“Spirited Away” benefited from an anime that Song Ren watched at the time, but didn’t understand it at first, and then was deeply attracted by the characters and stories inside.

The faceless man likes 1000 hunts, is willing to follow 1000 hunts, and has been helping her silently. Even when 1000 hunts were bullied, he became a so-called ‘rich man’ with Swindle.

When everyone turned around him, he would rather give his gold to 1000.

In the end, he vomited all his desires and vanity again for the sake of 1000, and returned to his original self. Even when he said goodbye, he had a little more tenderness and blessing in his hands.

Song Ren is betting, in this group of fire ape Bloodline, whether the ancestor was like a faceless man, silently chasing his master, and paying everything for the master, and even like all the hobby of the master.

This memory continues in Bloodline, and what Song Ren has to do is activate them.

Of course, if you guessed wrong, it would be a shame.

But think about it, this group of fire apes must have listened to not knowing how much music, but the ingenious piano music has never been heard, so give yourself a little face.

The clean fingers leaped on the black and white keyboards, accompanied by the sound of notes.

Several very simple syllables slowly flow out, gradually becoming more complicated, but not heavy, and mixed with a little beauty. This is a piano song different from the known “Missing Autumn”, with just a few keys Bring people into it.

“I can only send you this way, you have to go the rest of the way, don’t turn back!” This is what White Dragon said to 1000, and it will become eternity when you go.

Song Ren did not know if the host had said the same thing to the fire ancestors, but he remembered that when he was leaving college, his parents said the same thing to him at the station.

Some departures will really become regrets. You will never know. After you say goodbye, you really wo n’t meet again.

We are always growing slowly, we ca n’t turn back on this road, we can only wave goodbye.

Because he knew it, he deliberately learned the tune.

Song Ren unconsciously closed his eyes and played very gently, and even at the end, he began to sing this song along with the music.

Calm and peaceful, like the summer mosquito net, after the child had played with the mother, he gently patted his small belly to coax him to sleep.

Song Ren is sinking into his fingers and mind, expressing everything.

Old Drunkard held his hands, sometimes nodded, and sometimes sighed. Maybe, the Spirit Flower Pavilion can’t really teach children. Some people are born with innate talent.

The rest looked at the Legendary musician dumbly, listening indulgently, afraid to make a sound, for fear of interrupting the beautiful scene.

This is purely an appreciation. Appreciation of real music. It seems that something in my heart is slowly opened by the melody that surrounds my ear.

Lin Miaoke too.

He just pursed his lips and looked at Song Ren’s back.

She has seen how sad the “Missing Autumn” is online on [Eternal Light & Shadow], and she has seen how he can overpower the heroes on Heavenly Sound Mountain, playing the cheerful scene of “Chrysanthemum Youth’s Summer”.

Now, listening to the music from to stand out from the masses, and that beautiful humming, made her completely quiet.

She had also parted, had missed, and had good memories.

Perhaps it was because of her loss that she had developed such a strong, competitive, and unconvinced temperament.

She didn’t want to remember everything about mother, she shook her head vigorously, freeing herself from this mood-affecting atmosphere.

She is her. The past is long gone. Living in the present is the true self.

The cricket’s voice suddenly remembered in this quiet environment, and everyone quickly looked at the gap, only to find that a fiery-red ape walked out of the red mist on the limbs and walked forward 4 ten meters, sit down.

Lin Miaoke looked at the scene and breathed a sigh of relief, looking like himself.

But next moment she froze, because there was another monkey, and then the third, the fourth …

There was even a family with a Little Monkey lying on their chests, a total of 9 monkeys, sitting quietly on the ground, listening to Song Ren’s playing.

Song Ren began to enjoy the music, and while humming his fingertips, he hummed the long-lost score.

“Yeah all the way?

Kano no start Kao shares

A group of Mokongkong even

I am foolish

Kanasimiwa … “

The exotic lyrics that have never been heard and are vague, as crisp and comfortable as the wind chimes in the Glass House, that pure and clear feeling is to accompany each other’s journey.

Time is passing quietly, no one is disturbing the scene so harmonious, even the fire monkeys did not beat, just sitting on the ground and listening quietly.

Their eyes are full of human thoughts and attachments.

With the last note knocked down, everything was quieter.

Song Ren’s eyes were slightly moist and he looked up at the sky.

Then tears won’t fall.

A fire ape followed Song Ren’s pause, slowly stroking the piano with his hand, crooked his head, and zhi zhi cried.

Soon the other fire apes came to touch it, with a look of satisfaction.

Mu Yuan and other Spirit Flower Pavilion’s disciples have already covered their mouths in shock.

Never seen fire monkeys come close to humans like this, let alone interact.

Soon, a monkey barked and rushed into the red mist forest.

Song Ren took the piano, adjusted her mood, and looked towards Old Drunkard.

Old Drunkard was satisfied with nodded and gave a thumbs up.

Lin Miaoke lowered her head and shook her hands tightly.

Heavenly Sound Mountain lost to A’yao and here to Steamed Bun again, why is she getting worse so much.

Unwilling, really unwilling.

You said you gave me that “Hometown Scenery” as a gift to study “Flowing Blossom of Ten Thousand Flying Leaves”, are you pitying me?

I wo n’t ask for a tone will not ask for it.

I will definitely make music beyond you all person.

Suddenly, a sound similar to the roar of the dragon suddenly sounded deep in the red mist forest, everyone was shocked, Old Drunkard’s face was even more joy.

This group of fire apes is a joint effort to fish the dragon roar in the magic moon spring, this kid actually did it.

Mu Yuan and other disciples glanced at each other. If you remember correctly, the last time the fire monkey caught the dragon roar was from a music industry leader 7 years ago.

They immediately turned their heads and looked towards the sky.

Sure enough, a rays of light came at a rapid speed until it fell steadily.

It was a beautiful woman who seemed to be only middle-aged. She was beautifully dressed and the true charm still existed.

The moment Old Drunkard saw the woman, he immediately pulled down the black glasses and hid from the crowd.

“I’ve seen the Pavilion Lord!” Mu Yuan and the others met him immediately, and the others were saluted when they heard it.

It turns out that this is the head of the Spirit Flower Pavilion, but nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

She first glanced deep into the red mist forest, and then looked at Song Ren standing on the stage.

“Did you do that?” Xuan Yi’s voice was so nice, he asked like a breeze.

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