Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 89 Retreat! The Peach Rabbit in Pursuit

Lieutenant General He fell down like a cannonball and crashed directly into the deck of the warship below.

The entire warship was shaking violently. If the quality of the naval warship was not strong enough, then the Vice Admiral might have directly crashed through the entire warship and been smashed into the sea.

Ian had regained his composure and chuckled.

I admit that your cleansing fruit is very powerful, but if I am not affected, how should you deal with it?

Now that the information has been leaked, it is not that easy to hit an opponent of this level with destructive flames under normal circumstances.

But, you are too confident in your abilities, Grandma He.

What did Teacher Zefa say?

Crane, you rely too much on your own abilities!

Ian shook his fist.

Of course, it is really amazing and domineering.

A stronger armed color than Marco.

One punch, even with the destructive flames, could not completely penetrate the domineering power of Grandma He's defense.

But it cannot be said that it has no effect.

Most of the domineering energy was penetrated, which meant that Lieutenant General He almost used his physical body to receive Ian's hot but violent punch.

It shouldn't feel too good.

"Sister He!"

Gion, who was fighting Yamato and others, noticed this scene and couldn't help but exclaimed.

How can it be?

Sister He was actually shot down by that brat?

"Thunder gossip!"

The moment she was distracted, Yamato's attack came in an instant, hitting the side of Gion's face, just like hitting a baseball, and directly blew the future star of the navy away.

"Why are you distracted?"

Yamato was still very dissatisfied, "Fight me properly!"

Gion flew through the air like a cannonball, flying almost a hundred meters before turning over and landing. She put her hand on her face, which was covered with a piece of solid ice.

This stinky girl's frozen power is probably even more powerful than that of Kuzan-senpai when she was a child!

Dominance surges.

With a click, the ice shattered, but my face still felt numb.

I don’t know whether he was beaten or frozen.

Major General Gion calmed his mind.

Wenwense can feel Sister He's aura, she is fine.

No need to worry too much.

Just concentrate on the battle in front of you.

However, this time.

“It’s so awesome!!”

Torebol shook his nose in surprise, "That's Lieutenant General He!"

Lieutenant General He, who has chased them several times and has no way to go to the sky or the ground!

Was he shot down so easily?

Burning Sky's Ian, what kind of monster is this boy?

"Bah! Don't be stunned! Keep fighting!"

Doflamingo laughed loudly.

Ian is like this, but Kaido is much stronger!

With allies like the Beast Pirates, he can do whatever he wants with his business!

Ian flapped his wings and flew in the sky, scattering a burst of flames, and some of them got off the warship and went down to support the navy in Gion.

He turned around and saw that the Germa Kingdom was leaving very quickly. In just a short time, a large distance had already been opened.

Well, the warship shouldn't be able to catch up, right?

That seems to be almost done.

Ian lowered his head.

On the deck of the warship below, Lieutenant General He was holding his stomach, his face a little pale, and he looked at him in surprise.

how come?

How could the ability not work?

Lieutenant General He was puzzled.

This guy's domineering strength shouldn't be enough to ignore her abilities.

Also, the power of this punch is really exaggerated.

It felt like his intestines were about to be broken, and his skin and muscles were scorched black by the high temperature.

Such exaggerated power, such hot flames!

Red flame? It is indeed as powerful as the rumors!

"Yamato! Dover!"

Ian shouted at the top of his lungs, "Retreat."


Yamato raised his head reluctantly, "It's just begun!"

"That's enough."

Ian said, "There will be many opportunities in the future."

"Yeah, yeah, just listen to Ian,"

Doflamingo smiled and said, "There is indeed no need to continue fighting with them."

"Don't even think about it!"

Gion shouted angrily.

Fight whenever you want, run away whenever you want, what do you think of their navy?

Moreover, the hesitation in her chest has not dissipated yet.

She will continue to fight!

"It's not up to you."

Doflamingo chuckled and pointed at the sky.

"Gion!! Back away!!"

Lieutenant General He shouted from behind.

Gion looked up.

In the sky, the flaming phoenix has spread its wings.

Gion's pupils shrank and he subconsciously stepped back.

Ian's move is no longer mysterious.

A conclusion has been reached within the Navy.

Since almost all attacks are ineffective when in the flame state, keep distance from him.

Anyway, this move is time-limited.

You must not fight him at this time.

But this is exactly what Ian wanted.


Ian looked at Gion who took the initiative to push away, and then said, "I will take the lead and go after Gaji."


Yamato puffed his cheeks unhappily.

Then he turned around and ran towards the direction where the Germa Kingdom left.

Where she ran, the sea froze and opened a wide road.

"Ian, you have to be careful too."

Black Maria warned Ian.

Jack, on the other hand, followed Yamato directly.

Just kidding, does Brother Ian still need to worry?

He is invincible!

"Follow him."

Doflamingo also gave the order, and then he looked up at Ian and said, "Then it's up to you, Ian."

"Easy as hell."

Ian said.


The Don Quixote family also quickly pursues Germa.

After they were all gone, Ian no longer suppressed his own temperature.

A white mist instantly appeared on the sea surface, accompanied by the sound of evaporating water, and the icy road melted instantly.

So hot!

Gion used Moon Step to fly into the sky. She gritted her teeth and looked at Ian who was flapping his wings across the sky.

How terrifying is this guy's flame?

He hasn't even used the red flame yet.

"Don't worry,"

Ian said calmly, "I will leave if I stay for a while."

Gion felt a string in his head tighten.

This bastard kid didn't take them seriously at all!

Lieutenant General He observed Ian carefully.


But it is a very special elemental form, and even the domineering energy cannot touch him.

If you want to defeat him in this state, you may have to rely on some special abilities.

However, Lieutenant General He was also very concerned about the moment when the ability did not work.

Ian looked back and saw that Yamato and the others had run away.

"Then it's time for me to leave,"

Ian said goodbye to the marines. He spread his wings and turned around, leaving behind a sentence, "Justice? Haha."

How ridiculous.

He could not detect that Lieutenant General He had no intention of going all out.

There is a wonderful tacit understanding between the navy and pirates.


Gion seemed to hear a bang.

The string in her mind was immediately broken.

"Asshole! Stop!"

Gion roared and pushed through the air.


General He Zhongjing Mubo's face finally changed color at this time, "Come back!"

Oops, what I heard today made Gion completely lose control of his emotions.

And that's exactly what happened.

Gion has never been an irritable person.

But at this moment, she felt that if she couldn't defeat this kid, it would prove that what he said was true.

That proves that the Navy is really not as righteous as she thought!

Ian flapped his wings forward and heard the roar from behind.

No, are you really pursuing me?

Ian was too lazy to pay attention to her and just flew forward on his own.

It was just a series of flying slashes coming from behind. Although it could not hurt Ian in the phoenix state, it was still annoying enough.

Moreover, if this guy is allowed to continue chasing, he will catch up with Yamato and the others.

"You are really ignorant."

Ian finally stopped and turned around, "I've deliberately let you go."

"A mere pirate! How dare you speak so brazenly!"

Although angry, Gion did not forget the precautions for fighting Ian, and she did not get too close.


This is in heaven. How can you be as fast as me when you can only rely on moon steps?

Ian turned into a burning man, his wings vibrated, and flames spurted out from behind, and he streaked towards Gion like a shooting star.

So fast!

While retreating, Gion swung his sword and released a flying slash to attack Ian.

However, such an attack will naturally not be of any use.

"Then let's compete with swords."

Ian flew over and drew out a scarlet sword.

Gion's pupils tightened.


A weapon made of red flames!

But there is nowhere to hide!


Behind him, Sister He was approaching.

Just hold this guy back!

Just delay his transformation time!

Gion's eyes were solemn, and Haki used all his strength to strengthen the beloved sword in his hand.

She swung her knife in the air.

when! !

The scarlet sword and the pitch-black blade collided.

As the dark lightning jumped, Gion felt an astonishing heat.



Gion cheered in his heart.

Sure enough, as long as you are domineering enough, you can block his red flames!

Ian didn't care, and just slashed hard with his sword.

Gion calmed down and blocked with his sword.

This guy's swordsmanship is really not worth mentioning, he just swings the sword with strength and speed.

If he hadn't been in a state where he couldn't be attacked at this time, then he could have penetrated his chest with one sword——

Gion suddenly felt his hand light up.


From the corner of her eye, she saw half of the blade of her beloved sword, Jinpira, flying in the air and then disintegrating.

“The quality of the knife is very good!”

Ian laughed, "You can actually block three of my swords!"

Don't get me wrong, Gion is no more domineering than Marco.

It's just that the quality of her saber is really good.

It was only the third sword that completely destroyed it.


The scarlet sword blade stabbed the woman's abdomen.

Gion reacted quickly and tried his best to defend with Haki.

So much so that the sword of destruction only penetrated the tip of the sword.

But enough is enough.


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