Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 91 A deal with the government! Artificial Blue Dragon Fruit


The darkness recedes.

Gion slowly opened his eyes.


The first reaction is pain.

My head hurts and my stomach hurts.

It broke our hearts.


Losing so easily.

There was absolutely no way to fight back in front of that guy.

However, he is not dead?

Gion struggled to sit up, but found that he couldn't.

Thick chains bound her layer by layer, tying her up into a rice dumpling.

Gion tried to use his strength to break free of the chains.

Although she is not good at strength, the power she can unleash cannot be resisted by mere steel.

Again, how can mere steel compare to a body that has been tempered for thousands of years?

However, this is obviously not a simple chain.

Even though Gion felt a tearing pain in his stomach, even though all the muscles in his body were trembling, there was still nothing he could do with these chains.

"Stop struggling. These chains are made of father's special alloy and cannot be broken with brute force."

At this time, a little girl with pink hair walked in. The little girl looked at Gion calmly, "The injury on your stomach cannot be repaired by simple suturing. Father used some artificial tissues and organs to fill it. You If you continue to struggle, these tissues will fall off."

Gion finally realized that his actions were in vain and stopped, "Who are you?"

"Reiju, Vinsmoke Reiju."

The little girl carried Gion up, "Father said, if you wake up, I will take you to see Mr. Ian."

How strong is this girl?

Gion was slightly surprised.



Was he really captured by him?

Sister He, I seem to be causing trouble for you.

Reiju carried Gion through the complex complex of buildings in the Germa Kingdom, and soon came to a wide terrace.

Ian, the others and the cadres of the Don Quixote family are having a barbecue here.

The weak Gion looked up at the sun.

The sun is heading west, is it the afternoon of the next day?

"are you awake?"

Ian, who was grilling a big meat skewer, didn't even raise his head, "Remember to say thank you to Gaji, a doctor with an average injury can't handle it."

After being hit by the sword of destruction, the flesh on Gion's stomach was directly wiped away, along with part of the intestines in his body.

"I'm not in the habit of saying thank you to sinners."

Gion sneered.


Gaji sneered.

If it's to revive the family, then it doesn't matter if you become a sinner.

Next to Ian, Sanji, who was grilling meat, couldn't help but look up at Gion.

Such a ungrateful person.

It was obviously her father who saved her.


Derek snorted.

He has completely gone dark.

I no longer have any faith in the navy and their justice.

"You woke up at just the right time."

Ian picked up the meat skewers in his hand.

The roasted ones are already fragrant.

What, my cooking skills are also pretty good.

Ian handed the meat skewer to the salivating Yamato with his backhand.

After wiping his hands, Ian looked at Gion, "I'm about to contact the World Government and discuss with them what exchange you can have with them."


Gion was stunned, "You want to trade me with the government?"

"So you should thank me too."

Ian slowly took out a phone bug and said, "I'll spare you again."

The first time was yesterday when I was about to leave, but Gion caught up with me on my own.

As for Gion, let alone thank you, the only emotion in his heart at this time was shame.

Will the government have to pay more for her?


Gion suddenly realized something, "You mean the government?"

How did this guy get connected with the World Government?

She was a little confused as she watched Ian dial the phone skillfully.

"Bulu bulu bulu."

The phone bug started chirping.

"Everyone be quiet."

Ian said.

Soon, the other party connected.

"Your Majesty Ian?"

A man's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"How's it going, old friend, what do you say?"

Ian said, "What price are you willing to pay to have Major General Gion go back?"

"Are you so audacious that you dared to kidnap the Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and now you even want to use her to make a deal with the government?"


Gion's eyes widened.

Is this guy an old acquaintance with someone from the government?

"Don't say that, goat,"

Ian said leisurely, "You can't blame me. I was already ready to leave, but that Major General Gion insists on catching up. What can I do?"

"How could this happen if you didn't go to Doflamingo?"

The goat on the other end of the phone was the little CP0 leader who went to Wano to talk to Ian about the sea floor stone trade. He had been doing business with Ian over the years, and the two were old acquaintances.

"So much for the nonsense, Goat,"

Ian looked at Gion and smiled, "Just tell me directly what you are willing to pay for Major General Gion. We and your World Government have been doing business with each other for so many years, and there is no need to test each other."

Gion couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Doing business with, the government?

Derek even sneered.

This is the world government, this is the world government that the navy is loyal to!

There was silence for a moment, "What do you want?"

Look, Major General Gion, at least the world government still values ​​you.

Ian smiled at Gion again, and then said, "Then I will tell you my request. First, Gaji is a very good person, and he has not done anything to disgrace the World Government, so don't hold him accountable. Responsibility."


Gaji on the side was so moved that he almost cried.


This is a good brother!

"Hmph, it seems you have reached a deal. This is not a problem, is that it?"

"Of course not possible."

Ian said.

To be honest, this request doesn't make much sense.

Even if the government retains the status of a franchising country of the Germa Kingdom, this is only superficial. Once the opportunity arises, the government will not let Gaji go.

"What else do you want?"

asked the goat.

Yes, do you have any other requirements?

The government will not give anything that is too important or precious.

I am not interested in things that are not important.

Ian thought for a long time and finally came up with something useful.

Maybe, it will be quite useful.

"Give me ten large warships."

Ian the lion opened his mouth.

"Are you kidding? Ten warships?"

Undoubtedly, words of rejection immediately came from the other side, "Who do you think you caught? Is it the general who will take over?"

What is the concept of ten large warships?

The Demon Slaying Order has this configuration.

In terms of firepower alone, ten large naval warships are enough to easily destroy a small island in a short time.

The only ones in the entire Beast Pirates that can rival large battleships in terms of scale are Ian's Golden Flying Dragon, plus the ships of Teacher Kai, Uncle Jhin, and Uncle Quinn.

"Three ships!"

The goat said, "We can accept this amount."

"Three ships? Eight ships." Ian counter-offered.

"No way, Ian, you have no sincerity at all!"

"Sincerity? I only know that this woman is the future star of the navy, maybe the future admiral of the navy!"

"...Four ships."

"Seven ships! This is my bottom line."

"Five ships!"

The goat gritted his teeth, "This is our bottom line! If you are still not satisfied, the deal ends here."

"Tsk, how stingy."

Ian snorted, "Well, it seems it's all for the sake of old friends, five ships is five."


The other side breathed a sigh of relief, "When will the transaction be made?"

"Don't worry,"

Ian smiled and said, "The price was cut in half for me, so at least allow me to make an additional request."

"Ian! Don't push yourself too far!" The goat's voice suddenly became loud.

"Don't worry, it's not a great thing. It can even be said to be worthless."

Ian's tone became heavy, even angry, "When Mr. Kai was caught by the government, you extracted his blood factor, and then Vegapunk made a Devil Fruit based on it, right? You are really brave enough. of!"


The goat on the other end of the phone was stunned.

He had never heard of such a thing.

"But the research on that fruit failed, so Vegapunk sealed it away. It is of no use to you, so give it to me. The existence of that fruit is for the Beasts Pirates. Insult, an insult to my most respected teacher!”

"Wait, I need to confirm first."

The goat hung up the phone in a hurry.

On the other end of the phone, Marie Joa's face was blank.


How does that guy Ian know what Vegapunk did?

Vegapunk's research is classified even within the government! !

Things are getting serious!

Ian's side.

Of course warships and everything else are just a cover.

The real highlight is the artificial blue dragon fruit.

Ian felt that the most suitable one should be that fruit.

The government thought it was a failure, and Vegapunk also thought it was a failure and didn't pay much attention to it.

The chances of getting it are pretty high.

Although I don’t know who should use it yet, it’s not a bad thing to get it first, right?

While waiting for the goat to respond.

Gion supported his sick body and asked Ian in disbelief, "What's going on?"

This guy has a deal with people from the World Government?

Ian shrugged, "I told you that the navy is justice and pirates are evil?"

Gion was speechless.

Punk Hassad, Naval Scientific Corps Research Base.

Managers at a certain base received a call from their superiors.

"Yes, the doctor did use Kaido's blood factor to make a fruit, but it was a failure. After making it, the doctor just threw it into the storage room without even looking at it."

"Confirmed, of course it is confirmed! It is indeed a failure!"

"What? Find that fruit? Does anyone want it? Want a failed artificial devil fruit?"

"What do you mean by internal rectification? You said there are pirate spies in the base? How is this possible?"

Let’s not mention Punk Hassad’s side for now.

Ian quickly received a call back from the goat.

"We agreed to your request, where will the transaction be conducted?"

"Let's go to the new world. I will return to the new world soon."

Ian raised his lips.


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