After Song Ren updated Chapter 2, “In the Snow”, which was left unattended, he saw the hot topic on the headlines and immediately hesitated.

Is it so hot?

His previous life may have some shadows on the adaptation of the film and TV series of “Zhu Xian”, which is not very optimistic. What is valued is the 1000000 film and television royalties that others have given him, but now it seems that this momentum has created a new river.

He quickly looked up with keen interest pleasure.

Until I saw everyone ’s minds voting and participating for some characters, Zhong Jingshan smiled again. Hehe sent a message: “Little Song, it seems that this is done well, everyone ’s enthusiasm is unprecedentedly high, I knew it You should have sold more money then. “

Song Ren doesn’t matter. At present, the price of the Shadow Moon Sect is already high enough for him to spend more time, and if he wants it, he is a little greedy.

People must learn to be content.

“Why does Zhong Vice-President look for me again this time? Is it possible that someone wants to buy the copyright of” Tomb of Gods “?” Song Ren started and asked busyly.

Zhong Jingshan on the guild side didn’t know what to say about Song Ren’s cheeky.

Just now, he was not interested in money. In the second sentence, he immediately asked him about money.

I really don’t know, what a contradictory person.

“Little Song, specifically, now, everyone is arguing very hard about the main characters in it. The meaning of Shadow Moon Sect is that in the last few characters, you may need to finalize them.

After all, you are the original author of “Zhu Xian”. Everyone in the pen must have your own understanding. This time, my old friend really wanted to make a good series of this series, and money didn’t matter.

He also did n’t expect to cause such a big sensation and attention. The leader of a section, just now receives investment from various sects, some free recordings of Secret Realm, etc., all for his role.

It ’s all big guys, it ’s not easy to offend, but you ’re different. On the one hand, as long as you are finalized, no one will dare to question your views on the role. That old friend is willing to pay another 2 more for you to be a brick maker. “

Song Ren finally understood, but he was not a little angry, but he was a little curious: “What do you think of me as Zhang Xiaofan?”

Zhong Jingshan stunned, and soon laughed, knowing that others are joking.

If you show your true face and give the Demon Race target, they are sinners. Moreover, the author personally plays it. It is estimated that the shooting location of each place will be 4 volts. Demon Race, Human Race, unknown, other characters follow you. It’s trembling with fear, and I’m shooting wool.

However, he still jokingly said: “That feeling is good, the” Zhu Xian “series will be very hot, full of gimmicks and selling points, do not want to do it.”

Song Ren was also moved by Zhong Jingshan’s words.

Who doesn’t want to be a big star, but unfortunately he didn’t look good in his previous life, so he knows how to switch to another way.

This life is not bad, plus cultivation, world’s spiritual energy free mask nourish, the skin should be whiter and more whiter.

Look at me now, bouncing, flinging away crow’s feet.

I am in love with this handsome face, if I put on women’s clothes, I will bring a microphone …

Aiya, shy.

He is familiar with the main character of Zhang Xiaofan. In previous lives, he was brainwashed in various TV series. I can guarantee that he must be the one with the most acting skills.

When Song Ren was a YYhehe, Zhong Jingshan sent a list to wake up Song Ren.

He quickly looked.

Currently the most popular, starring in Zhang Xiaofan is a strange man named Lin Haoran, who has not heard of it before, and has far lost the number of referral votes for 2nd and 3rd.

Damn, this kid still has to find someone to trust the ticket.

Seeing the 4th person playing Zhang Xiaofan, Song Ren was speechless for a while.

Fatty Ke.

This kid has come here to make fun of it. Don’t guess, it definitely costs money.

In his words, it is just and honourable.

Sure enough, he saw Xia Zhilan in the female lead.

Having said that the last time he signed the book for him, was this Xia Zhilan promised to eat with him, really curious.

However, this Xia Zhilan starred in Xiaoxuan’s granddaughter on Monday, and everyone voted more for the role of Xiaoxuan.


As for Bi Yao and Lu Xueqi, it is obviously Su Youwei and Lin Miaoke.

What more hesitation, Bi Yao must be Su Youwei, as for Lin Miaoke, you still play Lu Xueqi cold.

Wait, did she finally have a monkey with the protagonist?

No, no, as a screenwriter, I have to change it, but I can’t change it too much, trouble.

Soon, Song Ren realized a serious problem.

“President Zhong, the participants in these roles, did they agree?” Song Ren asked.

Zhong Jingshan: “Xia Zhilan and Lin Miaoke were the ones we took the initiative to find, and Lin Miaoke would like to participate in the role of Bi Yao. As for A’yao, we want to wait for you to finalize before contacting her.”

Song Ren understands.

It ’s still this World. I ’m going to make a TV show right now. These celebrities have come forward and participated in the show at no cost. Phantom Moon Shadow Sect is not worried about whether they can afford the money.

“You want me to think again.” After Song Ren sent the message, he quickly sought Su Youwei.

“Hey, where have you been recently?”

Just after waiting for a while, Su Youwei sent a message: “I thought you would continue to hide it, that day in Ping’an City, why pretend not to know me?”

Su Youwei in Inn covered his mouth and chuckled, and continued to send messages in a chuckle.

“It’s so deep, I finally understand why you suddenly ran away when I saw you at Heavenly Sound Mountain.”

Song Ren has some sorry: “That, I also didn’t expect, you will be A’yao, all will be the Will of Heaven toys with the man. As for seeing you again in Ping’an City, it is my Teacher who will not let me I know you and say you are cultivation. “

“Teacher? It seems that the senior of the wine has taken you as an apprentice, no wonder, okay, I forgive you, but I still want to say my sincere thanks to you again.

Thank you for “Unparalleled in the World”. I like it very much. Thank you for “Chrysanthemum Youth’s Summer”. I know it was played for me because only you knew me at the time. “

Unconsciously, there was a sweet smile on the corner of Song Ren’s mouth: “Come on, that, I want to ask,” Zhu Xian “is about to make a serial. Are you coming?”

Su Youwei hesitated, thinking about it, “I may not, and I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to win this role.”

When Song Ren heard a play, he immediately laughed: “haha, you forgot who I am.” Zhu Xian “has Novel, which is authorized by the author. Everyone knows that Author Certification Guild Vice-President Zhong Jingshan can contact the author. Me too.

And the original author is very satisfied with you, and let me play the main character Zhang Xiaofan. We are also acquaintances. In addition to not being able to kiss, it is no stranger to play, I believe you will play well. “

“Well, apprentice!” Su Youwei flushed and took a secret sip.

But soon again came the message: “Really?”

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