Song Ren only published 5 chapters, but didn’t expect that after it is passed, it will attract so much enthusiasm. Some people even hope that his book will be like them, and the 10000 will really achieve results. They really didn’t face each other.

But Song Ren didn’t care about it at this moment, but held a golden-bright and dazzling key in his hand.

This is more than 2 months ago, “Tomb of Gods” entered Epoch, and the reward given by Heaven & Earth .Net is a direct train to Heavenly Dao backstage warehouse.

He had already gone there once, and there were too many dazzling babies. Last time, he was fainted by picky eyes.

Never thought about it, I could enter there for the second time.

For the past two months, he kept it, and was unwilling to use it, just waiting for the writer’s points to accumulate every month.

“Tomb of Gods” entered Epoch and Boutique, and the backstage rewarded him 300,000 and 500,000 points respectively, plus the points of “Zhu Xian” in the past few months, now Song Ren’s points have reached a full 1,000,000 .

1,000,000, if he clicks to upgrade, the writer’s level will instantly exceed L1 from today’s L5 to reach the Great God level, second only to Platinum.

In this way, no matter what step Novel takes, Heaven & Earth .Net will give him a lot of rewards, and even a great chance of a good reward.

This is why many authors keep upgrading their accounts.

But are n’t those nice rewards also coming out of the back office warehouse, I can now hold the key.

Last time I went, because the cultivation base was not very high, many treasures were suspended in the air, as if there was a layer of water mist, so he couldn’t see what was inside.

This time, he, who is already in the late stage of Golden Core Realm, may be able to see more details and maybe not.

He planned to just keep on like this, as soon as there was 10000 in Su Youwei that could extend the second life of her again, or completely cure her treasure, she could redeem it all at once.

He was reluctant to be Deity, and he would not believe that he was lucky and took another Deity’s heart.

However, today he worshiped and had a man who was really good to him.

Old Drunkard did not give him a ceremony, so he gave a student a ceremony.

The resentful dragon poison comes from Heavenly Dao net, and there is any cure in it.

The master and disciple are about to leave Ping’an City. He didn’t want Old Drunkard to come to this place with a stump, but now he is leaving like that.

After everything was decided, Song Ren closed the door and activated the key.

A moment, the scenery in front of him changed again. The white clouds around him seemed to be standing on Tiangong again. Looking at the familiar door in front of him, Song Ren threw the key excitedly, opened the ripples, and got in.

With countless squares flowing in the sky, Song Ren swallowed and hurriedly looked for it.

With his cultivation base today, there are still many squares that allow him to see what is hidden in it, which is really terrifying.

Song Ren strolled over and over again, looking, time was passing by.

Song Ren was not in a hurry. He remembered that he spent several hours in it last time, and it was only a tea time after he came out. The time flow speed of the two was different.

Until he saw a black liquid flowing in a square, a bit like the venom in “Spider-Man”, it seemed to have life, conveying roar, howl, and changing the shape of Poison Dragon.

As mentioned above, it is true that this is exactly the resentment of dragon poison, which requires 30 70000 points.

This poison is not poison, but a curse that can quickly break through all the structure of the human body, even the soul. Even if you give up the fleshhy body and go to snatch, Primordial Spirit will contaminate and follow you until you completely You destroy.


Song Ren felt more and more horrified as he looked, and his hairs stood up.

Gu Changyue would use such things with him that day. It is obvious that he wants to put him to death directly, so I guess he can’t live.

Old Drunkard is even more powerful. It can be sealed. It has been okay for so many years. How terrible his cultivation base should be. This worship is too worthy.

The entire Heavenly Dao website ’s official store refreshes things and time are not fixed. Song Ren also watched it before it came in. There are a total of 100 items. The release time is still 2 years ago. Many of the items in it have been exchanged, of course. There are still some that are either useless or too expensive, and still exist today.

“Yangxiuling can relieve the grievance of dragon poison.” When seeing the introduction of the last line, Song Ren eyes immediately lit up and cheering excitedly.

He knew that, whoever hung the bell on the tiger’s neck must untie it, the official store could refresh the resentful dragon poison for others to exchange, and there must be something in the same place.

I was bitten by poisonous snake, and I knew that there were corresponding detoxifying herbs near it.

Song Ren’s heart was finally reassured. When he came in, he was worried that if 10000 was not available, then this key would be wasted for nothing, I just hope it is not too expensive.

He hurriedly looked for the Yangling Ridge.

Two hours later, Song Ren looked at a white piece of bone in front of him, like a centipede, and wriggled in a square like a centipede. The above description is Yangliling.

The required points are 70 40000, which is exactly 2 times the resentful dragon poison.

This is really easy to poison and difficult to detoxify. If you haven’t prepared yourself enough, it is really possible to come here for nothing.

What are you waiting for? Song Ren is happy to directly choose the redemption. With the points being deducted, Song Ren feels that there is something in his writer’s back-end warehouse, and the square in front of him flashes, and he reimagines a part of the sun.燧 ridge.

There are twenty six 10000 points left, and Song Ren, who has no stress, starts to walk around in a random way.

“Nursing Dan, ten 50000 points.”

Song Ren knows that after Golden Core, it is Nascent Soul. The Golden Core inside the body is like an embryo. It brings together its Primordial Spirit and Origin Force within the body to form a mini-baby state.

And wanting to be promoted to Nascent Soul is no better than Golden Core Realm.

Qimai, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core are the First Step of the Cultivation, and the Nascent Soul is the initial stage of the Second Step. The two are like a gully, and it is too difficult and difficult to span.

And this baby care Dan can increase the chance of condensing Nascent Soul by 30%, protecting Nascent Soul from being dispersed.

This kind of Baodan is a scramble for the outside world. It is very rare. If you want to refine it, you need the top Medicine Refining Master in the medicine pill industry. The required medicine ingredients are even more rare. There is only half the chance to refine it.

Heavenly Dao’s online exchange store has refreshed the baby care Dan, but it is already 7 or 1 years ago. It was redeemed by people with sharp eyes as soon as it came out, leaving many people barefoot.

And the things in the Heaven & Earth Treasure Pavilion that many, even if you turn each round, you don’t know how many times, they are repeated randomly.

Such a good opportunity, Song Ren must not plan for himself.


With few points left, Song Ren traded for a gem.

This gem is considered a chicken to the people of Cultivation, but to the Mundane people like Dad, he can always clean up the impurities inside the body and protect him.

He was relieved when he left Dad.

When the points were used up, he was moved out, and he was satisfied when he left: “I will definitely come back.”

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