There is always sadness behind a mature man, and it is not necessary for others to understand it. It is enough to learn to understand everyone's hardships.

As a mature man with a family, Pixiu naturally wouldn't ask much about Nezha, who had returned to his childhood.

But some things stick out between your fingers even if you cover your mouth.

Nezha: "Laugh if you want, don't fucking hold it back."

Pixiu: "I'm sorry, hahahahahaha..."

Nezha coldly watched him smile like a tumbler, his hand holding the red-tipped spear getting tighter and tighter, just when he couldn't help but shoot the old bastard, Pixiu finally calmed down.

He coughed lightly and asked a technical question: "I'm thinking about having a stick, do you have a stick?"

Nezha expressionlessly pinned Huntianling on the shrunken fire-pointed spear.

Pixiu:  …

Pixiu: "I'm sorry to bother you, can I..."

Nezha looked at him coldly: "If I say no, will you not laugh?"

Pixiu shook his head and let out a barbell-like laugh.

When Yang Jian brought the roaring dog over, he heard Pi Xiu's laughter before he opened the door, and the roaring dog couldn't help frowning: "Is the surnamed Pi crazy?"

Yang Jian patted him on the back: "Be polite."

He pushed open the door, and the two master and servant looked at Nezha, the Baotou who was about to commit murder with a fire-pointed gun.

After two seconds of silence, Yang Jian closed the door.

Yang Jian: "I'm sorry I went the wrong way."

Nezha:  …

Nezha: "Go back to the Lord!"

Yang Jian and the roaring dog are sitting on the sofa on the other side. Yang Jian can still maintain the surface calm and suppress the turbulent emotions in his heart, but the roaring dog is too weak, so he can only lean on Yang Jian's arms and smother his head, where is it? The corners of Zha's mouth rose wildly where he couldn't see it.

If it weren't for Yang Jian watching, the roaring dog would have to take pictures of Nezha with his life.

If anyone can break the news, why can't this person be me?

The Roaring Dog secretly raised his head and glanced at Nezha, but he still couldn't resist this wave of visual attacks. He immediately turned around and continued to hide his head in the owner's arms. Only Yang Jian could feel him snickering.

Erlang Shen patted the roaring dog on the back, and asked politely, "What kind of show is the third prince planning to perform?"

Pi Xiu couldn't help but let out another laugh, but when Nezha looked over, he immediately lowered his head, as if I was very professional and would never laugh.

Nezha glanced at the black suitcase at Yang Jian's feet, and asked, "What program is the Erlang Zhenjun?"

Yang Jian said frankly: "I just read a simple poem."

Nezha raised his chin: "Then what's in this box?"

"What Xiaotian will use for his performance later," Yang Jian said lightly.

When Nezha heard that it was a roaring dog's performance, he lost interest and leaned on the sofa and said vaguely, "I'm the one... fuck it."

The roaring dog didn't hear clearly, he sat up straight and asked with wide eyes, "What the fuck?"

Yang Jian raised his eyebrows: "Broadcast gymnastics?"

Pixiu:  …

Grass! I can't laugh, really can't laugh. For the sake of being misunderstood as a female ticket with Nezha, he couldn't laugh.

Nezha darkened his face and lowered his voice, "Rhythmic gymnastics!"

Yang Jian: "Oh, it turned out to be an art form..."

Erlang Zhenjun suddenly fell silent. Although his face was as usual, the third eye in the middle of his forehead suddenly widened due to excessive fright, which could not hide the excitement in his heart at all.

The roaring dog buried his face in his arms tightly, pinching his thighs, unable to let the laughter come out.

Nezha has seen through everything, and broke the jar: "Laugh if you want, don't hold back like constipation!"

Yang Jian touched the back of the roaring dog in his arms, which was trembling with laughter, and coughed and said, "It's good, it's quite innovative. I don't know how the third prince came up with it."

Seeing Pi Xiu's ears suddenly widened, Nezha said coldly, "Don't worry, Master has no interest in the most handsome man."

Pixiu: "I didn't say anything, I was just curious."

Nezha cleared his throat: "Anyway, I won't compete with you for this title, I just performed this for some other reason. As for the reason, I can't say, that's it, over."

Yang Jian smiled: "It's a coincidence, I'm not interested in this name."

He glanced at Pixiu: "It looks like Boss Pi came prepared today."

Pi Xiu straightened his collar and was about to speak when he heard Nezha sneer.

"The V-neck shirt and tights are made like a high-end duck. How many hours can the leather technician add tonight?" Nezha said and sniffed: "The perfume has been sprayed on, and it's really fully armed."

However, Yang Jian nodded: "But to deal with Jie Ji, you really need to be more prepared."

When it comes to Jairju Nezha's face, his face is not very good: "To be honest, before I met him, I thought you were all exaggerating. How can anyone be so annoying. But after seeing him..."

The third prince sneered: "It's really annoying. I haven't seen a guy who is more disgusting than Li Jing for a long time."

"If you know that he's annoying, don't deal with him less." Pixiu reminded: "Old Zhenlong has nine cubs, and none of them are the masters of dealing with them, especially Jiezhen. You'd better be careful."

The three people said that there was a sudden knock on the door, and the little fairy from the supervisory office pushed the door and came in. When they saw that the Big Three were there, they hurriedly called.

Greeted and said, "True Monarch, you should bring the roaring dog to the waiting area."

Nezha asked, "What about us?"

Xiao Xianguan looked down at the program schedule on his hand: "When the Roaring Dog show is over, it will be the turn of the last most handsome Xianguan. If you two don't mind, you can go to wait now."

Pixiu patted his black pants: "Let's go, it's boring to wait here, let's go with us."

By the way, let's take a look at what kind of medicine is sold in Yang Jian's black dog gourd. He strictly guards against his own dog's performance, and returns the entire black suitcase. Those who don't know it think that it will make a big difference.

Nezha was a little reluctant, but he still pinched a trick to keep others from noticing him, and followed Pi Xiu and Yang Jian out the door.

There are various pets in the waiting area, and the precious pets of various fairy families have all pulled out and slipped around.

Pixiu swears that even the largest circus in the world is not as good as the show here. However, Zhang Guolao actually let his donkey perform to run on the ball.

The order of the canvassing programs is flashed back according to the ranking, and the roaring dog is ranked last. After the jade rabbit with the second most votes kicks and kicks off the field, Yang Jian strokes the back of the roaring dog: "Don't be afraid, you can practice it at home. ,trust yourself."

"I'm not afraid." Roaring Heavenly Dog muttered, bent over, took out a violin from the suitcase, and walked to the stage with a dark face.

Pixiu:  …

It's too difficult to be the dog of Yang Jian's family to let the roaring dog play the violin.

Nezha looked at the roaring dog in the stands who was ready to wind up the piano and murmured, "Yang Jian, you really dare to think about it."

Everything else was a circus performance. The Roaring Dog came to the stage in a suit and held a high-grade wooden violin, which abruptly raised the taste level of the party.

Pixiu began to feel fortunate that the surnamed Yang didn't argue with him.

However, Yang Jian grinned at this moment: "Where is this going? Look carefully."

The spotlight hit the roaring dog, and the audience suddenly became quiet, watching him slowly pull the strings. Pixiu pricked his ears to listen, thinking that this must be a serenade if not Chopin.

However, when the first sound came out, Pixiu felt that something was wrong.

Hearing the simplest trembling, Nezha raised his eyebrows and asked, "Little Xingxing? This is it? This is it?"

Yang Jian glanced at him: "What's the hurry?"

Just when everyone felt disappointed, there was a sudden burst of smoke on the stage, and the human figure of the roaring dog disappeared, replaced by a black dog holding a violin.

But the music of the violin did not stop. The roaring dog sat on the stage and held the violin, with two front paws pressing the strings with one hand and drawing the bow with one hand, and the music of the little stars reverberated throughout the banquet hall.

Two seconds later, there was warm applause, and Nezha couldn't help but applaud: "Three eyes, you really dare to think."

A man is not very good at playing the violin, but a dog is different.

What's more, it's unprecedented and unheard of for a human to become a dog. Yang Jian is indeed the number one animal trainer!

Yang Jian is awesome!

There is no doubt about the first place, a little star brought the roaring dog to the altar, but when the dog god stepped down, he forgot that he was still the prototype. When he was about to walk upright, the wind almost blew the eggs and it was so cool, it was Yang Jian. Stepping up to the stage, the dog and the piano hugged him down.

Yang Jian put the qin in the box and put it away, waiting for the roaring dog to turn back into a human form, he stretched out his hand and took Xiaotian into his arms, and said calmly, "To be honest, I was actually moved to the point of crying, maybe I That's what it feels like to have children growing up in the family."

Pixiu:  …

Nezha:  …

You don't have to.

The two were relatively speechless, and suddenly heard a melodious hello behind them.

He turned around suddenly and found that he had tried his best to milk the only contestant, Sakyamuni who is currently ranked sixth in the polls.

Shakyamuni smiled and folded his hands towards the three of them: "Amitabha, hello, howeyou?"

As a teacher, Nezha responded promptly: "I`mfihankyou.Andyou?"

Sakyamuni was still wearing the heavy metal rock clothes he had just enjoyed on stage, and he took off his sunglasses with a Buddha-like expression on his face: "The stock market has soared recently, and the incense is booming. It's really fine."

Pixiu: "Speak when you speak, don't drag foreign languages."

Shakyamuni smiled: "You speak politely, you should go to the village and follow the customs."

Pixiu looked at him with a sense of transcendence, and suddenly remembered the affairs of Wenxi's family. He took a step back to Sakyamuni and asked in a low voice, "There is one more thing I want to ask you."

Shakyamuni Buddha, motioned to Pixiu to speak.

Pixiu thought about it again and again, and slowly said: "If some people are extremely sinful and have no way to reincarnate in hell, can they go to the Western Heaven and be reborn in bliss?"

Shakyamuni stared at him for a long time and asked, "'re not fishing, are you?"

Pixiu's face froze, and Sakyamuni quickly explained: "For so many years, you Eastern Taoists have been blackening Western religions, so I'm really a little scared."

Pixiu swore: "I promise it's not about fishing."

"Don't worry, although our Western religion is being hacked every day among the immortals in the wild, we also have our own bottom line. We are not appropriate for this kind of bad money to help the wicked die."

Shakyamuni paused, emphasizing the bottom line of Western religion: "I Buddha will not cross Hapai, Amitabha Buddha."

Pixiu nodded, returned a salute, stopped talking about his past life, and waited quietly on the sidelines.

. After a while, the fifth-ranked Cowherd also came over and said hello to Pixiu. The two discussed subject two for a while, and gradually became silent.

The fourth-ranked Jie Ji was long in coming, and the Ma Ziyi next to him was busy lighting a cigarette for the boss.

Pi Xiu just glanced at him and looked away. Nezha was wearing a fitness suit and was standing in the corner to hold mushrooms. As for Yang Jian, all three eyes were on his dog, and he completely ignored the 37-cent oil-headed Shanghai Gambling God.

Jairui didn't care, he said hello to Pi Xiu and said with a smile, "It's rare to see you participating in such an event, it seems that you really don't have enough money."

Pixiu ignored him, but he already started to miss Wenxi in his heart.

If the little things are here, they will definitely lie in their arms and say don't pay attention to these broken-mouthed bitches.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jie Ji laughed again and said, "Although you are still number one, I will definitely be the champion in the end."

Pixiu finally gave him a look and said lightly, "Look out the window, the Shenzhou 18 spacecraft has taken off."

Went to the moon and touched porcelain, stinky brother.

Jai Zhen couldn't understand what he meant for a while, but he also knew that this was not a good word, and his face suddenly turned hideous, and his eyes became vertical pupils like dragons.

Pixiu added: "Before you start, remember to weigh it and think about how many pounds or taels you have."

If he really wanted to fight, Pixiu felt that he was really not afraid.

Jairui was persuaded by Ma Zai to rest aside, and Fat Yi whispered in his ear, "Sir, please bear with me for now, the more arrogant they are now, the worse they will be slapped in the face later."

Jairui snorted coldly, "It's better this is the case."

He stared at Pixiu gloomily for a while, then suddenly asked, "Is that new wife he married here?"

"Come on, just sit outside." Fat Yi bent down.

Jairui laughed: "They are all old friends, how can you not congratulate the newlyweds." He turned to look at Feiyi: "Take me to see you later, but let's see what kind of beauty she is. The surnamed Pi has been fascinated by five and three."

As the most handsome male fairy canvassing votes, the screaming and cheering outside did not stop after the canvassing show started.

When Sakyamuni came to the stage, the applause suddenly stopped. Although the cheers subsided, the resounding Buddha's trumpet sounded along with it.

The Western group of relatives and friends will never lose, and Amitabha's slogan of support will never be worse than any other family!

Sakyamuni came to the stage and cleared his throat. After all, it was the lead singer of a Western rock band who uttered the voice. The high-pitched bel canto came from the sun, and the Buddha's light above his head suddenly shone like an 800-watt light bulb.

The holy light filled the whole studio, my sun transmutation was connected to hallelujah, and finally the joyous goddess was holy and beautiful, and the bright light illuminated the earth and walked into the **.

The Buddha-nature reached its peak at this moment. All the audience closed their eyes and burned incense reverently, daring not to pray to God, but to sing a song.

At the end of the song, the Cowherd sighed: "What should I do, I'm not prepared for anything."

Pi Xiu was taken aback: "Didn't you already know there was a show?"

The Cowherd waved his hand: "I'm busy picking up my children to and from school every day, so where do I have time to schedule any programs?"

Before he could say a few more words to Pixiu, he was invited to the stage by the host. The honest Cowherd standing under the spotlight was a little embarrassed, and he stuttered a little while holding the microphone.

"I can stand, stand here, ten, thank my wife, my sister-in-law..." Cowherd saw the Zhinv holding his lamp sign in the crowd, a smile appeared on his face, and his mood gradually relaxed.

"I've been very busy during this time, and I haven't prepared any programs. I don't have any specialties." The Cowherd paused, then suddenly clasped his fists and said loudly, "Let's wish everyone an early year here!"

The stadium was quiet for a moment, the smile on Zhinu's face froze, and the Queen Mother of the West took a deep breath to hold back the curse in her heart.

After the applause, Pixiu looked at the expression of the Weaver Girl in the audience, thinking that the Cowherd is a real man, and he is a bully.

I hope he can maintain such an optimistic mood when he returns home.

Cowherd stepped off the stage in a hurry, Jai Ju got up and took off his fur coat, picked up the sword in Fat Yi's hand and went on stage.

Pi Xiu had to say that in June, Chuan Mink's brain was foaming, and as far as the IQ ability of Jiezhen was concerned, if he wanted to take the first place, he should lean back.

When Jairui came to the stage, the whole place was silent, only Feiyi waved his hands below to signal everyone to applaud and warmly welcome him.

The first time Wen Xi saw Jairui, he thought about the gluttonous gluttonous one who had a relationship with each other, and couldn't help but leaned beside Hou Er and said, "I don't think Jairui looks as good as taotie."

Hou Er nodded quickly: "I think so too, but everyone says that Jairui is the most beautiful of Lao Zhenlong's sons."

He nibbled the melon seeds and said, "I don't think eyes are needed, but they can actually be donated to those in need."

Hou Dayi patted him on the head: "Be quiet, don't talk nonsense."

The long music sounded, and Jai Ju slowly drew out his long sword, then raised it, and inserted it into his mouth little by little. Nezha grinned and couldn't help but vomit.

Pixiu glanced at him: "It's not you, what are you excited about?"

Nezha covered his throat and said, "No, I feel uncomfortable watching it." He stared at Jaizhen who was standing and swallowing the sword: "The level of standing and swallowing the sword is too low. He has the ability to lower his waist."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jai Ju put his back on the ground, and brought the softness of the dragon's body to the extreme, completing a perfect lower waist swallowing sword.

The difficulty factor is 9.9, and the completion factor is 9.9.

Nezha raised his hand and patted his mouth: "I told you to talk more.

. "

The audience under the stage, who was shocked by Jie Ji's hand, began to applaud, and Qiu Fu couldn't help but clapped a few times and said, "It's too hard, just the name of the most handsome male fairy, what about it? Don't put your waist on the stage. It's flashing, and the evening is not guaranteed."

Chitose Dragon Race came on stage to perform in a circus, and the flashing lights kept flashing under the stage. Feiyi was happy while watching the forum.

The picture he was looking forward to finally appeared!

At the end of the performance, Jai Ji gave Pi Xiu a contemptuous smile, thinking that you are a stingy old man, what can you do to fight me.

Pi Xiu looked indifferent, and all the provocations were bounced back.

Nezha took a deep breath and walked to the stage with the rope on his back. Yang Jian watched him come on stage and said slowly, "I think he is even harder than Jairui."

Pixiu nodded: "I think so too."

The roaring dog finally laughed: "Why is he like this?"

Yang Jian recalled the time when the Conferred God Battle had not yet started, and said lightly: "In the past, when he was a child, he often returned to the Qiankun circle with the Huntian Ling, and his mother always praised him for doing well. Maybe he missed his mother. Bar."

As soon as Nezha, who missed her mother, appeared, the audience was deadly quiet, until one who was not afraid of death couldn't help laughing. In the black face of the third prince, laughter filled the entire venue.

The music sounded, the third prince with three heads, six arms and six Baotou, holding a fire tip to exercise with the world circle, the circle exercise and the exercise were carried out at the same time, dancing on the ground, the wind and fire wheel stepped on the foot, backflips, and the hand flips the stick, everything is Impeccably done.

And there is still time to show a smile without any kindness to Li Jing in the corner, so frightened that Li Tianwang quickly got up and walked away.

The forum has turned upside down again.

#三 Prince Rhythmic Gymnastics#, #三Prince Crazy#, #有咒包包头# Several topics quickly occupy the hot search, and the popularity continues to heat up, which makes the fat legacy look jumpy, and pays Feng Du to hurry up Heat up the topic of Jairus.

Yang Jian and Pi Xiu stood in the audience and applauded sincerely, sighing——

Too hard, maybe this is the courage of the old artist.

The roaring dog stared blankly: "Actually, it dances quite well."

Nezha hurried off the stage after finishing the last action, and the applause continued. Everyone was full of expectations for Yang Jian's finale show.

After all, the two great gods of Jieji Nezha have fallen to the altar one after another. I don't know how much this True Monarch Erlang will fight.

Under everyone's expectation, Yang Jian wore a T-shirt of "I love Xiaotian" on stage, and Jane had only a piece of paper in hand.

Everyone was waiting, excited, watching Zhenjun Erlang unfold the paper in his hand, clearing his throat and saying, "I bring you a poem recitation, the title is—"

"Me and my dog."

Pixiu:  …

Howling Dog:  …

Pixiu turned his head and asked, "Did you know he could be this crazy?"

The Howling Dog was dumbfounded: "I only know that he wants to recite poetry, but I don't know that he recites this thing!"

The top stream is the top stream. Yang Jian has just read the three lines, the forum homepage has been found to be empty, and the mad third prince has become the yellow flower of yesterday.

"Although I knew that Erlang-Jun loves dogs before, I didn't expect to be so crazy."

"Li Tao, what is the probability of being reincarnated as the dog of Erlang's family?"

"Does jms know where the Roaring Dog's violin class is reported? I want to report one for our son."


Yang Jian's poem recitation said between the lines that the roaring dog is good, very good, very good.

But you can't keep such a good dog, so I'll show it off to satisfy your curiosity.

At the end of the soulful poem recitation, the angry roaring dog rushed to the stage and hugged the owner.

Wen Xi was sitting in the audience nervously waiting for Pi Xiu's appearance, mainly because of the shameful things in front of him that made him very uneasy about Pi Xiu's covert performance.

He was really afraid that Pi Xiu would hold his breath and compare himself with Jai Zhen and break a big rock on his chest. It would be one thing to lose face. If something went wrong with his body, what would he do.

The dark stage finally lit up, ambiguous music came from the speakers, and under the spotlight, a steel pipe slowly rose.

Jie Zhen frowned, vaguely feeling that the scene had deviated from his control.

Suddenly, the spotlight aimed at the steel pipe went out, Pixiu slowly descended from the air, and first came a one-handed hook and landed with the steel pipe in his hand, his two-buttoned white shirt and black trousers showed off his toned figure. Exhausted.


The audience took a breath, the hands of the monsters who recorded the live video were already shaking, their scalps were numb, and they watched Pixiu lift his legs and hook the straight steel pipe.

A single leg twisted, Pixiu's neckline revealed a piece of pectoral muscle, and the old man was extra scheming to touch the highlights, and the spotlight shone with the luster of diamonds.

The music suddenly became louder, and all the chickens in the audience were crowing!

"Mom! I can!!"

"What kind of steel pipe to hook! You kind of hook me!"

"Grass, I'm dizzy!"

Although the steel pipe that made Pixiu dance around was straight, the pipe in the hearts of millions of people was bent.

It cannot be said that in order to sell meat in order to make a name for himself, the fierce orcs set up collapse and fell to the altar. People and ghosts are screaming, and even the reserved seven fairies are whistling from the stage and throwing flowers on the stage.

quick! Hurry up! Step up and don't stop!

Wen Xi, who has never seen such a performance, covered her heart

His face was red and his ears were red, his eyes were fixed on Pixiu without blinking, but he said, "He, how could he be like this! It's really... it's really..."

It's immoral and immoral!

Depend on! This kind of thing can only be seen by yourself!

Master Wen subconsciously touched his pocket, wanting to put gold and silver tickets for Pixiu, who was performing passionately on the stage, inserted it from the neckline where his chest muscles were exposed, and covered all the exposed flesh!

That's his! No one can see it!

But how could he have no money in his pockets!

Wen Xi suddenly looked back at Hou Er: "Brother, do you have any money, lend me a dozen, and I'll pay back double tomorrow!"

Monkey Two: ? ?

Monkeys can count with a dozen with only napkins and no money.

Pixiu has his legs upside down again. He has perfected the combination of strength and beauty after many days of practice and years of acrobatic skills. He is the born Kingofdance, the existence that was born to be watched by everyone!

Although it was not his original intention to become popular, he was destined to be the focus of the audience and could not be stopped.

Pi Xiu looked at the gnashing of teeth below the stage, and showed a sincere smile——

Today I will let you understand, what is the difference between immortals and animals!

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