down at the town below, his eyes cold and indifferent.

His right hand was pointed downwards, "Fire Dragon Emperor."

The huge flame dragon surged out from the hand and began to expand as it fell downwards. In an instant, it turned into a huge flame dragon hundreds of meters long!

When the flame dragon fell to the ground, it caused a huge explosion, and the flames rose up like a reverse waterfall.

And in the expanding flames, the flame dragon has not dissipated. It continues to roll forward until the entire town is engulfed in flames.

Seeing that the town was in ruins, Jhin spread his wings and left again without hesitation. The workload ahead was still very heavy.

Soon after.

Moby Dick.

"Dad, it's not good!"

Foil Bista rushed to the deck in panic, "Jhin! That guy Jhin ran to the rear! He is wreaking havoc on our territory!"

"The three towns on Barkley Island have been destroyed, and Strawberry Island was also attacked just now! Everything that bastard passed by turned into a sea of ​​fire! Looking at his route of action, I'm afraid the Sphinx will also Under attack!"

Sphinx, that’s dad’s hometown!

Whitebeard's face instantly turned gloomy.

The pirates on the deck were already excited.

"Is that guy Kaido so mean?"

Some people are outraged.

"The fight between pirates is despicable! We didn't think of this. Damn it, did that guy Kaido change his style? If it had been before, the Beasts Pirates would have already fought!"

Some people are confused.

"Dad, what should we do now?"

Diamond Jozi asked the frowning Whitebeard in a deep voice, "We must not sit idly by and ignore Jhin's actions."

"But now the Beast Pirates' frontal counterattack has begun,"

The captain of the Fourth Squadron, Sachi, looked solemn, "That bastard kid has already started taking action."


Only then did Bista realize that he seemed to have missed something while answering the phone.

"That brat killed Eppoita and the others not long ago,"

Sachi spoke in a low tone, "It was the news sent back by the pirates under Aiboita desperately. We immediately contacted everyone. Except for Aipoita and the others, Eruwan and the others could not be contacted. Probably... "

Bista suddenly felt a rush of blood rushing to his brain, and he couldn't help but clenched his fists, "That kid! How dare you do it!!"

Did you lose five pirate groups in a short period of time?


Bista looked at Whitebeard.


Whitebeard spoke.


Marco, who was sitting on the side of the boat, raised his head and asked, "Do you want me to go back?"

"Only you kid can make it."

Whitebeard said, "I lent them the flag and promised to protect them. They also called me daddy. Now that they are in danger, of course I can't just sit idly by."

"I see,"

Marco nodded slightly and said seriously, "I will defeat that guy Jhin and come back as quickly as possible."

"Ku la la la la! Of course you can do it, you are my proud son!"

Whitebeard laughed.


He looked at the other children on the deck, "Don't that kid like to go out alone? Then, let's give him a surprise."

Whitebeard is going to catch the kid himself.

After all, even Marco couldn't take down that kid, so it would be useless to send other cadres there.

Even if several people are sent over at the same time, it is difficult to say that they will be able to catch the bastard who can fly.



Whitebeard suddenly raised his head.

In the sky, the flow of clouds suddenly accelerated.

"Uh-huh-huh! Newgate, it's been so many years since I last saw you!!"

In the dense clouds, a huge monster poked its head out and looked down at the ships below.


Vista's eyes widened.

No way?

He actually came to us at this time?

Aren't they taking the initiative now?

As long as they get rid of him here, won't everything be over?

Lord Kai, you are really a brave man!

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