On the bustling street, Wu Ying looked helplessly at the two people walking in front, one lost his soul and the other frowned.

After coming out of the Plum Book House, the two of them were as if they had committed a magic wand without saying a word.

Stupidly lacking a big brother, she understands that he can’t be what he looks like in an idol book today, which makes him very distressed.

But what kind of trouble is Sister Blue? Can it be transmitted?

“Ah, my Lanlan, I finally found you.” Just when Wu Ying Shen Yin 2 happened, a sound of surprise suddenly sounded, and then, I saw a fat, dressed in the same costume as the big brother fatty, the excitement of a snot and a tear ran over.

“Fatty Ke son!” Wu Ying’s eyes widened suddenly when she met the person. No wonder Zhilan would be so frowning. She had already guessed Fatty Ke had come.

Isn’t it really that the enemies are not together.

Nine Great Royal Cities, 9 uncles all have children. Everyone has grown up playing with each other. If anyone can marry Xia Zhilan home, they will burn incense.

But because of this, everyone dares not. It is reasonable to want to kiss and kiss, but the consequences are unbearable.

After all, that is the only daughter of the emperor. Lord Old Sovereign is still alive. It is important for her granddaughter to love Xia Zhilan. It is super difficult.

Surmount all difficulties may not be known.

And if there is no contradiction between the husband and wife in the future, you can provoke her slightly, not to mention that there are several big brothers on her head, just the emperor of the contemporary dynasty, 2 quasi Emperor level Uncle An Old Sovereign owner, you can have a pot.

Everyone is the son of Wang Cheng again, enjoying the high position and great wealth. The man who does n’t want three wives and four concubines, has nothing to go out for a drink, staying in a flower queen family, falling in love with marrying home, more free.

If you marry Xia Zhilan home, you try—

Therefore, everyone is usually playing together, but when it comes to love, there is no courage to have the heart, but the Xia Emperor hopes that his daughter can marry them.

After all, it can be regarded as knowing.

Many sons can be frightened, for fear of being named by the emperor and forcibly recruited as Prince Consort, then their whole life is over.

But at this time, Little Fatty, a big fortune god, has fallen in love with Xia Zhilan once.

In Nine Great Royal Cities, many sons have directly introduced Fatty Ke as a savior, treated him with courtesy throughout the day, called his brother and brother, and even ventilated each other, trying to find a way to spend time with the two.

I just hope that they can get rid of love for a long time, and with a final word, they can be liberated.

In addition, Fatty Ke and Imperial Family can be regarded as a door-to-door match. Therefore, this rolling fatty eats extremely well in several major cities. At this moment, I can get the news and rush over so quickly. Heaven knows which one of them is.

Wu Ying even glanced at his big brother at this moment.

It’s just that Wu Tianyu stared, watching Fatty Ke eagerly run over, and the clothes he wore were exactly the same, but they were large.

Can this hit the shirt?

What bylaws?

Don’t you look like a big god of wealth, when did you change to a Confucian costume?

At the moment, he was racking his brains, thinking about where he saw the person’s Xia Zhilan, was interrupted by the call of Fatty Ke, even more frightened.

This sound is like a nightmare, why haven’t you escaped here?

At a glance of Fatty Ke’s dress, the 2 women looked towards Wu Tianyu almost simultaneously.

Come, come and talk about it, it has nothing to do with you?

Wu Tianyu is also in circles. He promised that the news of Xia Zhilan’s visit to 9 King City will not be disclosed to outsiders. He also promised that it did.

But you …

It’s really not me.

“Dead fatty, how do you know that Zhilan is here? And, what’s wrong with your clothes? Who hurt me?” Wu Tianyu rushed forward to stop Fatty Ke, but was pushed away by Fatty Ke’s fluttering hand.

“Lanlan, I was looking for you but it was hard. I knew you were being held in confinement. I wanted to plead with you, but you also knew that I was afraid that Uncle Xia would see you more severely.

In order to alleviate your punishment, I ca n’t help thinking about it, I ca n’t eat well, I ca n’t sleep well, I just hope you can come out early, you look at me, and I ’ve lost weight. Fatty Ke looked aggrieved, and pinched the 5 pork belly.

I felt a bit more gripped and my hands loosened.

Xia Zhilan looked at the meat and felt nodded.

Fatty Ke soon laughed again, happy like a 250-pound fatty, cough cough …

“I saw you finally came out, I was happy to eat ten bowls of rice to celebrate, and I hurried over immediately,” I can see, Fatty Ke is really happy.

Xia Zhilan felt some headaches, but Wu Tianyu held Fatty Ke by hand: “No, where did your clothes come from? I made it tailor-made, how do you wear it like me? Zhilan, Wu Ying, I said well in advance This time, it really doesn’t matter to me. “

Fatty Ke looked at Wu Tianyu’s clothes, and then looked at the embroidered bamboo under his robe.

Hey, it’s really the same.

Xia Zhilan is an iron fan of the author of “Zhu Xian”. At first, in order to get the autographed book of the author owned by his cousin Mo Cheng, he promised to eat with him as long as he could get it.

Finally, the 15 Epoch writers set off from Holy City to the dynasty and entered Wensheng Secret Realm to realize the talent and the fountain of good fortune. They have also seen it on the spaceship, holding the stack of books to find the author’s signature.

This time the author sent a new book. As he followed Xia Zhilan’s account, immediately saw it. Xia Zhilan wrote a message to the author in the book review area, thanking him for creating an enviable literati World.

I also reviewed the song “Spring Dawn”, with a beautiful mood, and would like to incarnation the World’s literati.

Love what she loves, think what she thinks.

Fatty Ke, of course, immediately dressed up as a literati, at least seeing Xia Zhilan will make her look good.

But, Wu Tianyu, what are you doing?

Do you also want to perform in front of Xia Zhilan?

No, don’t you dislike her, shit? Changed notice?

Brother, you are immoral.

Watching 2 people with a problem in their heads stand in the street, Wu Ying and Xia Zhilan were silent and left with their arms, but just a few steps later, Xia Zhilan stopped abruptly, then turned and watched Fatty What Ke looks like.

Her eyes were getting brighter, and the arrival of Fatty Ke made her suddenly think of someone.

One who followed outside during the filming of “Zhu Xian”, rubbing a certain person’s shoulders and squatting, and looked like a low-key smile all day.

“It was him, haha, it turned out he was here, so I said how to be so familiar. Although I changed some looks, I can’t go wrong with careful thinking.”

She quickly laughed and came to Fatty: “Ke Yangshu, thank you so much, I will take you to meet someone, if you recognize it, you can really be sure.”

Fatty Ke immediately put down Wu Tianyu’s arm: “Lanlan, did you thank me just now, what did I do?

I know this boat is tiring, but in order to see you earlier, these sufferings are nothing.

Lanlan, don’t go so fast, who are you going to meet, is it possible that Uncle Xia is here too? I’m not ready yet, what should I do if I see Uncle Xia draw me, you have to protect me, should I buy some gifts … “

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