In the end, Song Ren still moved with affection. He reasonably said that he moved Xuan Yi Senior.

However, it is necessary to bring someone to protect and take care of Song Ren’s clothing and food. It is Mu Yuan who is already familiar with Song Ren.

Well, as long as Xuan Yi Senior agrees, bring Mu Yuan, Lin Miaoke’s cousin, as well.

This time, he wanted to leave in real life. On the one hand, it was definitely not dangerous. So many people were paying attention. Demon Race could not be followed by 3 killer farce. In the second, he is now a Steamed Bun. Just people.

If you use virtual projection and 10000 is exposed, then you really don’t have to do it yourself.

Anyway, Old Drunkard left him alone on the mountain, and was always bored, and more importantly, he really wanted to taste the acting.

Usually [Eternal Light & Shadow] On the Internet, those videos are all self-directed and performed by themselves, lonely, silly, how can I let such a good opportunity pass by now.

“Donghua is far away from Datong Mountain. Su Yuan knows some short-distances and Transmission Array. She will take you to the appointed time. Be careful all the way.” This is what Xuan Yi said to Song Ren before leaving.

Song Ren repeatedly promised that Mu Yuan was ordered by his Master 1000 and Ding 咛 10000.

In fact, aside from Song Ren’s identity as a music genius, Su Yuan really wanted to go there to take a look. I heard that many group shows this time are some handsome sects, and his cousin Lin Miaoke is also going. .

didn’t expect the opportunity to come like this, the other same sect, let alone how envious she is.

She is grateful to Song Ren, but now the Master looks like this, making her stronger.

This person named Song Yu is bound to have a great relationship with the Master.

But this shouldn’t be the case, Master and Senior are so old.

pei pei pei, what do you think, disrespectful, disrespectful.

“Mu Yuan Senior Apprentice Sister, is that what you call Cangyun City in front of you?” On the way, Song Ren spoke to make Su Yuan wake up from the memories.

Looking at the endless city in front of him, Su Yuan nodded: “Well, there is a Transmission Array here, with a span of three thousand miles.”

“I heard that this thing can only be done with Yuan Stone, I don’t have this thing, only 3 penny.” Song Ren extend the hand, 3 copper pieces against the black light in the sun.

Su Yuan sighed. She hurried for 3 days. She paid for food and clothing. She has never seen such a shy person.

You know, I’m not far away ten thousand li to accompany you, not that you followed me and gave you ‘hard work’.

Forget it, the master’s toll is enough when leaving.

“I do!” Su Yuan said quickly, and quickly speeded up.

When Song Ren heard it, he immediately laughed, eagerly followed along.

Because Cultivation passed Eight Talisman Gate and Flowing Blossom of Ten Thousand Flying Leaves, Song Ren’s speed was very fast. Su Yuan didn’t want to get rid of it.

Dog skin plaster.


Donghua County, Dongyang County Qingyun Mountain!

Here since the vicious major event happened a year ago, it has completely fallen down, and even reduced to an ominous place, and some people have thoroughly investigated the channels through which Demon Race got involved.

Undiscovered Ancient Teleportation Formation? tunnel? Traitors?

In short, even the surrounding residents have been relocated to avoid being implicated.

However, since it was decided to shoot “Zhu Xian” here 5 days ago, the excitement returned immediately.

Even in order to prevent this from happening again, each Big Sect dispatched a lot of powerhouses to investigate and protect them secretly. There are several powerful forces. The sky is covered with demon mirrors and formations.

From the 6th day onwards, people came one after another.

Whether it’s to participate in the show or to watch the lively, idol-watching, and big shot opportunities, I heard that there are also some normally extremely demon Demon Sect involved.

I’m so curious, I haven’t seen it yet.

Within 100 miles of Qingyun Mountain, it has become a shooting place. The rest of the people must stay outside and not enter.

The rules are very strict, but they have been agreed by all Sects. After all, their children are also acting as mass actors.

No one can bother.

When Song Ren came to the foot of the old mountain again, he looked at the familiar scene and was impressed.

He was back again.

“Sugarcane, good sugarcane. This is the super sweet sugarcane I stored in the cellar. There is no sugarcane this season. Pass by, don’t miss it.” Someone shouted in a rough voice at the long stall With.

Looking at the familiar uncle, Song Ren smiled suddenly.

“Uncle, how can sugarcane be sold?” Song Ren asked, busy with red sugarcane on the ground.

“This guest has a good eye, my sugarcane … is you? If you don’t sell or sell, you will accompany me and lose my money.” The stall owner just said 2 words, and immediately recognized himself as being a year ago. A foolish scene.

When I got home, the more I thought about it, the more I got wrong. When I asked the child who was in school, I knew that I was pitted.

Not only did sugarcane sell for a half price, but also a donkey.

It was a wild goose all day long, but it was blinded by the wild goose.

Now even didn’t expect to meet this shameless brat.

“Uncle, you really recognize the wrong person,” Song Ren ran away as soon as he took it, and took away 2 sugar cane.

“You have have no shame–” The stall owner looked at the three coppers on the ground and roared for a while, then immediately locked Su Yuan, who was still in place.

“Girl, are you a group?”

“No, I don’t know him,” Su Yuan resolute and decisive said.


Song Ren chewed sugar cane and wandered with interest. Su Yuan, who hurried up, looked at Song Ren with a resentful expression, and deliberately distanced him.

“Don’t look at me. The uncle sits on the ground and starts to price. The other day I paid a few dozen times the sugar cane in normally. He earned it long ago. Did he eat sugar cane?”

“Don’t eat!” Su Yuan crossed her face, and then with keen interest pleasure looked towards the stalls along the road.

Normally, I don’t go downhill. Didn’t expect that there are so many things that I have never seen in the world. This time I went back, just to bring some souvenirs to Senior Brother Senior Apprentice Sisters.

“If you don’t eat, don’t eat, I don’t think it’s enough,” Song Ren mumbled with bagasse in his mouth.

It’s so sweet.

“Give me a shot,” a familiar voice suddenly heard behind him, and Song Ren shook his hand, turned his head, and saw Su Youwei, a cross-dresser again.

Seeing her again, Song Ren was somewhat happy, somehow.

He immediately gave a small interception and passed: “You came early enough.”

Su Youwei smiled and took the sugarcane and took it in the palm: “It’s almost like you. When you passed the mountain, you saw the sugarcane uncle scolding, thinking that you were in front. Didn’t expect it really.”

Song Ren’s face suddenly turned red.

Isn’t it just a little money, this uncle, as well as it makes people think how i am.

“I’m A’yao, long time no see!” Su Youwei greeted again in another capacity.

Song Ren quickly spit out the scum in his mouth: “I am a Steamed Bun, long time no see!”

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