Song Ren drank a bit high. Although he was in Demon Race, he had a good conversation with Zhu San and Yue Mei. Not at all before the malicious feeling of Demon Race.

At this moment, they were stunned by 2 people, waved their hands, clicked to their work page, and wrote directly.

“Oh, let a man of spirit venture where he pleases, And never tip his golden cup empty toward the moon!.

Since heaven gave the talent, let it be employed!, Spin a thousand of pieces of silver, all of them come back!. “

At a glance of 2 people, they suddenly shouted.

Seeing this in the distance, Yu Linglong and Si Niang felt relieved.

“A few of them are having fun, maybe staying together to help each other may not be.” Yu Linglong said.

Si Niang is also nodded: “I don’t know when my Demon Race will …”


Si Niang’s words were not finished. At night, the sky made a loud noise again. Then, the clouds gathered, the golden light flickered, and the sound of idols began to sound.

“The poem” Bring in the wine “, author A’bao, level [good], is a model for my Demon Race, I hope to continue, and bestow Monster Emperor’s best wishes.” Golden rays of light Next, shining on Song Ren, Yu Linglong and Si Niang stood up instantly, their eyes were incredible.

Yue Mei shook her head, a little sober, and took a step back with her glass.

“This, how is this possible …”

The other carnival Demon Race is also shocking, this new brother of A’bao, cow.

Zhu San flushed: “Okay, good poems, brother, terrific, I … Aiya ~”

Zhu San, who was drinking a bit high, wanted to go to the floor of Song Ren’s shoulder, but was bounced by the golden light outside.

He drank the wine and threw the glass out: “Me, I want it too.”

I also opened my own backstage, and selected a few poems I had kept, and selected a few brushes to write them up.

The rays of light on Song Ren’s side haven’t dissipated yet, a voice descends from the clouds, and the idol of Wen Feng Monster Emperor condenses again.

“Poem” Iren “, author Zhu San, level [good], is a model for my Demon Race, I hope to continue, I wish Monster Emperor a special gift.”

Then Zhu San’s work just appeared in the air.

“The dream comes back in the spring, when the willow hangs lightly that year.

Yi Wenshan came to the poor part of the water, but that person was with him. “

And there is a rays of light shining on his body, a look of enjoyment.

All the monsters were quiet, shaking their heads as if dazzled.

Is it so easy to get Monster Emperor’s will today?

Yu Linglong even hurriedly, staring at the blessings of the 2 gods, their 2 brothers had been hiding before.

Si Niang even looked at Yue Mei who was completely awake, these two guys were so powerful.

Yue Mei, however, only inspired Monster Emperor’s will for the second time in a year, and has published a lot of poems written by himself.

After Song Ren’s blushing bathed in Monster Emperor’s wishes, the golden light in the sky was gone. Only Zhu San’s had not.

He laughed: “Good big brother, you, you have come too, then, then I will come again, see who is more, make poetry, I, who I have not been afraid of yet.”

Song Ren once again wrote longer drinking poems, shouted while writing: “When will the moon be, ask the wine to the sky. I do n’t know what day of the heaven is? I want …”

With the last sentence, “Wish people to last for a long time, 1000 miles in total, Juan”, after just three breaths, the golden light that the sky had dissipated once again converged.

“The poem” Song of Water Tuning “, author A’bao, level [good], is a model for my Demon Race, I hope to continue, and bestow the best of Monster Emperor.”

Yu Linglong couldn’t believe looking at the chapter of [佳]. This was already the highest rating of Wen Feng Monster Emperor. After being drunk, the panda of A’bao actually made the poem of [佳].

After bathing in golden light, Zhu San ’s is over. After saying “your grandfather”, I put out a song again, and the dissipated golden light came again, and it was a good one again.

Song Ren shook his head and laughed loudly, and said again: “At the moment the moon is born on the sea, the End of the World is at this time …”

Yu Linglong, Si Niang, and the demons can no longer describe the scenes seen in this scene. If you use one sentence to describe it, it is: the scene is a bit out of control.

Over the territory of his home, fireworks have been displayed in the middle of the night, or the cycle of “bang” after the disappearance.

They were even afraid that Wen Feng Monster Emperor’s will would rush down from the top and yell: You play with me, knowing that your brother is talented, but can you release it to me at once.

So far, Zhu San has been [Good] 5 times, Song Ren [Good] 3 times, 2 [Excellent], 2 [Good].

It can be seen that Song Ren is full of vitality. As for Zhu San, he has secretly snatched down for so many years, waiting to erupt every once in a while, all the works that attracted the attention of the snake king, all spit out.

He is out of stock.

Song Ren had written the poems 2 times in advance, and after Zhu San finished, he immediately woke up and quickly pats his pig’s brain.

At the end of the calf, he acknowledged that he had innate talent. These poems were made by his own brains. The original plan was to release a song that caused the cultivation of his mother-in-law and quickly learn Novel.

That stuff is more difficult than poetry. It ca n’t be learned overnight, so in a case of time, the mother is anxious, seeing that she ca n’t learn the egg, she releases a poem, causing Wen Feng Monster Emperor to come, at least she can To play a moderating role, to make the mother think that she still has training value, it only takes time.

Now, train a fart.

Drinking things wrong, drinking things wrong.

“Brother, I’m gone, I thought, you, you have a lot, brother me, here, there, a lot of inventory,” Song Ren was now being blessed by Monster Emperor, within the body of monster qi even more Thick, even some monsters see the breath from afar, like the Bloodline facing the high commander’s advanced Demon Race.

Here comes Song Ren, who is very hot and flushed, 2 dark circles, 2 red cheeks.

“Brother me today, I will teach you how to write Novel. Short poems can be regarded as stories. Long articles about 1000000 words are forages. There are also 10000 words for Novel, burp ~”

Song Ren stumbled and almost fell, and the tables and chairs touched over, but Yu Linglong prevented others from helping.

How could he do Novel?

Yes, the poems of good, excellent, and good have had the words at hand. His perception of Novel can be seen to be far beyond Zhu San and Yue Mei.

Song Ren chuckled as he found the jar on the table, picked up gu gu 2 times, and found the system in his mouth, deducted the money on the account, and exchanged out [Biography of Sun Wukong] with only 20 chapters.

Then I opened the page again, registered the book title, and started writing Fenbishushu.

“Goku, I’m hungry, find something to eat.” Tang Seng said sitting on the stone with a big smile.

“I’m busy, wouldn’t you go looking for it yourself …… not without legs,” Sun Wukong said with a bang.

“I finally understand that the Golden Cudgel in my hand cannot reach the sky …”

“I want this day, I can’t cover my eyes, I want this land, I can’t bury my heart, I want these beings …”

“I’m like an aura, crying and laughing, over time …”

“If the sky presses me, split that day, if the land restrains me …”

“Although I’m a pig, but I, no, Ren, you, we, Jae!”


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