In the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, Su Youwei sent a message to Song Ren, and wanted to see how his music buddy is now. There is no information at all, but it is a bit worrying.

I just did n’t reply after sending it, and I did n’t know where I was.

Similarly, Xuan Yi is even more so. He cannot reach the Song Ren guy. He is anxious about 10000 points. He regrets sending him a video about the attack on Old Drunkard that day.

Shouldn’t this child run into Demon Race territory to find his own Teacher?

No, no, now because of breaking in, Demon Race is heavily guarded, and even Monster Sovereign and Monster King appear.

On the Human Race side, because of the appearance of the soulless corpse, the border is strictly inspected to prevent any suspicious people from appearing. If he wants to pass, he must cross 2 blockade lines. No.

So what is this guy doing recently? Why is there no news?


Song Ren did not dare to sense the Heavenly Dao net in the Demon Race territory. Here, maybe an inadvertent movement or breath may expose his position.

The last time because of drinking, he has a lot of worries until now, because he didn’t say that he was a human race-related utterance at that time, otherwise, it would all be done.

And because Teacher was wrong to kill himself, they made them believe him more.

You say it’s not bitter.

Therefore, Song Ren is very alert, just like now, he has quickly borrowed Eight Talisman Gate and rushed to Mobei Shiyuan, quietly lurking in the forest on one side, watching the huge abyss in front of him.

This is a forest in Mobei, which is the center of the sphere of influence of Yu Linglong, the king of azure snake. There is also a dense forest all around, but in the front, the ground seems to be shaved by people, showing chaos. Stone made up of a huge abyss, Barren.

The huge canyon is like being split into two halves by a sword, aloof and remote, and clouds and fog.

But if you look closely, you can see that there is a huge magic eye below the abyss.

No, it should be a big bottomless pit-like existence. From time to time, it seems that wind penetrates from below, echoing a tingling whine.

Quiet, too quiet, except for the noise of the wind.

After confirming that he could hide the sky over the sea, the Teacher came to the Monster Sovereign because of the fire, and let him continue to lurk and pay attention to the situation in the abyss.

It can be seen that Teacher should hope he can help him.

Teacher was hit hard by Monster Sovereign, but I don’t know what happened, where is it now?

The situation in the abyss can only be counted on him.

After seeing and coming a few times, not at all, Song Ren was a little confused.

This corpse seems a little special, what is the significance of its existence.

According to the information obtained, a corpse of King level was born in this corpse corpse of Mobe that year. Without consciousness, no monsters or humans would let it go.

Because it is located in the Demon Race territory, the most affected is Demon Race, so 2 Monster Sovereigns were dispatched to join forces to kill, and since then they have calmed down.

Since it was beheaded, why did n’t these places be destroyed in one go?

So, what is the purpose of the Teacher coming here?

Song Ren couldn’t figure it out.

Some time ago, due to Teacher’s sake, what was under the corpse abyss caused something to happen, let the fire smash Monster Sovereign and many Monster Kings come and re-produce, and some of the soulless corpses that climbed out were hanged together.

He also knew Zhu San, and was valued by Monster Wolf Commander and entered the court of the king.

Looking at the bottom and several times sneaking up, not at all, Song Ren was about to leave, but suddenly stopped.

Would you like to go down?

I was watching from the outside, I couldn’t find any information at all.

If I don’t go deeper, I will get closer.

When this idea came out, coupled with curiosity, Song Ren felt very itchy, even he knew that there must be a terrible existence below, after all, it had attacked Teacher last time.

What if it doesn’t bother quietly?

Song Ren looked back at the bottom of the canyon again, clenched the teeth, and turned and left. After about 100 miles, Song Ren found a huge canopy, soared up, and then slashed it with a dagger to accommodate only one person hiding Tree hole, found something to cover and drilled in.

Soon after contacting system, virtual projection started, and Song Ren glanced at his own body, jumped down, and headed towards the corpse.

The system’s virtual projection has gone through several times, and Song Ren also discovered that using his Mental Power to condense a new body, there is no difference between the body and the touch.

It is only when it is fatally hit that it will turn into a molecule and slowly return. Now using such investigations, you should be able to satisfy your curiosity.

10000 Once the Teacher returns some day, he can explain something useful himself, otherwise, he can only rely on the Teacher to continue.

With Teacher’s cultivation base and breath, it is bound to wake up the following things.

Now that you have this good thing, you should do a little bit more work and less hurt your loved ones.

Next, there must be something important about Teacher.

Soon, Song Ren once again reached the edge of Mobei’s Dead Sea. After confirming that no one was there, he began to slide down and jump along the edge of the canyon without using any Origin Force as much as possible.

Avoid triggering anything.

It took almost an hour for Song Ren to reach the bottom of the canyon.

No, it shouldn’t arrive yet, but the densely packed soulless corpse lying on the ground, lifted to a certain height, like a step.

These soulless corpses were all asleep, without the slightest breath, as if they had really died.

What’s more shocking to him is that in addition to Human Race, these soulless corpses have various Demon Races, and even some Human Race soulless corpses ride on Demon Race and sleep with their eyes closed.

Song Ren felt only a dry throat.

What kind of place is this Mobei Shiyuan?

Song Ren cautiously moved forward, for fear of awakening any soulless corpse, but this would have a chain reaction, until approaching the huge cave below.

Song Ren was surprised to find that all around the huge magic eyes, there were many dead corpse flowers, and even many of them had reached purple and black.

Corpse flowers, poisonous things, if the grudge dragon poison is the first cursed thing, then the ranked second real poison belongs to these corpse flowers.

And according to records, this corpse flower grows extremely harsh, it needs at least 1000000 corpses to nourish, and it is gray for 100 years, red for 1000 years, purple for three thousand years, and black for more than 5000 years.

Song Ren was really shocked, because in front of him, there were no less than 100 black corpse flowers, and more were purple.

Where did I come from, and the Heavenly Dao website of Human Race only appeared 2 years ago, why did n’t Demon Race pick it? Would they wake up these soulless corpses?

Song Ren frowned, avoiding these gently swaying corpse flowers, and came to the edge of the hole.

There is gas rising from the bottom, and it is black and rumbling. It can’t see what’s inside. There is also a soulless corpse around. It seems to be crawling out, but it suddenly stops for a while, and it stays normal.

Song Ren didn’t dare to go deep. When he chose to leave, he suddenly raised his head and heart startedled.

“Fire Rush Monster Sovereign-“

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