Pirate's World Manipulation

Chapter 99 White Snake vs. Yasha

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Great route

Kingdom of Knos

Kingdom Capital Ghent

A man wearing a black suit, flamingo glasses, and a flamingo pink feather coat is walking alone in the bustling streets.

"Furfurfur, it's really an extremely prosperous city. It would be a shame if it was destroyed like this. You say yes, Rear Admiral, White, Vergo."

Doflamingo turned his head to look at Vergo, who had appeared on the street with a team of naval soldiers at some unknown time, and completely surrounded himself.

Wearing a white striped suit, wearing a pair of black sunglasses, and wearing a white navy cloak of justice, Vergo looked at Doflamingo extremely calmly.

"Tianyasha, Doflamingo, as the heinous big pirate in the sea, I now declare that you have been arrested. Don't make senseless resistance."

Vergo looked at Doflamingo calmly, and said in a calm tone, the long bamboo stick in his hand was slowly covered with the dark armed color domineering.

Doflamingo laughed contemptuously after hearing Vergo’s words, his fingers slowly began to twist, and the invisible silk thread was secreted from his fingertips quickly, without the navy soldiers noticing it. Entered their bodies.

"Furafur, really arrogant enough to speak. However, I just don't know if your strength is like your words, which can support your arrogance."

Vergo looked at Doflamingo calmly, clenching the stick in his hand.

"Do you want to resist? Try it. All the navy soldiers leave here to evacuate all the citizens, and report to the Green Pheasant."

After speaking, Wilgo didn't wait for anything, and rushed towards Doflamingo with the long stick.

"Major General Vergo! You are so gentle. However, we will not leave you. Let us fight with you!"

The navy soldiers were captured by Vergo's gentleness, and immediately carried the long spears and short swords in their hands and rushed to Doflamingo with passion.

Vergo seriously flashed his disdain, but he was soon hidden.

This battle was just a performance carefully arranged by him and Doflamingo last night.

Those words were only to capture the reputation of a soldier who loved his subordinates.

Doflamingo smiled strangely as he watched the soldiers and Vergo rushing over, twisting his fingers.

Suddenly, all the navy soldiers who rushed forward stopped and stood still, holding their long spears and short swords, and involuntarily rushed to his companion and Vergo.

"Hey! What's the matter! My body is so out of control!"

"Asshole, what are you doing at me!"

"No, it's not me! I'm out of control, run away!"


In just an instant, the entire street became extremely chaotic, and all the navy soldiers started to kill each other.

"Bastard stuff!"

Vergo roared coldly, and then his entire arm turned into a black cloud.


"Thunderbolt Boom"

A white thunder white snake full of violent thunder power flew out of Vergo's arm that turned into a black cloud, and rushed towards Doflamingo roaring.

"Furafur, really good ability!"

Doflamingo looked at the white thunder snake rushing towards him with a smile, and exclaimed.

Doflamingo also wanted to see how far Vergo can develop Yunyun Fruit.After all, he will be his right-hand man in the future, and he will check it out today.

"Read the thread. Five-color thread!"



The five-colored silk thread collided fiercely with the Thunder White Snake, and the powerful shock wave instantly destroyed the surrounding buildings, sweeping countless navy soldiers and citizens in the future.

"Ah! My hand! My hand is broken! Who will save me!"

"Asshole navy! Fight on the street! My shop!"

"Damn pirate! My child! Return my child!"

The wailing and roaring sound instantly resounded over the entire street.

"Furfurfur, is this the navy? It actually ignores the lives of ordinary people at all. It is really a good and just army to act with me in a market with such a large population."

Doflamingo said to Vergo with a strange smile, twisting his fingers, and suddenly countless silk threads turned into countless spears and swords under his control, shooting down the entire street overwhelmingly.

Vergo looked at Doflamingo's movements with an extremely cold expression, and then his whole body turned into a sky full of clouds, separating the sky full of silk swords from the citizens below.

"Wind Blade"


"Puff Puff"

Countless wind blades instantly cut off all the colorless silk threads entwining the navy soldiers.

"All the navy soldiers obeyed all orders to protect all citizens in the market from leaving here and heading to a safe area."

"Major General Wilgo!"

"Oh! Thank you!"

"Quickly, all citizens follow us and leave!"

The navy soldiers who finally escaped from the clutches thanked Vergo with gratitude, and then quickly protected all the citizens and left.

Doflamingo watched the movements of the navy soldiers and did not stop him, watching them evacuate with a weird smile.

"Furafur, I really like to pretend."

"Huh, pirates are pirates after all, come on, now we begin our battle!"

"Strong Wind"


As Vergo's words fell, several huge tornadoes formed instantly, carrying a terrifying cutting ability toward Doflamingo.

"Furafur, really a powerful attack."

Feeling the terrifying wind, Doflamingo said in admiration, and then twisted his fingers, and countless silk threads were generated under his hand, turned into a long sword, and under his control, he quickly pointed towards it. The huge tornado cut away.



"Puff Puff"


The collision between the long sword and the hurricane made a violent sound.

Wilgo's eyes flashed as he watched the hurricane blocked.


Accompanied by a peculiar sound, countless huge ice cubes condensed in the clouds all over the sky, and then smashed downward indiscriminately.

"Boom Rumble"

When a huge block of ice fell, countless buildings were destroyed, and countless huge pits were smashed into the ground.

Doflamingo flashed his body quickly, constantly avoiding the dense ice attack, and constantly twisting his fingers at the same time.A huge cobweb shield was formed, spread over his head, and shattered all the huge ice cubes that fell.

Seeing that his attack was resolved, Vergo didn't care. Under his control, the clouds in the sky changed again, the blue thunder snake flickered, and the sky was suddenly full of depression.


As Vergo's voice fell, the entire world was immediately covered by thunder.

The thunder full of destructive power almost destroyed the entire Ghent South Street in the blink of an eye, leaving only a ruin.

Doflamingo's whole body was shining with a jet black light and kept avoiding the thunder, and from time to time he used his fist to shatter the lightning that he could not avoid.

In the distance, Kuzan sat lazily cross-legged on the roof of a house, watching the battle in the distance.

"Allah, it's really fierce. Major General Vergo's abilities are really strong. He can use almost all the abilities of the natural element, and he is indeed worthy of the title of monster. However, it is still a bit close after all.

After speaking, Kuzan stood up slowly, a biting cold air coming out of his body.

"Hurry up and finish work and go on vacation."

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