Song Ren has to admit that talented girls are talented girls. The new music is very nice, especially her fingering is extremely agile. On the ancient zither, it is like dancing Elf.

There is also the song of the oriole, which makes people feel like they are in the field after the spring rain.

Of course, if the heart is not bad, maybe 2 people will become good friends, but unfortunately, one thing is small, it is easy to make people feel separated. She is not like A’yao, and her utilitarian heart is too heavy.

Even in order to achieve a certain purpose, he is a bit unscrupulous. People or things that can be used will never be let go. Just like letting him show the ugly video at the beginning, didn’t expect him to be angry because of “Hometown Scenery”.

But in front of the world, she will always be a good girl.

When ancient zither played Peak, suddenly someone was shocked by the red mist across the finger, excited to shout, and afraid to disturb Lin Miaoke.

Mu Yuan and Lin Miaoke all had eyes shined, even Old Drunkard stretched his neck to look.

The red cloud that had been floating slowly, suddenly seemed to be blown by the wind, and there was a trace of diffusion. Then, when everyone was nervous and the atmosphere was afraid to pant, a red hair with a scarlet ape all over his eyes Appeared.

Although it is an ape, it is only 5 to 6 years old.

Its eyes turned gu lu lu, and it locked Lin Miaoke on the stage at a glance, as if there was no fear of someone sneak attacking it, and it just walked out, stopped at a distance of 100 meters from Lin Miaoke, and headed to the ground. Sit, and nodded at the rhythm.

That way, Song Ren was awkward to watch. Are you sure it’s not a kid? Too humane, Song Ren saw this scene for the first time.

It’s really big in the world, there is no lack of strange things.

Seeing the results, Lin Miaoke swept away the tension before, and played harder. Outside the whole forest, it was quiet, only the long ancient zither sound, playing for this unique fire ape.

Even in the end, the fire ape actually beat the beat, turning Red’s mouth around and turning it in place, it can be seen that it was excited and in a good mood.

With the end of the song, Lin Miaoke stopped, the monkey happily applauded, and flew into the red mist forest.

Mu Yuan immediately rose to power: “younger sister, you are too good, how long it has been, and finally saw this fire ape again, it must have gone in to get you something good, and you are waiting here, really Envy you. “

After Mu Yuan finished speaking, he stepped down again, lest the Fire Ape be shocked.

The rest is even more buzzing, some people think that this is just a scam in rumors, otherwise that many people will try nothing, but at this moment they dare not say anything, it varies from person to person, or their music ca n’t get in. Monkey’s ear.

Too picky.

“It’s a shame–” Old Drunkard aside.

“What’s wrong with Teacher, everyone’s fire ape came out,” Song Ren heard Old Drunkard’s words, a little puzzled.

“I’m not saying anything else. I said that the best thing she got was” fortunately “. She could only ask the butterfly calmly. There were rumors of spiritual medicine that had been extinct outside of the Moon Moon Spring in the Fire Monkey Forest.

The questioning heart butterfly is the Spiritual Qi Shape Transformation from the Magic Moon Spring. It survives in those spiritual medicine. The fire ape is sturdy and can catch one, but the best is the dragon roar in the Magic Moon Spring.

A fish dragon roar is comparable to 100 questioning butterflies, but if you want to catch it, there are no 7 or 8 fire apes. Do you think this fire ape can persuade other dragons to help catch the fish dragon roar? Old Drunkard knew a lot and whispered to Song Ren.

When Song Ren heard it, he was even more shocked. The interpretation and identity of Lin Miaoke just let a fire ape come out to join the crowd. I really do n’t know what kind of music can attract them and get the fish dragon roar.

No wonder the Spirit Flower Pavilion will open the door of convenience, because you have no use at all, there is a treasure mountain in the sky and it is not useful.

Just at the next moment, the fire ape who had just returned appeared, and in his palm, he was holding a light group tightly.

When I came to the previous position, I stopped and threw the light group onto the stage, like the support of Human World, and then clamored, clapping his hands high, as if saying, “Play well, Grandpa reward you. “

When finished, he rolled his tail, scratched his butt and returned to the red mist.

Lin Miaoke closed the ancient zither and picked up the light cluster on the ground. There was a white butterfly flying slowly, full of mysterious feeling.

“Ask the heart butterfly, it turned out to be the heart butterfly, younger sister, you are too good, this is a good thing only second to fish dragon roar,” Mu Yuan came up, full of joy, and the rest of the people who had not seen it were all embracing, congratulating .

Some even gave a shot, such a spiritual object appeared in his video, the click-through rate must be high, and he might make a lot of money next month.

Lin Miaoke was also excited, but she was still a bit disappointed. She thought that no matter how bad she could get the dragon roar, wash her Golden Core impurities, and prepare for the baby.

This time, I was told by my father, didn’t expect, in the end there was only one questioning butterfly.

She has prepared this song “Spring Wind Full House” for a long time, and has not even uploaded it on the Internet. For the first time, I gave the fire ape audition, didn’t expect such a picky.

In the end, they are still beasts, and they don’t understand music at all.

“Cousin, can I play another song, I want to try it.” Lin Miaoke resigned.

Mu Yuan shook his head: “No, this group of fire apes is savvy. It can accurately distinguish a person’s playing characteristics and tone, and within 3 months, they only support one person.

A fire ape has already seen you. Even if you play well below, you will not come out, and it is likely to be counterproductive. Once 10000 is played, the monkey and other companions came out before. you.

I think you are playing it, look down on it, obviously this song is good, why didn’t you just play it, do you think I am not worthy, or do you think that I have less gifts for you, and greedy you want more.

younger sister, 10000000 Don’t underestimate this group of Heaven and Earth Elf. They are not demon, but they are 10000 points smarter than some demon, just simple. “

After listening to my cousin’s words, Lin Miaoke was disappointed for a while. It turned out that there was no good music. After thinking about it, she should have done the best in history.

Lin Miaoke cautiously closed the questioning butterfly, and Mu Yuan turned around and left.

Then inadvertently, I saw Song Ren standing in the open space and an old man with glasses.

The people who were watching before were congratulating her at this moment, so the two people in the large open space suddenly stood out.

“It’s you!” Lin Miaoke blurted out when he saw the familiar face, and immediately stepped off the stage and came to Song Ren.

Everyone else, including Mu Yuan, was stunned.

Who is this person and how can he make Lin Miaoke so shocked.

There are also some people who, when looking at it earnestly, also suddenly feel that this person seems to have seen it somewhere, very familiar, but just want to not raise.

“Lin Young Lady, long time no see.” Song Ren had to say hello politely.

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