Pixiu sat on the teacher's chair with his eyes closed, the two health balls in his palms were spinning, and there was a cold drink on the table in front of him. Halfway through the drink, a few pieces of ice appeared.

The temperature of the air conditioner was too low, and the few people sitting across from him hesitated to say anything. They wanted to increase the temperature of the air conditioner, but they didn't dare to speak, so they could only tighten their clothes.

The door was pushed open, and Pixiu opened his eyes and threw the health ball in his hand back into the basket on the side.

Wen Xi consciously walked to Pi Xiu's side, but the teacher's chair was too small and Pi Xiu's butt was too big, so he had no place to sit, so he could only lean on the armrest and ask, "Wait for a long time?"

Pixiu glanced at him. Today, the scholar's hair was not tied up, and half of it was loose on his shoulders. He was a little less widowed, but he looked a little better than usual.

"It's not long, but you're slow enough." Pixiu tapped his finger on the table twice: "There's no chair, so stand up first."

Wen Xi didn't say anything, just smiled at the few people who were staring at him on the opposite side.

"That's him?" a man with glasses asked aloud.

Pixiu nodded: "He smells gluttonous, you should all smell it."

"How did you find it?" One of the women raised her eyebrows: "It's rare to see an old ghost of his age. Could it be that you followed people to dig graves because this shabby restaurant couldn't be opened?"

Digging graves is a high-risk work activity for humans, but for a big monster like Pixiu, it's just like playing with mud. It's a small problem.

Pixiu sneered: "This is when I went to throw the garbage that day. As soon as I got rid of the garbage, this guy's bones fell into my arms, just like a fucking airdrop."

The woman was stunned for a moment, and murmured, "You have won the lottery by sorting garbage correctly?"

"What airdrops are not airdrops, let's look at the painting first."

A dwarf in the corner took out a long picture scroll from his short sleeve and handed it over. Wen Xi looked at him and didn't answer for a long time.

He stared at the dwarf and asked, "Where did you get this picture from?"

"In the sleeves." The dwarf didn't know why, and tugged at Wen Xi's sleeves: "This is called the universe in the sleeves, you must have never seen a mortal ghost like you."

Wen Xi then took the painting, nodded and said, "I really haven't seen it before."

He thought the dwarf was pulling something out of his armpit, but it was too hot to think about it.

The cold drink on the table was moved aside, Wen Xi opened the scroll, and a picture of a night banquet unfolded on the table.

The maid was like a cloud, and she was in a trance. Wen Xi only glanced at it and was stunned, and didn't make a sound for a while.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that he didn't speak, Pixiu stood up and walked to the table to look at the painting and was stunned. Afterwards, he would squeeze a sentence out of his teeth: "I've made a fool of your mother, how do you recognize people in this kind of painting?"

In ancient meticulous painting, the lines are slender and absent, but at first glance, the faces of the people are the same, with round faces and small eyes, men with beards and women with long hair.

The man and the woman were also silent, and only the dwarf was still explaining to himself: "What can I do! People at that time painted like this! It's not like there are cameras now, just click twice to finish the job, just this painting I took it from his desk the last time I went to catch Taotie."

The dwarf clapped the table: "He's on it! He said it himself! There's him on it. When I drank with him that time, he said that if I could find him on the painting, he would take the baby you lied to. Give it all to me!"

Pixiu:  …

Shorty realized that he had said the wrong thing, and immediately took a few steps back and stared at Pixiu, and said with a trembling voice, "Pixiu, I'm telling you, I have a registered permanent residence. If you eat me, you'll be breaking the law!"

The low stool next to the Grand Master's chair was kicked away and smashed into the corner of the wall, cracking into several pieces. The short man was so frightened that he stood at attention and almost raised his hand to salute Pixiu.

"I don't care what you can't get into the household registration!" Pi Xiu's face faintly showed black scales, and his eyes were frighteningly yellow. When he stepped up, he kicked the dwarf.

A man and a woman next to him hurried up to stop him. The woman just grabbed Pixiu's arm when she felt her palms get hot, and suddenly called out.

"If you don't calm down, you will be blown up by Heaven!"

Wen Xi immediately took a few steps back when he heard the words, for fear that Pixiu would explode and splash his flesh and viscera. Although he was a ghost, he also wanted to be a clean ghost.

Not afraid of the heat, the man grabbed Pixiu and dragged him back, shouting, "He is also a god of wealth after all! If you really eat it, he will have a big problem!"

Pi Xiu stared at the dwarf: "Li Weizu, come here for me!"

Li Caishen stood still against the wall: "You let me go, and when the things are found, I will leave the relationship for you, so that you don't have to pay taxes!"

"Pay tax? What tax?" Pi Xiu's eyes turned completely yellow: "I'm going to have to pay tax when I get my own things back? Are you crazy about money!"

Open a restaurant and pay taxes according to the rules of mankind, even if he is a victim of being deceived, he still has to pay taxes when he recovers his belongings?

Are people crazy about money?

"Those treasures of yours are national treasures, and they will definitely have to pay taxes if they can't be stored in museums!" Li Qizu smiled amusedly: "Don't be angry with the boss, the treasures haven't been found. "

Pixiu took a few breaths, but he finally lost his intention to rush forward to eat people.

"I won't pay a penny of tax!" Pi Xiu drank the cold drink on the table, chewed the ice cubes and said bitterly, "A penny, a copper plate, don't even think about deducting it from me! Taking money out of the Pixiu is a pipe dream!"

Wen Xi was stunned when he heard the words, it turned out that this monster was a Pixiu, and his eyes couldn't help but turn to the skin

Looking at the buttocks.

It is said that the Pixiu can only enter and cannot enter, and I don't know if it is true or not...

"What are you doing standing there! Come here!" Pi Xiu suddenly turned around and reached out to Wen Xi.

The remaining three looked surprised as the scholar held Pi Xiu's hand and leaned over, and with a flick of the white sleeves, there was an extra black lacquer-painted gold fan.

"Why do I feel that the temperature is a little higher." Wen Xi fanned Pixiu with a fan, and said with a smile, "Why are you so angry in the summer?"

When the woman saw Wenxi being hugged directly by Pi Xiu, she asked in surprise, "Don't you feel hot?"

Wen Xi glanced at her: "I'm a ghost, I'm not as sensitive to temperature as you, I just feel a little hotter than it started."

"It shouldn't, even if it's a ghost..." the woman murmured.

Pi Xiu slowly calmed down by leaning on the coldness on Wen Xi's body. He turned his head and leaned his face against the scholar's chest. He felt a cold hand slowly pressing on the back of his neck, and began to feel dissatisfied and disgusted. The clothes on the scholar's body get in the way.

Seeing that Pi Xiu had calmed down, Li Qizu dared to take two steps forward and said, "With Lao Yue and the Queen Mother of the West as witnesses, I won't pay a cent to get your things back, and I don't have to pay a cent of taxes, provided you have Find the gluttonous!"

"It's up to you to say that!"

Pi Xiu snatched the fan from Wen Xi's hand and fanned it by himself. Seeing this, Wen Xi closed his hand and sat obediently, but he looked at the fine brushwork painting on the table and asked, "Is this painting gluttonous? Who is he? ?"


Li Weizu came over with the painting, pointed to the man in white behind the screen who was talking with his maid in the corner, looked at him expectantly and asked, "Have you seen it?"

"I haven't seen it." Wen Xi shook his head honestly.

Seriously, how could anyone be like this?

However, he knew the other people in the painting, but they were all guests sitting at the banquet, so how could he care about the little people in this inconspicuous corner.

Pi Xiu said impatiently: "Okay, just your crappy painting, people don't look like people, how can you tell him to recognize them?"

The Queen Mother of the West sat at the table and sighed, "How about this?"

"What's the hurry? Taotie can fix his soul, and he will naturally come back to him. As long as he comes, he won't worry about not being able to catch that bastard." Pixiu thought about being angry: "At that time, I will ask him to deceive him back then. spit it out for me!"

If it weren't for the dog thing gluttonous, would he have opened a restaurant in such a crappy place and lived with so little poor running water? In a month, I have to repay the bank loan, pay the utility bills, and pay the salaries to the little monsters on time.

Pi Xiu opened his eyes and opened his mind. This Pixiu has always been in and out. How can there be such a miserable life?

Thanks to the beast, Taotie, he has experienced all the sufferings in the world now.

"What's your relationship with Taotie?" The young Yue Lao looked at Wen Xi who was sitting on Pixiu's lap. From left to right, he looked like a person, but he was pretty good-looking. It had nothing to do with the prototype of Taotie on all fours. .

Yue Lao made a bold assumption and carefully argued: "You are his...concubine?"

Wen Xi's face darkened immediately: "I have nothing to do with him!"

Pi Xiu paused for a moment, grabbed Wen Xi's wrist and stretched out, "Look at his marriage line, is it connected to Taotie?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of Xiwangmu and Yue Lao changed, as if they saw a green light falling from the sky, just on top of Pixiu's forehead.

The Queen Mother of the West couldn't help but ask: "Now you are holding him, and then ask him if he is married to Taotie. Pixiu, are you a little wrong?"

"His body is cool, what's wrong with me holding him? You really want to see me so hot?" Pi Xiu weighed Wen Xi, "Can I eat a male ghost?"

Wen Xi held onto his shoulders, her face turned blue and white, she dared not to speak, she could only grit her teeth and ask, "The portrait is a man, how can he marry me?"

"Every time he comes out and changes his face, who the hell knows his father's mother?" Pixiu said angrily.

The Queen Mother of the West was taken aback: "Yes, we still don't know whether he is male or female for so many years."

Wen Xi was also stunned, she couldn't tell the difference between male and female, what kind of bullshit are you looking for?

Yue Lao saw the wind and waves, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter if you are male or female, as long as there is fate, beasts and people can be tied together."

No matter how Wen Xi heard it, he thought it sounded like a curse, but he honestly stretched out his hand and let the young and old man see his marriage line.

When he was alive, his grandfather also arranged a marriage for him. It was a young lady from the Hou family. I heard that she was beautiful and attractive, and her family was well-bred, and she was a match made in heaven.

Maybe this marriage line is still in the hands of that young lady, and I can continue the relationship with her reincarnation. Just like what I said in the book, be a ghost couple who are not afraid of the world.

Yue Lao took Wen Xi's hand and saw that there was indeed a red line, but when he went along the red line to find the other end, he was dumbfounded, staring at Pi Xiu for a long time without speaking.

"What am I doing? I have money on my face?" Pi Xiu frowned.

Yue Lao was stunned and said, "Why is his marriage line tied to you?"

As long as there is fate, animals and people can be tied together.

Wen Xi's eyes darkened, thinking that this is really a marriage that is not afraid of the world.

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