Ten or five people including Song Ren were sent back to Holy City in secret, no one noticed.

The breakthrough Nascent Soul Early Stage has increased Song Ren’s strength a lot, found a place, took off the mask, and regained his identity as a musician-Steamed Bun.

Because the promotional video of “Zhu Xian” will start to be broadcast on [Eternal Light & Shadow Network] tomorrow, Ruan Yue asked Song Ren, an experienced consultant, to see what else needs to be modified.

The first shot of the series, this first shot must.

Because of his previous relationship with friends, Song Ren found an Inn in the outer city of Holy City and stayed there to start watching the video he edited.

The video is probably only one minute, but it does a very good job, especially the addition of some shots and text, so that Song Ren for a while, as if back to the former World.

He pointed out several flaws and handed them over to Ruan Yue. Ruan Yue launched the entire “Secretary section” of Shadow Sect for rectification at night and stopped until he was satisfied.

It’s a great work.

“Zhu Xian”!

In recent years, the first Novel to enter the potential, Premium, Boutique and even Boutique Epoch from Mundane Novel.

The first Novel, just a few hours after its release, broke the record quickly, entered the potential and received Heavenly Dao rewards.

The first one is understood, which can be updated one hundred thousand, 800,000 words of Novel one day.

The first Novel out of Deity in these decades.

The first Novel to be copied into Premium.

The first was to discuss the plot of the work because the fans were too enthusiastic, killing several Monster King Novels.

The first series was directed by the author himself. The talents and talents of Heavenly Music Network and even the famous sect participated in the series.

“Zhu Xian” was given too many Legendary and titles.

And it is also the first serial filmed by [Eternal Light & Shadow] which has not been well-known. It will be released soon.

From recruiting actors on the first day to shooting for more than two consecutive months, it has attracted many people’s attention.

And after shooting that day, the Sect Master of Magic Moon Shadow Sect personally said that after half a month, the promotional video can come out, that is, the trailer, so many people are waiting.

And today, it finally came out.

After getting this news, many people went crazy into the [Eternal Light & Shadow Network]. The traffic of this day alone directly surpassed the [Heavenly Music Network] and was under the [Spiritual Novels Network].

It is clear how hot this high-profile drama is.

I heard that many of the soundtracks this time are taken from Music Peak’s Peak songs.

Everyone can’t wait any longer. After seeing the official update of Magic Moon Shadow Sect, I immediately clicked to play, completely ignoring the above overview.

Don’t worry, they can’t be cooked anymore.

“Tranquil mountain village, a slaughter, Qingyun great hall, learn from a teacher.”

With the explanation, the first thing that caught my eye was the scene of the slaughter under the Qingyun Mountain, which everyone is familiar with. Two young lad looked at the corpses with fearful eyes.

Many people’s faces are full of excitement, because they are familiar with them, making them even more impatient.

“Heaven and Earth is not kind. With 10000 things as ruminant dogs, what do people live for in the world?”

As if the peaks of Immortal Sect, countless Flying Sword came, it seems to be a big comparison of Qingyun Mountain.

The camera constantly switches, like a generalization, but it’s never been better. Every scene familiarizes them.

“I want to live an ordinary life, but I am involved in the dispute of the demonic path. I want to be a hero, but I have become a demon. I want to be true to people, but I have the wrong feelings!”

A giant dragon head Qilin roared up from the puddle, it was Spirit Venerable Wow, it was so spectacular.

They saw the Steamed Bun as Zhang Xiaofan who fell into the demonic path. It was not beautiful. It was like Bi You, Lin Miaoke’s Lu Xueqi played by Su Youwei, the ringlet of Xia Zhilan, Zhou Xian, Lin Jingyu, Zeng Shushu. Ghost King …

Everyone is a big coffee, and the characters in the known book are really presented, until the last subtitle of “March 3th, we will see you” will appear, and everyone is still sighed then said.

March 3th, isn’t it next month? It’s a long time, I really want to see it immediately.

Everyone had to watch it over and over again, this is much better than other videos on [Eternal Light & Shadow] online.


After Song Ren saw it, he was also very satisfied, but looking at himself, he performed really well.

And Su Youwei–

Song Ren looked at the footage that belongs to her in the trailer. It really looked like what she did, and she didn’t know how she returned to the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos.

I do n’t want to do it anymore, you said it was funny or not, Song Ren did n’t even leave any contact information on the Internet with Old Drunkard. I did n’t see him contact him. It ’s been more than 2 months. Where did Teacher go?

Bored, Song Ren opened the [Dragon City] game network, and abused the City of Teacher several times, but did not see the Teacher to avenge himself.

Teacher Where did he go?

is it possible that revenge is gone?

I don’t know who actually planted Teacher with unresolved grudge poison at the time?

Now thinking about it, the grudge poison of Heavenly Dao from Heavenly Dao is that someone directly wanted to kill Old Drunkard, but was not sure to kill him, so he had to use this kind of thing.

And with Old Drunkard’s cultivation base, it will not let strangers or dangerous people approach themselves, it can be planted, it can only be said that, without any precaution, it is absolutely believed, even by close people.

Like he was at the Learned Academy of Classical Learning, Gu Changyue sneak attack congratulated him with a smile.

The city is full of northern swords!

Helplessly Song Ren began to update “In the Snow”, and every word was a visual treat.

After updating 2 10000 words one night, he looked like a reader, revisiting the advance of with keen interest pleasure.

On the 2nd day, I left Holy City and went back to the Spirit Flower Pavilion in Datong Mountain. He got the news of waiting for Teacher there, I wonder if Xuan Yi Senior knew.

And the girl Su Yuan, who did not bid farewell for half a month, is probably terrified.

Going around for a few days, Song Ren finally came back in covered in dirt, and sure enough, Su Yuan rushed over first, his face flushed.

Song Ren showed a big white tooth: “Whoever keeps following your cousin regardless of me, go out and turn around alone, rest assured, I will explain to Xuan Yi Senior, it has nothing to do with you.”

Song Su was about to cry when Su Yuan was about to cry, and then hurried up the mountain.

Xuan Yi was relieved when he saw that Song Ren was okay. While reproving Su Yuan in the past few days, he was preparing to go to the shooting place to find him in person.

“Your Teacher, he hasn’t heard from him yet,” Xuan Yi looked towards the setting sun in the sky, which is also full of worry.

“What the hell did he do? Not long after the grudge dragon poison was untied, the cultivation base of the past did not recover at all, 10000 one–” Song Ren said incessantly.

Xuan Yi shook his head: “He didn’t tell me, he just said that he had lost some things that he had lost and wanted to go somewhere to see if some traces were still there.

You don’t need to worry about that. Old Guy knows what to do. If he doesn’t figure out something, he won’t die. “

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