“Teacher, Xuan Yi Senior showed me the picture of you being attacked by the horrible thing from Mobei Shibuya, so I was worried that you followed him secretly, did you not get hurt?” Song Ren anxiously sounded transmission.

Old Drunkard frowned, suddenly as if he felt something: “Protect yourself, pay close attention to the situation in Mobei Shiyuan, I’ll go first!”

After Old Drunkard directed 2 Flying Swords to attack Song Ren again, suddenly, at night, a fire sea suddenly appeared at an indescribable speed, with a stronger roar.

The 2 fire groups descended instantly, blocking the 2 Flying Swords that were still “chasing” Song Ren. ,

“Human Race, you really are courting death!”

In the monstrous fire sea, a huge fierce beast rushed out, exuding terrifying coercion, 4 hoofs stepping on the flames, 3 eyes were exposed with sharp mansions, and there was even more proud arrogance.

This is one Real boss of Monster Sovereign, Yu Linglong and many other territories.

Yu Linglong and Si Niang saw their Monster Sovereign coming, presumably because of the natural phenomenon caused by A’bao Novel’s promotion to Boutique. Let him come to celebrate. Didn’t expect it to be so timely.

“Keep your life!” Old Drunkard pointed at Song Ren, the A’bao, and then 4 Flying Sword flew into the sword box behind him.

With the snoring of the authorities, the sword box closed, Old Drunkard turned directly into the night.

“Want to escape, did you agree with the emperor?” The monster beast Monster Sovereign coldly snorted, spreading his four hoofs and chasing after the flames.

Song Ren was worried for a while, Yu Linglong and Si Niang fell to Song Ren at the same time: “Are you all right?”

Two Monster Kings touched Song Ren with their hands up and down.

Song Ren quickly drew his gaze and shook his head again and again: “Two damsels, all of them are okay.”

“Okay, okay, that’s okay, there’s an adult fire shot, then Human Race can’t escape!” Yu Linglong looked at the night, gnashing teeth.

If it wasn’t for Fire Sovereign’s shot today, they would probably all be buried here, and it can be seen that because they have absolute confidence in their own means, they have played with them for a while.

Otherwise, A’bao would have died.

Never be complacent about being complacent.

At this time, the demon hurriedly surrounded him, shouting and killing.

Zhu San got up from the ground and came over with Yue Mei.

“It’s okay, brother?”

“A’bao big brother, your face—”

2 The demon comforted, and Song Ren smiled cheekily: “It’s okay, maybe the bark is scratched a little.”

There were 4 hoofs coming from far to near. The demon quickly looked and saw that Monster Sovereign returned alone, Song Ren secretly relieved in his heart.

With Teacher’s Eight Talisman Gate, getting rid of Monster Sovereign shouldn’t be a problem, and it hasn’t been seen for a while, Teacher seems to be much more powerful.

And that weapon sword box, is it possible that was taken out of Mobei Corpse?

Last time Xuan Yi Senior showed himself the picture, he saw Teacher flying out of the corpse and carrying something on his back.

The Monster Sovereign fell from the air and turned directly into a middle-aged man with red hair and huge eyes.

The demons all bowed down, “I’ve seen Lord Huo!”

Fire 狻 Monster Sovereign nodded, voice with rudeness and impatience: “Let’s get up!”

“Thank you!”

Yu Linglong quickly said: “Master, that Human Race-“

Huoyu Monster Sovereign snorted: “Escape too fast, I didn’t catch up, but I was hit hard and I won’t show up again in a short time.”

Song Ren’s heart tightened.

Yu Linglong and Si Niang breathe a sigh of relief, all right!

Huo 狻 Monster Sovereign then looked towards Song Ren with a smile on his face: “That’s good, A’bao, right, but this time the Emperor wants to reward you, say, what do you want?”

Yu Linglong and Si Niang only felt relieved at this time and cast envious eyes on Song Ren.

Demon Race [Divine Demon .Net] In the past 50 years, the first author to enter the Boutique Novel column is from the domain of her azure snake king,

Under the governance of Monster Sovereign.

This face really makes a lot of money.

Song Ren can feel the horror of this Monster Sovereign in front of him, even more powerful than Lei Yuan Saint King, he quickly saluted: “Yes, my subordinates have seen my emperor!”

Huobang Monster Sovereign expressed satisfaction: “Very good, what kind of reward do you want, though, the Emperor has nothing to say.”

Song Ren didn’t dare to lion’s big mouth. He was not familiar with the fire monster Monster Sovereign.

“Dare to dare to do something for my emperor. It is the duty of the subordinates. How can you ask for anything? Your approval is the best reward for the subordinates.”

Zhu San admired Song Ren’s answer aside, so quickly he learned the way of life he has studied over the years. The A’bao brother’s future achievements are unlimited.

After listening to the fire, Monster Sovereign was quite satisfied.

This is the future of my Demon Race.

“Okay, A’bao, then the king will reward you. Follow me, and I will let you be taught by the better Human Race. Since you have this innate talent, you must not waste it.”

After hearing a Monster Sovereign going to take Song Ren to a higher platform, Yu Linglong and Si Niang and the others were full of envy. What a great opportunity.

Song Ren trembled.

Just kidding, go to your territory with a Monster Sovereign, and I have nothing to do if I expose it to 10000.

What’s more, Teacher had rushed to leave a message just now, and let him pay close attention to the Mobe corpse. I followed you. How can I pay attention to the corpse in this area.

If the Teacher comes to find him where to go, you must not risk it, and come to the territory of Monster Sovereign.

Song Ren hurriedly said, “Many thanks for my emperor’s good intentions, but I don’t want to leave.”

“Oh?” What a great opportunity this is. It’s so exciting that I don’t know what it is like to be excited by others.

Huobang Monster Sovereign even waited for Song Ren’s kneeling to thank him for the next time, but it was Song Ren’s refusal to wait.

Yu Linglong, on the other hand, gently sang Song Ren with her hand, and quickly said, “Sir, we were drinking a celebration party just now. A’bao may drink a little too much, a bit of nonsense, I’m the master …”

“I didn’t drink too much, frankly, and I could make Novel such as” Biography of Sun Wukong “, which was approved by the Monster Emperor. This is the life of Mundane.

Therefore, my subordinates want to calm down and write better works. If you go to such glorious places with you, it will definitely make me proud, as well as daily consultations and visits by other colleagues.

I am afraid that this will make me never stop. “Biography of Sun Wukong” has become the only one of my demon students, and I can no longer surpass it, so I want to stay here and write the next Novel with a calm mind. “

As Song Ren’s words were finished, Fire Saw Monster Sovereign trembled.

Look, look, this is my Demon Race member of New Generation.

What a great consciousness and sacrifice this is. For the glory of my Demon Race, I directly gave up the opportunity to be a superior, and even lived such a poor life.

This area inspired him, so he couldn’t bear it.

Even with Yu Linglong, Si Niang, and even Zhu San Yue Mei, they were all moving at the moment.

No wonder people can make such Novel, where is realm left?

“Okay, the Emperor supports you and doesn’t force it. It even orders that no other monsters break into the forest of Mobei to disturb you. I will stay here for 3 days to ensure that the Human Race breath that wants to kill you is completely gone. It also gives you absolute freedom and choice. “Huobang Monster Sovereign said with a smile.

Song Ren was pleased: “many thanks my emperor!”

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