“Lu Chen, you didn’t…”

Before she finished speaking, Lao Sha’s smile froze, and she subconsciously turned into a wild sand and retreated, snorting, but her brows were wrinkled.

On the ground, the scattered sand, already red, immediately liquefied, turning into drops of shiny water, but it was burned sand, forming a glass-like liquid.

Lu Chen walked out step by step, his face expressionless, however, it was this step that the chill in the restaurant suddenly dissipated, turning into a blazing high temperature, and a layer of scorched paste appeared on the surrounding walls, and the buildings built by the island cloud began to appear potholes, as if they were deformed by high temperature baking.

Old sand is frightened, completely elementalized, and even the body does not dare to appear, the temperature here is too high, as if in a volcano, look at the sand on the ground, is rapidly liquefying, a large area into liquid, crystal shining, looking at the old sand heart is shocked, the eyes show fear.

If this is an enemy, with this high temperature of no more than fifteen hundred degrees, even if it is elementalized, it is useless, and it will be directly burned into a liquid state.

Moriah on the side was also frightened, this terrifying temperature made him very uncomfortable, especially his body, and he was wearing a layer of ice armor to cool down, on the other hand, the ice armor cooled down to cool his body, and the head and limbs did not have ice armor, but the temperature was higher, almost drying him.

“Shadow Mage!”

In an instant, Moriah quickly summoned the shadow to block in front of him, and finally blocked the hot baking that rushed straight forward.

As for Ganforer on the ground, he was even more unlucky, he had just been interrupted and retreated, and now he couldn’t even move, in the high temperature baking, he was going to pass out, and the skin on his body was wrinkled and cracked, if not for Moriah to see that he was still a little useful, threw him out, and directly became a roaster.

“What’s going on?”

Moria looked at the expressionless Lu Chen, his heart jumped, and he looked at Lao Sha busily, showing the intention of asking.

Lao Sha was still confused, and immediately shook her head, looking helpless, she didn’t know what was going on.

Compared with himself and Moria, what worries Lao Sha more is Robin in Lu Chen’s arms, I don’t know how Robin is, can he withstand such a high temperature?

At this time, around Lu Chen, those tables and chairs became distorted, these were completely made of island clouds and could not burn, but those wooden furniture were ignited one after another, and in the blink of an eye, they directly turned into flying ash, and the entire restaurant was a mess, with potholes, as if it had been blown up by a bomb.

For a full minute, Lu Chen suddenly closed his eyes, and this terrifying high temperature suddenly dissipated, and seemed to converge back into his body.

Feeling the coolness in the air, Lao Sha and Moria immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but they still did not dare to approach easily.

“Boss Lu Chen, how are you?”

Moria approached cautiously, and the shadow mages not far away were ready, ready to teleport their bodies back at any time.

Lu Chen closed his eyes and did not answer, and for a full minute, he suddenly opened his eyes.


Moria was startled, and the conditioned explosion reflexively flickered back in an instant, already swapping places with the shadow mage.

However, the imaginary high temperature did not appear, which made Moria blush and cough dryly.

“Ahem, boss, are you all right?”


Lu Chen nodded, looking at Robin in his arms, his indifferent face finally had a trace of expression, and a gentle smile made Lao Sha and Moria, who had always been worried, completely relieved.

The boss laughs, then it means that it is okay.

“Boss Lu Chen, what happened to you just now, why is the temperature so high?”

Moria asked, he had never seen Lu Chen in such a situation.

Lu Chen shook his head lightly, did not say anything, but looked at Lao Sha and Moria, with a hint of chill in his voice, and said:

“Lao Sha, Lao Mo, get ready, we’ll go find the gold in the afternoon, and then, go back to Qinghai!”

His words were flat, however, both Lao Sha and Moria heard the chill in Lu Chen’s words, and the two looked at each other, said nothing, and immediately nodded.

“Okay, Boss Lu Chen!”

I don’t know what happened before, but one thing they are sure of, Boss Lu Chen was furious, originally thought that he would be fine if he laughed, but now it seems that his anger has only increased, giving people the feeling that it is like a volcano that is accumulating strength, once it erupts, it will destroy everything.

“By the way, boss, what about this guy?”

Suddenly, Moriah remembered something and waved his hand for the shadow mage to carry Ganfort over.

“If you want to kill, listen to it!”

Ganfort is very single, without any fear, however, his hair is messy, full of embarrassment, one leg is broken, twisted and bent, looks very embarrassed, not only does not show much backbone, but has a feeling of losing a family dog.

Lu Chen glanced at him expressionlessly, his gaze was indifferent, without any fluctuations, like an insignificant ant.

“Deal with it casually, tomorrow, the empty island will cease to exist!”


Ganful’s body trembled, his face was blue and white, and he looked at Lu Chen who was about to leave Lu Chen when he turned around, his face was flushed, and tears on his old face could not stop flowing.

“Let go of the empty island, please, let go of the empty island!”

Moria glanced at Lu Chen and found that he didn’t mean to take Ganfort, he already understood, and immediately carried him and walked out.

“No, the people of Empty Island are innocent, let them go, let them go!”

“Kill me, exchange my life for the people of the empty island, don’t hurt them!”

“Demon, you must not die well, I will die, and I will not let you go!”

Lu Chen raised his head and looked at the figure in the distance, his gaze was cold, and he slowly spit out a few words.

“Buddha, this is a demon!”

As soon as the words came out, the killing intent suddenly rose, but it disappeared in an instant, as if it had never existed.

Ganfor’s scream lasted only a few seconds, and then there was no sound, and I don’t know how Moriah handled it.

Lu Chen didn’t seem to hear it, now he only has Robin in his eyes, even if he knows that Robin is only asleep, even if he has treated Robin, the medicinal effect has been absorbed by him ninety percent, but he is still difficult to calm down.

Lao Sha glanced at Lu Chen, and didn’t know what to say, but he just felt that the current Lu Chen, compared to him before, was completely changed, cruel and ruthless, even if it was Lao Sha, he was a little afraid of him.

“Lu Chen, you…”

“I’m fine, don’t worry.”

Lu Chen raised his head and smiled gently, his coldness dissipated, making Lao Sha inexplicably relieved, a smile appeared on his face, nodded,

“Okay, then I’ll go and prepare first, tomorrow, we should return.”

“Well, go ahead.”

Lu Chen nodded, and his gaze fell on Robin again, as if his world was nothing else.

Seeing this, Lao Sha sighed secretly,

Perhaps, only by Robin’s side, he is a Buddha.

“Empty Island, ask for blessings!”

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