Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 93 Do you want to freeze the sun? (4K please subscribe!)

Ian stood on the bow of the Golden Flying Dragon, and the island in the distance was clearly visible.

"Hey, it looks like this business is not going well."

Doflamingo stood beside him, holding a telescope in his hand and looking at the island in the distance, "There is an incredible guy here in person!"

"It can't be Iron Fist Garp."

Ian squinted his eyes, but the distance was too far and he couldn't see clearly.

"It's not Garp, but..."

Doflamingo handed the telescope to Ian, "He is his disciple."

Garp's disciple?

Ian picked up the telescope and took a look.

What comes into view is a fluffy mushroom head, which looks a bit obscene in shape.

Wearing an eye patch on his forehead, wearing a long black coat lined with a blue T-shirt and white trousers, he was looking over here with dead fish eyes.

Ian put down the telescope and said, "His, what an exaggerated sight."

"That's Kuzan."

Doflamingo said with a smile.

Everyone knows that the current Marshal Cyborg Kong is a bit too old, and it was only in the past few years that he was promoted and left the Navy.

When he is promoted, the current general Sengoku will undoubtedly become the new marshal.

The position of general will be filled by those three people.

Porusalino, Sakaski, Kuzan.

The most famous monster in the Navy Headquarters in recent years is also commonly known as the admiral's replacement.


Ian shouted.

"Lord Ian!"

Babanuki hurried over.

"Take me and take you over to receive the warship,"

Ian turned around and gave the order, "As for the others, get on Dover's ship first and don't get any closer. It's better to return home first."


The white-haired girl looked at him eagerly.

Ian raised his right hand, and tapped the girl's forehead with his index and middle fingers, "Forgive me, Yamato, next time."

"Don't treat me like a child!"

So of course the white-haired girl shouted.

But forgive me, Yamato.

That's Kuzan.

A monster in the true sense of the word.

No matter how cautious you are, big trouble can happen if you are not careful.

If I could, I would just turn around and leave.

So, at Ian's insistence, the others boarded the Don Quixote family's ship and immediately turned around, and then the Golden Flying Dragon continued forward, heading towards the island not far away.

"Alala, you're really cautious, aren't you?"

On the coast of the island, Kuzan looked at the ships being diverted and couldn't help scratching his head, "Why do you need me to face such a troublesome brat?"

Is it just because I am active in the nearby waters?

I really envy Porusalino, who went to the paradise to hunt down the Sun Pirates.

"Get out of the way,"

He shouted at the top of his lungs, "Let them come here."

Aboard the Golden Flying Dragon.

Ian watched the government ships gradually disperse and said to the woman he was holding in his hand, "So there's no need to be depressed, Major General Gion. Look, doesn't the government take you very seriously? It's a lot of trouble." "

Gion was still bound by extremely tough chains. The woman lowered her head, her face was gloomy, and she said nothing.

She has been in this state since she heard firsthand the communication between Ian and the government about the transaction that day.

He looked suspicious of life.

Finally, when he was about to get close to the island, Gion raised his head. His hair was singed by Ian with a stick. Although it had grown a lot now, it looked uneven, just like what a dog had chewed.


she asked.


Ian was stunned for a moment, "Why?"

"Why are you doing this?"

Gion gritted his teeth.

Did I do something?

Ian was confused for a moment.

Why do you look so bitter and resentful?

She wouldn't think that she was a navy brat, would she?

It's so pathetic, I just talked about what the government has done.

Isn’t it okay to tell the truth now?

So, Ian said, "I just can't stand the way you confuse right and wrong."

Confusing right and wrong?

Gion was stunned for a moment.

The next second her pretty face turned distorted.

This bastard said I was confusing right and wrong?

Who is it that is turning black upside down——

If pirates are black, then is the World Government white?

For the first time in his life, Gion thought about this problem.

Then she gritted her teeth again.

It was this bastard kid who made her become weird.

The big ship did not completely dock, but stopped some distance away from the coast.

After all, the boat is too big. If it really wants to get too close to the shore, it will be difficult to turn around later.

Small boats were put down one after another on the Golden Flying Dragon, carrying Babanuki and a group of pirates to disembark, but they did not dock immediately.

Ian directly entered the orc mode, and in a brilliant golden light, he lifted up Gion and flew towards the island.

"come yet?"

Kuzan took out a pair of naughty little sunglasses and put them on, looking up at the brilliant golden color, he raised his voice, "Spread away, this guy is not someone you can approach casually."

If you are not careful, you will be directly burned to ashes.

The navy and government agents on the coast dispersed without any hesitation, leaving the place empty for the two monsters.

Ian landed lightly, his flapping wings kicking up dust in the sky.

"First meeting, Lieutenant General Kuzan."

Ian took the lead and greeted Qing Zhi in a friendly manner, "Have you eaten?"

"The paella made by the chef on the ship is a bit boring, but it still tastes good."

Kuzan answered honestly, "How about it? If you haven't eaten it, why don't you go and taste it?"

"Really? I quite like seafood."

Ian also smiled and said, "Definitely next time."

"Is that so?"

Kuzan nodded, then he lowered his head and looked at Gion, who was caught in Ian's hand, "Sister Gion, are you okay?"

Gion just shook her head, and then she felt as if she had gotten into trouble. At least she had a better attitude. She said, "I'm fine. I've caused trouble for everyone."

"What are you talking about? I can't blame you for this."

Kuzan looked at Ian.

"I think she's the one to blame."

Ian said, "If she doesn't catch up, then nothing will happen?"

"Are you talking about asking a navy to give up chasing pirates?"

Kuzan scratched the back of his head, "I have never heard of this theory."

Ian just smiled and said, "Anyway, can I inspect the battleship?"

He looked at the five huge naval warships docked on the coast.

Lieutenant General Kuzan shrugged, "Any time."

So, Ian shouted towards the sea, "Babanuji!"

The pirates rowed their boats hard to get closer.

Then they divided into three groups and quickly boarded three naval warships.

Their next job is to inspect these warships carefully, not sparing any corner of the ship, to prevent the government from playing tricks on the ship.

Although Ian has no interest in these battleships at all, he still needs to look like them.

"and this."

Kuzan tossed Ian a small box.

Ian's agile tail stretched forward to wrap it up, and he used his other hand to open the box.

Inside is a pink fruit with a scale-like appearance covered with spiral patterns.


Ian was secretly happy, but with a nonchalant look on his face, he casually checked the integrity of the fruit and threw it back into the box.

"Don't worry, it's just a failure,"

Kuzan said lazily, "No one cares about it except you."

Although I said that, I still asked Dr. Vegapunk carefully before, and only took it after confirming that it was a failure.

"Any more?"

Ian looked at Kuzan seriously, "Are there any creations created by Teacher Kai's blood factor?"

"I don't know that, and besides,"

Kuzan yawned, "Don't forget the content of our deal."

Even if there is, it is not included in this transaction, kid.

Ian snorted coldly, "I'm very curious. Since Vegapunk can copy Mr. Kai's blood factor, will he copy yours under the instruction of the government? Maybe, I will be able to see you that day. The clones are fighting for the government."

Gion was stunned.

But Qing Pheasant was unmoved, "That would be great. With them, we can have a good rest."

"So, how will the unwanted people be dealt with?" Ian sneered.

"Retirement, of course."

Aoki looked expectant, "Actually, the Navy's pension is quite high."

Ian immediately smiled and said, "Really? I think a strong man like you, Lieutenant General Kuzan, is completely worthy of better treatment. How about joining our Beasts Pirates? I can directly join A country gives you a fiefdom.”

"Alala, you are so proud."

After Kuzan sighed, he shook his head again, "But it's a pity. Despite my unrestrained appearance, I'm actually quite dedicated."

This guy can't get enough oil and salt.

Moreover, why do you look so unruly?

If you say anything about your horse face, it's an insult to the horse, okay?

After a stalemate for a while, those warships.

"Sir Ian! Inspection completed!"

Babanuki shouted at Ian, "No problem! There is no problem except that it is not equipped with ammunition!"

Ian looked at Kuzan.

The lieutenant general shrugged, "You didn't say it must be equipped with ammunition."

What a stingy world government.

The cannons are fully equipped, what's the point of equipping them with some ammunition?

"Send the ship away."

Ian said.


Babanuki grunted and ran to the deck, preparing to sail away.

"Alala, since the inspection has been completed, then, brother Ian,"

Kuzan raised his hand and pointed at Gion, who was slipped into Yindi's hand, "Isn't it time to return the person to me?"

"Still waiting a moment."

Ian said, "Otherwise, if Major General Gion is returned to you too early, with Lieutenant General Kuzan's ability, these ships will definitely not be able to leave."

Facing a guy who can freeze the sea at will, it is not a wise choice to just sail away.

"rest assured,"

Ian reassured Qing Pheasant, "I will stay."

Kuzan thought for a while, but finally said nothing.

As a result, the five warships slowly started to set sail, driven by the wind, and gradually moved towards the distance.

They met up with the Golden Flying Dragon and then continued to move away without stopping.

Ian watched them leave quietly until the ships had completely disappeared from sight, completely disappearing at the end of the horizon.

Then, it's time to leave.

Almost in the next moment, flames spurted out from Ian's feet, causing him to suddenly rise into the air like a rocket.


"Alala, it's not good to do tricks."

Aoki's reaction speed was astonishingly fast, and he managed to keep up with Ian by relying on his terrifying jumping ability in an instant.

"The person has returned it to you."

Ian threw the Gion Major General in his hand towards Aokiji with his backhand. The main thing was to keep the promise.

Aoki paused and caught Gion, but he himself couldn't help but be knocked down by the huge force carried by Gion.

As they came and went, the distance between him and Ian instantly widened.


"Ice Age!"

Qing Pheasant waved his hand.

The air freezes instantly.

The atmosphere and clouds were frozen, and huge ice blocks like mountains instantly stretched across the sky, and Ian was directly frozen in the ice.

It's really an exaggeration. This kind of freezing ability is much stronger than Yamato.


Bear! !

The golden flame instantly shattered the blue ice from the inside, and the broken ice cubes were completely vaporized by the golden flame before they even had time to fall.

"This is not the way to see off guests. Also,"

Ian looked down at the blue pheasant, "Do you think you can freeze the sun?"


Aoki stepped on the air and aimed his right hand at Ian, "However, it seems that this guy can't be frozen. It's just as troublesome as Sakaski, ice cube and two-thorn spear!"

Two huge ice spears condensed above his head, and the next moment they bombarded Ian like cruise missiles.

Covered with domineering energy and using the color of knowledge as navigation, these two spears are enough to penetrate the mountains!

Ian curled his lips, and the flames surged behind him, and the golden flames also condensed into two spears.


With two soft sounds, the flaming spear also shot out.

The next moment, fire and ice, two completely different but equally fast spears, were created together.

White mist and golden flames surged instantly, triggering two huge waves of explosions in the air.

Riding on the violent wind of the explosion, Ian flapped his wings and flew high.

However, the smoke cloud of the explosion was instantly penetrated by ice, and a huge ice bird spread its wings.

Then came the name of Kuzan's slow move, "Ice Cube·Exploding Pheasant Mouth!"

Ian raised his right hand high, and a huge fireball condensed into shape in his hand, "The brilliant flames of the Winged Dragon!"

The huge fireball crashed down, crushing towards the ice bird with its overwhelming size advantage.

Zhuri's ice bird was not afraid and bumped into it.

Ice and fire clashed fiercely again, extreme cold and high temperature, and the climate in this sky became completely chaotic.

Half of the sky was filled with snow, and half of the sky was distorted by scorching heat.

"That's almost it,"

Ian laughed and sprayed flames from behind, "Your ice can't stand up to my fire."

Just kidding, Ace thirteen years later can even outmatch Kuzan in a duel of moves. Ian doesn't feel that he is inferior to the disabled Ace who faced the war.

In the sky below, Kuzan sighed and watched Ian go away.

"It's as difficult as the rumors say."

he sighed.

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