Hai Fei came from other islands last year. He used a lot of relationships at home. In addition to his innate talent, he was able to come to this ‘holy place’ to learn Novel writing.

Here are the real talents, and nothing else. The ten Boutiques hanging on the wall and more than 30 portraits of the Epoch writer inspired him to keep moving.

I heard that they were just like themselves, ignorant, and finally stood out.

He believes that one day he can.

In fact, he did have innate talent in writing. One year, it took only one year to make a Promising Novel.

Now that he has started to conceive the next one, he believes that with his own efforts, he will surely write a Premium book, then Boutique and Epoch, and slowly turn into reality Deity.

One’s own portrait may one day be hung on the wall to admire the latecomers and make the family glorious.

Of course, there is another reason for such efforts, that is, during a class, the girl who looked like Celestial Immortal broke into the classroom to find a Teacher.

At that moment, he felt that his spring had arrived, and he really fell in love at first sight.

He believes that no girl in the world can compare with her.

In the end, it turned out that she was like the entire Divine Sea of ​​Chaos Princess-Su Youwei.

Since that day, he has written a Boutique Epoch as his goal in life, hoping to get her attention.

Today, Nan Huangtong Senior gave the lecture in person, and he listened very attentively.

Nan Huangtong Senior is incredible, not only deeply appreciated by the entire Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, but also the Teacher of the ten Boutique and 30 Premium writers, and a Platinum writer.

I heard that in his name, there are 2 Epoch, 3 Boutique and 4 Premium books, which shows the profound knowledge.

In addition, the new book some time ago has reached Premium again, and also turned out a real humanoid Deity. Although he failed at the last moment, he believes that with the strength of Senior, he will definitely go further.

Squeak ~~

Just when more than 500 people listened to the class seriously, the heavy door of the great hall lightened, and everyone looked at it subconsciously.

Under the bright sun, the door of the temple opened a gap, and a breeze entered.

Nan Huangtong on the podium put down the books, frowned, leaned over his head, but had nothing.

Some people even curiously stretched their necks to look at them, and there seemed to be a shudder outside.

Nan Huangtong seemed to perceive something and smiled bitterly.

The next moment, a playful silhouette jumped in from the door, holding hands, a happy smile on his face.

Many people, including Hai Fei, shivered and looked towards the girl.

The golden sunlight shone on her back, her shawl with long hair, spread over the slim waist with a grip, and a breeze came, blowing her green silk, revealing a dusty face below.

It’s her, she’s here again.

At this moment, Haifei only looked like that girl in her eyes, and the other youngsters were spitting. I hope that this girl can say hello to them, and this life is worth it.

Nan Huangtong was also laughing for a while. Since he imitated Novel of “Tomb of Gods” into Premium and failed Deity, the following chapters made him as thin as ice. Every word and paragraph must be carefully scrutinized 100 times. I felt that it was appropriate before I dared to write.

Now that he has been given hope, he must cherish this opportunity. As long as the quality of Novel in the future can be maintained, that Deity will be able to come out. Then, although he is not his granddaughter, he is saved by his granddaughter Youwei.

Her second Divine Heart is here.

Divine Sea of ​​Chaos is his home, where he has struggled all his life.

To others, Deity is the weapon of Human Race, and it is the author’s most Peak honor.

But in his opinion, as long as he can save Su Youwei and the granddaughter who is calling his grandfather, he has no hesitation.

As long as home is still there is hope.

At first, watching that girl grow up like that, it was heartbreaking. Holy City had its own considerations, thinking about it in other places, and maybe you would also refuse such a request.

But that kind of helplessness is really uncomfortable.

Yang Xuan has only one child in his life.

This time he can write one, and in the future he can write the second part, Third Section …

It is precisely because of this that he is more stressed, for fear that something is not written well, and the quality of the text will be reduced. It is more the tension of Mental Power and Cavern. The subsequent stories do not know how to arrange it.

I had to come out to relax and let the students who were supposed to be teaching in Epoch go to the back. He came to talk to this group of youngsters, soothing and soothing.

Just didn’t expect a lecture on the first day, and this troublesome little girl came.

But looking at it, she was very happy. It had been a long time since she had seen her smile so happily.

Seeing the group of youngsters who were anxious to climb out of the table, Nan Huangtong shook the head with a smirk, and used the ruler pats table to make those people sit upright, but his eyes were staring directly at that. girl.

When Nan Huangtong was about to say something to Su Youwei, Su Youwei turned around and looked out the door: “You come in!”

“Well, let’s forget it. The threshold is too high. It feels like incense in the temple.” Outside, there was a man’s voice.

Many people were stunned, and Hai Fei was suddenly stunned.

what happened?

Even Nan Huangtong looked aside.

Listening to the sound is very young, how come the little bastard, a good classroom hall, how to get into his mouth and become incense in the temple.

Su Youwei was also made a smile by Song Ren’s words. This smile, like 100 flowers in full bloom, made those people crazy again.

“It’s not how you are like this. Come in and see how it is better than what you did with Mr. Wen Yuan.” Su Youwei said, of course she knew about Mr. Wen Yuan.

That time in Ping’an City, after finishing the music, I went out and went around, and met Song Ren, who came back from school with a shoulder bag, and the two chatted a little bit, knowing that he was also learning to write Novel, just talking, I ran into Old Drunkard and asked them to go in and inform him of his condition.

“Let’s go, I won’t go in. This place is too big. I feel that I have an echo in the doorway and you should come out quickly. Don’t disturb others in class. I’m hungry. I’ll get some seafood and try it. “

The voice of the man outside the door rang again, letting Haifei and the others big eyes staring at small eyes.

Who the hell is so courageous, even Goddess’s invitation is so rejected, there seems to be a tone of command, in other words, go through water and tread on fire is also at his disposal, this is what they do A consciousness as a subject of the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos.

Even more incredible is that the daughter of the diignified Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, Princess-like figure of aloof and remote, was not angry at all in the face of the man’s rejection, but only a little bit angry.

But this wrath seemed to them coquettish.

How is it possible, who is this, when did Divine Sea of ​​Chaos come out such a character?

“Since you said this is a temple, how can you not come in here to get a stick of incense when you get here,” Nan Huangtong was also curious, and suddenly spoke with a right hand and a strong suction.

With a ‘mom’, a silhouette flew in directly from the door, and came directly to Nan Huangtong, standing on the lecture table.

Song Ren blinked and looked at Nan Huangtong with a smile and stared at him, as well as the hundreds of people sitting in the clothes underneath.

What happened just now?

Seems like ‘咻’, it’s over, people are here.

so amazing!

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