Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 80 Undercover Rocinante! Doflamingo's plan

In the castle of the Don Quixote family.

A banquet to welcome Ian and others is already in progress.

At the same time, inside a certain toilet.

A man named Don Quixote Rosinanti is holding a telephone bug and talking to someone.

"Mr. Sengoku, Ian and Doflamingo had a brief battle, but the two soon stopped and made peace. Now Doflamingo is hosting a banquet for Ian."

"It's unimaginable that Doflamingo, who was born with no idea of ​​awe and was self-absorbed and unscrupulous, would swallow his anger in front of Ian. He was obviously beaten all over by Ian, but he still had fun getting along with Ian. "

If the Don Quixote family saw this scene, they would probably be shocked and confused.

Isn't this guy Rosinandy a mute?

"That's Ian of Fentian, a disciple of Kaido. That guy Doflamingo knows that when he encounters someone stronger and more cruel than him, what he should do is to protect himself wisely."

A man's thick voice came from the other end of the phone, "However, if Doflamingo and the Beast Pirates are really put on the line, Doflamingo will become even crazier."

"Mr. Warring States, do you want to seize this opportunity?"

Rosinandi said seriously, "Kill Doflamingo and Ian in one fell swoop?"

"It's not that simple,"

Who knows, Sengoku immediately rejected his proposal, "Capturing Ian is not a difficult task, but if we really want to capture Kaido's disciples and daughter, the Beast Pirates will go crazy."

"That guy is different from Whitebeard. He has no lower limit. By then, I don't know how many people will die from his anger."

"I have to discuss this with the higher ups."

Rosinandi frowned.


What if Kaido goes to a franchised country to wreak havoc wantonly? That guy can definitely do this.

"As for Doflamingo, Xiao He has already gone over to deal with what you said he did a few days ago. Please be careful."


After hanging up the phone, Rosinandi put away the phone bug, sat on the toilet, and calmly lit a cigarette.


He suddenly screamed. It turned out that the lighter was too high and his hair was accidentally set on fire.

But the strange thing is that even though he yelled so much in the toilet, no sound was transmitted.

After sorting himself out a little, Rosinandi walked out of the toilet and went to the banquet hall.

Even before the door was opened, the bustle and bustle inside could already be clearly heard.

Rocinante opened the door.

The top leaders of the Don Quixote family and everyone from the Beast Pirates were sitting around an exaggeratedly long table, currently feasting.

"Rosinandee, you boy,"

Doflamingo, who was sitting on the main seat and having a drink with Ian, looked at his younger brother with some dissatisfaction, "When I went to the toilet, I thought you fell in."

With distinguished guests present, he, as a younger brother, could still stay away from the table for so long.

Rosinandi showed a wry smile and raised his finger to point to the burnt hair on his head.

"Haaaaaaaaaa! You kid should be careful sometimes!"

Doflamingo laughed.

His younger brother was always very reckless.

Ian also looked at this man with interest.

Don Quixote Rossinande.

Unlike Doflamingo, who was born a bad boy, this boy inherited the kindness of his parents.

He was an undercover agent placed by General Sengoku in the Don Quixote family, but in the original work, he was deceived by the navy for Luo Lian.

Overall, a good guy.

Rosinandi felt a little numb from Ian's burning eyes.

If he hadn't been 100% sure that he had never seen this young man in his life, Rosinandi would have even doubted whether this guy had guessed his identity as an undercover agent.

"Leave him,"

Doflamingo also noticed Ian's gaze, he smiled and said, "This kid has a bad mind."

I happen to be good at communicating with people who are mentally ill.

"Is it?"

Ian just chuckled.

"Next, Ian, let me show you how I can help you sell weapons."

Doflamingo decisively changed the topic from his stupid brother to business.


Ian raised his eyebrows, "I'd like to hear the details."

"Bah-bah-bah, Umit,"

Doflamingo turned to look at Umit, who was sitting on the other side of him, "Tell me, when is the best time to buy weapons?"

Umit was holding a huge piece of meat and tearing it into pieces. His rude look was like a brown bear snatching food. The brown bear grinned, "Of course it's a war!"

Indeed, few participants in the war are not short of weapons.


Doflamingo asked again, "What if there is no war?"

"Isn't it easier?"

Wumit said matter-of-factly, "Then just start a war!"

"Bah! That's right! That's it!"

Doflamingo laughed loudly, slapping his hands on the table and laughing, "Is there anything simpler in the world than provoking a war? Human beings are the best at killing creatures of their own kind!"

Drake, who was engrossed in eating, almost choked on his food. The muscles on his face stiffened instantly. He raised his head in disbelief and looked at Doflamingo in shock.

Start a war?

Just to sell weapons, start a war?

How crazy these guys are!

However, there was nothing he could do.

I could only eat in silence.

"Oh, that sounds good."

Ian nodded slightly.

It's not something that should be shocking.

Rather, this is how weapons should be sold.

Isn’t that what those arms giants in previous lives did?

Ian looked at Doflamingo, "So Dove, when are you going to start showing me?"

"In fact, just a few days ago, in a nearby country, the war had begun,"

Doflamingo chuckled, "Tomorrow we can go to the battlefield and have a look."

Rocinante pursed her lips.

This is what Mr. Sengoku said before.

Doflamingo spent a little effort to start a war in a nearby country.

It is foreseeable that as the cooperation with the Beast Pirates continues, there will only be more such things.

We are still in non-franchised countries now, but what about the future?

Therefore, he must be stopped!


Ian curled his lips and said, "Since we have to seize the time, we might as well go now."


Doflamingo was a little confused and couldn't figure out why Ian was so anxious.

Little did he know that Ian was worried about him.

This guy Rosinandi has probably reported this matter to the Navy a long time ago, and maybe the Navy has already started taking action.

Ian really hates trouble, so he should get it done and go back early.

"If you think so, then of course it's fine with me."

Doflamingo nodded.

So, after this lively banquet, Ian and his party boarded the Don Quixote family's ship and sailed overseas.

After sailing for half a day, around dusk, an island appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

There is a city on the coast.

Even from a long distance, one can clearly see the continuous explosions in the city. The flickering firelight is accompanied by thick black smoke. From a distance, it is a scene of doomsday.

"Actually, it's really not a difficult thing,"

Doflamingo laughed loudly, "There are as many careerists as there are in the world. Why can you become the king, while I can only be stepped on by you?"

"Many times, all it takes is a push, and the usually suppressed emotions can completely burst out!"

"I found a powerful general in this country, and easily convinced him that I would help him seize the country, and then let him launch a rebellion."

Ian nodded slightly.

"So, will you help him seize this country?"

"Bah! If he gets this country, how can the war continue?"

Doflamingo chuckled, "If the war cannot continue, then who should we sell our weapons to?"


Ian commented.

This is not genius. What is genius?

Also understand sustainable development.

"Next, let's go to the island and have a look."

Doflamingo said, "At least I have to prove that this war really just started a few days ago, and it was indeed me who was pushing it."

He wanted to prove that he didn't just find a country where there was a war to fool Ian.

He wants to prove that he has the ability to easily provoke a civil war in a country!


Ian readily agreed.

I haven’t seen what ordinary war looks like.

"It seems interesting."

Yamato also said.

Anyway, logged in at the same moment.

It's just that neither Ian nor Doflamingo knew that at the same moment they landed, several warships were rapidly breaking through the water in another area of ​​​​the sea not too far away from the island.

On the bow of the ship, an energetic old lady had her hands folded across her chest. She was wearing a blue shirt and a navy justice coat. She looked quite sassy and was meditating silently.

"That bastard Doflamingo actually got in touch with the Beast Pirates!"

Standing next to the old lady was another female navy with long black hair, a red sleeveless top and ultra-short denim shorts, which perfectly outlined her hot figure.

The woman also wore a coat of justice and wore a long knife on her waist. She put her fair hands on her slender waist and said angrily, "This time, let's take the opportunity to catch them all! Doflamingo too , Fen Tian’s Ian, you bastard should send them all to Impel Down City!”

The old lady, the chief staff officer of the Navy Headquarters, Lieutenant General Tsuru said calmly, "It's not that simple, Gion."

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