This damn is a poem made by a pig?

World is simply too crazy.

Song Ren really admires this Zhu San brother. He even has a terrible idea that he is not as good as a pig.

The enjoyment of Zhu San bathed in golden light, on the surface, looks very expressionless, but the swinging legs still show how excited people are.

The other monsters around, including even the Human Race Confucian, were shocked.

Who would have thought that the azure snake king territory, the first to draw Wenfeng Monster Emperor, turned out to be a janitor pig.

Wen Feng Monster Emperor, as a research poetry, is even more proficient at Monster Emperor than Human Race. The requirements for poetry are very high, and the poems have been positioned as [Good], [Excellent], and [Good] grade.

Just like the Yue Mei in the Fox clan territory, it was approved by Monster Emperor twice before and it was all [good].

Don’t look at it is the lowest, but it is already higher than the level of Human Race, I don’t know how much, it can be seen from the surprised eyes of Yue Mei rushing at this moment.

Is her level equal to this not-yet-evolved pig?

Yu Linglong was shaking with excitement, and finally, she was no longer laughed at.

There are also authors recognized by Monster Emperor in our family.

When Si Niang saw a pig, he even twisted his lips, which was too low-grade.

Monster Wolf Commander was filled with joy after he froze.

I definitely made a profit this time, unintentional positive outcomes.

Monster Emperor’s will came, but no one dared to make a loud noise, all silently watching Zhu San enjoying Monster Emperor’s wishes, an inexplicable encouragement.

The golden poems appearing in mid-air are covered with a chapter with the word ‘wen’, and there is a smaller [Good] character below.

This represents the honor belonging to Zhu San. This poem has been recognized by Wen Feng Monster Emperor, just like Yue Mei. In fact, in his account, there are already no less than 5 poems, but with this chapter, There are only two.

Each Demon Race is the same as the Human Race. It can publish many works arbitrarily under its own account, but whether it is good or not depends on the will of these late gangsters.

The rays of light in the sky slowly dissipated until they returned to normal. Zhu San also opened his eyes slowly after enjoying the wishes of Monster Emperor.

Monster Emperor’s blessing is a blessing that can improve your Bloodline level.

I heard that there are wishes from the demon god, and I don’t know if it is true or false.

After Zhu San had finished bathing, maybe Bloodline had improved slightly, and when other Demon Races saw him, he felt much more pleasing to his eyes.

“Your name is Zhu San?” While Zhu San was still thinking about it, a soft voice suddenly sounded.

Zhu San saw Yu Linglong staring at him at a glance.

Beautiful, with the coercion of superiors, those many people kneeling around, then look at this dress, especially her azure scales on her brows, and this noble temperament.

Zhu San’s eyes turned, and he immediately analyzed who the person was.

He quickly knelt down and worshiped: “Subordinate Zhu San, I’ve met my mother!”

Yu Linglong was full of joy at this moment. When he raised his hand, a strong force stopped the saluted of Zhu San.

The more Yu Linglong looked, the more satisfied her smile became.

“It’s good, it’s really good,” Yu Linglong said so exaggeratedly, but his eyes turned to look at Si Niang.

Si Niang curl one’s lip, whispered ‘Good Ugly’, and then pulled out a jade bottle containing a medicine pill and threw it to Zhu San.

“Look, this is the high-level medicine pill that can be refined from Human Race. Thank you. Didn’t expect to come and make a big loss.”

Zhu San took it in a panic, glanced at the charming woman, his nose moved, and it seemed to have that smell.

He took out the higher medicine pill and stood side by side with his mother-in-law,

Based on his personality analysis of several Monster Kings in his own area and surrounding areas, he immediately knew who this woman was.

“Many thanks to Ni Niang for her reward. They all say that Si Niang is not only very beautiful, but also my mother’s best sister. I saw it today, and it really is true.” Zhu San fiercely praised.

Yu Linglong is even more proud of it. Look at this. This is my mind. If you try to hold yourself, you will be overwhelmed by the benefits.

Si Niang was curiously watching this pig demon who had not completely escaped the beast.

The exit is chaptered and decent, just like the teacher in the school.

Incredibly, this pig is fine, no, it was a monster.

didn’t expect Sister Jade was silent, so she secretly cultivated such a genius.

At this moment, even Yu Linglong took a closer look at Zhu San and gave me a long face in front of outsiders.

“Sister, it seems that the quality of your school is very high. In this way, let Yue Mei study here, younger sister is more at ease.” Si Niang covered her mouth and smiled softly, making people soft.

Yu Linglong originally refused. With such a genius staying on your side, don’t you agree with it every day?

However, there is a good seed here this time. If you let 2 learn together, you will definitely improve Zhu San’s knowledge faster.

Mutual benefit and win-win situation.

Yu Linglong nodded: “Okay, let Yue Mei stay here, Mr. Li, it may be troublesome-“


Before Yu Linglong’s words were finished, suddenly the sky exploded again, the clouds rolled in, and golden light shone.

Yu Linglong, Si Niang, and Yue Mei all stayed, then subconsciously looked towards Zhu San.

Yes, my pig!

Zhu San froze and shook his head again and again. This time it wasn’t me. Although I had several poems prepared, I only uploaded this one, and the rest were unsure.

Golden rays of light Down, still the will of Wen Feng Monster Emperor came down, and then shone on Song Ren aside.

No, it should be A’bao without any accident.

The mighty voice descended from the idols in the clouds.

“The poem” Red Dust “, author A’bao, level [excellent], is a model of my Demon Race, hope to continue, and bestow Monster Emperor’s best wishes.” The voice of the idol fell, and in the air, Song Ren just did Poems.

Red Dust


This is a blue light and does not return

But because of muddy wine

starlight doesn’t ask passers-by

Years worth living


Qingshan still laughs spring breeze

The end of the song is broken

Floating life if dream.

Song Ren took advantage of the golden stage of the development of [Divine Demon.Net] at this time to write poetry, mainly because he wanted to attract attention like Zhu San.

Now that he has been mixed in, his primary goal is to inquire about the information about Teacher. However, he has been standing guard and sentry without any notice. He has no freedom of movement.

However, just after Zhu San achieved his achievements, he can see that two Monster Kings value him. If he is like this, the scope of action and the right to speak will be much more important.

It’s just that didn’t expect. I didn’t do those familiar poems of the ancients, but with this kind of lyric in the past life, I would get Wen Feng Monster Emperor’s will to belong to [You] recognition.

Zhu San and Yue Mei are only good.

Zhu San took a spit and looked at the Monster Emperor’s stamp [Yu]. The brother he knew was actually also deeply hidden, even worse than him.

The Monster Wolf Commander over there is already agitated by now.

This is a subordinate brought in by myself, and today it was a big luck.

These two brothers are their own blessings. Without them, they would not be able to come to Wang Ting and face their mother-in-law.

“A’bao?” Looking at the name above, Yu Linglong forcibly stabilized his excitement, but stared at the word “You”.

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