Myriad Swords Sect has many famous swords hidden in the sword mound behind the mountain, and even a monster Sovereign that was beheaded and sacred sword left by Ancestor in the same year.

It is as thick as a ruler, inserted in the middle of the sword mound, densely packed around it and other famous swords nourished by it, and cultivates sword energy.

At this moment, with the “Sword Coming” from Li Chungang in the sky, it seemed as if I had found the confidante again, and felt a summon that belonged to the real sword god, suddenly trembling violently, and connected with the other famous swords with the number of 10000000, all Buzzing.

“What’s going on, pay attention to Jianzhu’s side.”

“Not good, Sect Master, Jian Qiu over 10000 Jian Qiming, deafening, cyanosis, and some of the resident disciples have fainted with eardrum bleeding.”

“No, no, it must be an enemy attack. Although there is a Deity projection in the sky, he hasn’t really turned it into reality. It is impossible to summon the sword and directly lead me to the sword.”

“Starting the sword guard formation, although we can all see the scene of Deity in the sky, but no one knows exactly where it is, there will not be such a long distance, be careful that someone will steal the sword.”


Myriad Swords Sect The contemporary sect master’s anxious words haven’t been shouted. The mountainside sword mound burst, the ancestor’s slaughter sword rushed into the sky, the word energy raged, went up to mid-air, directly into the void and disappeared.

This is nothing, soon 10000 Jianqiming, followed immediately,

“No, my sword, my sword—”

At the same time, all the famous swords across the continent at this moment followed the sound of the “sword coming”, all of them seemed to be inspiring. Even the Tianzi sword hidden in the depths of Yinye Imperial Court seemed to be gone at this moment, but then Holding coldly snorted, he calmed down again slowly.

At a nameless mountain range, Old Drunkard stepped on a newly deceased Human Race, and the sword box behind him trembled. He lifted the head and looked at the continually appearing Deity, and suddenly smiled: “This child is really amazing. Ah, but the sword of the teacher cannot be born, nor can some people know that I am alive. “

But soon Old Drunkard hesitated, smiled, and suddenly opened the sword box, a fiery-red rays of light slammed into the sky, and Dragon’s roar came out, with the flame of the sky, and went straight away.

“This Longquan cast by Dragon Race reverse scale, I wish you condensed Deity, it ’s a congratulatory gift prepared for you by the division, and a cover for Teacher. Longquan and Vermilion Bird never separate, unless the Lord is dead . “


Even though they were far away, everyone suddenly saw that suddenly there was a heavy giant sword that suddenly tore the space, brought a strong whistling sound, and appeared on the whole world of the old sword god Li Chungang.

“That’s, it’s Myriad Swords Sect’s Slaughter Sword, oh my god, this Deity is so amazing, it turned out to give Sum Protect. Myriad Swords Sect’s Sect Protecting Treasure.”

“Wait, another one, this sword looks 9-9, and it seems to reflect the golden pattern, the red cricket fluttering on the hilt, is it possible that is the Zhenyue sword that has long been lost?”

“Wow, come out again, no, it’s 2 swords. It’s a scribe letter sword. This seems to be from the ancient Wu dynasty.”

“Here are 10000 swords.”

With the sound of Dragon’s roar and another fiery-red long sword, many people were instantly puzzled and didn’t know the sword at all, but it looked domineering.

However, when some people on the mainland saw Longquan, they suddenly stared at the boss, and even their eyes were filled with awe and disbelief. It was only after waiting for a while that no more than a dozen other swords appeared in the impression. Relieved.

At this moment the Deity of the old sword god Li Chungang is about to fully condense, almost everyone is looking at that Deity.

Turning the imagination into reality has become a fixed number, but the “Snowy Path of the Heroic Blade”, which originally belonged to the Premium Novel column, seems to be impacting towards the Boutique column at this moment, but this battle is scary.

is it possible that, want Epoch?

3 books, 3 Epoch, 3 Deity, 2 Divine Artifact.

The author named ‘Have The Ability To Hit Me’ Ah? ‘Is simply intolerable by Heaven and Earth.

What’s even more shocking is that the writing method of “The Snow” is still the same as most writers, but they can only walk through the Mundane Novel column and look at others.

Song Ren trembling with fear, feeling a little bit beyond his imagination.

Is Heavenly Dao’s recognition of “In the Snow” a bit outrageous?

“Heavenly Dao has a profit and a loss. The author is too greedy. Let the emperor see what the effect is!”

Seeing more and more famous swords around Deity, even brought countless people to the point of drooling, suddenly, a wild laugh sounded suddenly.

Strangely, it looks like Deity, and can be heard by people from all corners of the 10000 1000 continent, until a ten zhang-sized crack emerges and a jade green long sword comes out.

But on the long sword, there was a boy lying on his back. There seemed to be something in the boy’s body that stirred the void, causing his body to form a ripple of waves.

At this moment he climbed up and suddenly realized that the boy’s five senses were distorted, his face was green like a ghost, extremely scary, and his face had eight eyes like a spider.

The boy laughed heartily, with a sharp voice: “Hey, everyone can see me. It’s really 10000 people’s attention. For the first time in history, we are close to a forthcoming Deity. Whether it is successful or not, I still have to say, The author himself, you really let me wait and see, maybe we can be good friends.

It ’s just that good friends today, you have to use your Deity to do an experiment. The opportunity is too rare. “

The boy laughed heartily, then threw a human skeleton with black bone wings to Deity, and seemed to want to fuse him with the skeleton.

The bone was dark, and finer words flashed on the bone.

“Monster Sovereign Long Panzi, you dare–” Many Human Race masters were furious, and even several powerhouses in the depths of the dynasty soared into the sky, but they were born in the air to stop their footsteps.

Because although you can see this scene in the sky, you can’t rush to Deity. This despicable Monster Sovereign has used some secret techniques to hitchide.

Seeing the bones coming, even the bones of the bones seemed to still have a drop of red blood, and Song Ren, who was scorched 10000 points below, suddenly felt a sudden burst, and seemed to be subject to some kind of summon, until his body was soft and slumped to the ground.

Suddenly, the old sword god Li Chungang seemed to have agility, looking at the galloping bones and the expectant Monster Sovereign Long Panzi, holding it across the void.

The countless famous swords all trembled and seemed to be held.

Li Chungang was even more dazzling, and slashed down at the bone directly from the air, laughed heartily: “The sky does not give birth to me Li Chungang, Kendo 10000 is as long as the night!”

“Sword is coming!”


like a condensed invisible sword, with the hissing of countless swords behind it, forming a huge storm of storm energy, this storm is full of madness and tyranny, blasted down, and rushed to the bones, to Monster Sovereign Long Panzi …

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