Below the corpse, screams again and again.

Rain in the rainforest always comes so irregularly, without even warning.

The rain mixed with dirt poured into the corpse deep, and the call gradually came.

The fire monster Monster Sovereign climbed out of the middle with a pale face, and seemed to see something incredible. He shivered and fled without looking back.

There was only faint, and the chewing sound was heard below.

“I light up the road to darkness,

So I became dark.

Some people’s way is choice, some people’s way is punishment,

Light is false, so I chose darkness.

The darkness is high, the despair is deep, the flames are out, death is in the arms.

Why bother to persevere and stop if you are tired. “

There was a murmur from the depths of the corpse. Old Drunkard standing on top of the tree and carrying the sword box in the wind and rain gradually closed his eyes, lifts the head facing the cold rain in the air: “Can’t stop.”

Sword light flashes, a corpse descending with thunder and blast, but never seeing the silhouette of Old Drunkard again.

On this day, the whole demon domain began to have blood rain, and the demon cried sadly.

Monster Emperor falls.


Song Ren originally appreciated the poems with everyone, but the sky suddenly sounded a horn horn, which was weak at first until it became louder and louder.

Outside, many people looked up.

Above the sky, there is a mirage like a mirage, there are illusive landscapes, and there is more life in it.

Song Ren stared blankly at all this, until the illusory picture, like mirror glass, began to fall, the mountain range collapsed, the creatures fled, and slowly shattered.

A sorrow filled the hearts of everyone, followed by Xia Zhilan and the others who came out, their eyes were red.

Song Ren didn’t know what happened, next moment, when those pictures were constantly broken and turned into a little bit of crystal light, a silhouette of an unreal old man in a rough linen, appeared slowly in everyone’s eyes.

The old man’s eyes were blank, exuding an old breath, slowly clear, watching everything on the continent, and finally smiled calmly, turning into a muttering voice.

“Don’t be sad for me, don’t be sad for me, I just chose my own path, it turned out to be true, goodbye, my clansmans—” The old man’s face showed a kind smile, then slowly lifted the head , Slowly dissipating.

These light spots accompanied the collapse of Secret Realm, and slowly turned into scenes again. From birth, to school, the teenage old man wrote Promising Novel for the first time, was beaten by crying, married and had children, the first time Premium, the joy of Heaven and Earth …

More and more pictures, more and more speed, the ultimate display of his life.

Until the last moment, the picture came abruptly, as if losing all its energy, between Heaven and Earth, the final subtitles gradually appeared.

Emperor’s Composition Author [砚], real name [Gu Ruochen].

7 premium books: “Ascension”, “Sword Edge”, “Falling Cicada” …

Boutique 3 books: “Biography of 9 Li”, “The Ten Sides”, “Xing Luo”.

Epoch 3: Too High, Blood Vest, Immortal.

Sage’s Composition 2 This: “Star Cut” and “Draw Knife”.

Emperor’s Composition: Heavenly Works.

These words represent the birth of the author of Pseudonym [沈 砚], his glorious indelibility, and all his contributions to Human Race.

The horn of horns rang again and again, and the dazzling font began to turn gray and gray, until it became a star point in the sky, like the Fire Insect in the night sky, flying towards the sky and dissipating it.

Gu Ruochen by Emperor’s Composition

9 Wang Cheng, Wuhuang’s one-knee kneels, with a thunderous sound: “Wuhuang, send Senior to you.”

8 King City …

7 King City …

In Kyoto, Xia Ying watched the Secret Realm created by the Emperor’s Composition author collapse, and Heavenly Dao’s wailing, slowly closed his eyes: “You should have a Jiazi lifespan.”

Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, Nan Huangtong burst into tears, weeping bitter tears: “Student, goodbye Teacher-“

Ping’an City, Song Rentou originally cleaned the room for his son, suddenly covering his head, it looked extremely painful, and his black rune flashed on his forehead.

He rolled around, and the breath of cultivation turned out, and the last blood spewed out.

Author Certification Guild, Zhong Jingshan looked at the scene of the sky, long sighed, this is how many times.

In the rear, two other Vice-President Tang Yuan and Ge Yi came flushing with their faces: “Old bell, I found the breath of the president.”

“What, the president has been out of contact for decades, where is it?”

“Broken, just for a moment.”

“Okay, okay, this is already the best news. I thought he …”


A feeling of sorrow permeated everyone, and some people began to bow down and bid farewell. Xia Zhilan Wu Tianyu and other closed eyes saluted.

Song Ren looked at everything in Skyrim and finally understood what was happening.

Emperor’s Composition by body dies and Dao disappears.

The first-generation Emperor’s Composition author has written so many works. In his hurry, he also saw that he started from a Mundane person.

Does the collapsed Heaven and Earth belong to his Secret Realm?

The soul belongs to Heaven and Earth. Everything that you own is ultimately returns to dust and Earth returns to Earth.

But the dedication of his life remained in everyone’s heart.

Song Ren doesn’t know the author, but bends over to give a gift.

This is a respectable old man, the sage!

It took a long time for everyone to get up, but they were all very sad, and at this moment, Song Ren had even received the news from Old Drunkard.

“where are you?”

Since the last separation at the Spirit Flower Pavilion, there has been no news of Teacher for more than a month, but they have kept contact information.

“I’m in King City, Teacher,” Song Ren replied.

“Very well, I’m quite close to here, and it’s about 5 days away, ready to go, and follow me to Tian Mo Hai.”

Tian Renhai, Song Ren knows, he and Su Youwei’s Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, Mo Cheng’s Ministry of Heavenly Spirit, etc. are extremely old and huge forces, not subject to the restrictions of the Imperial Family, to a certain extent, they are still cooperative relations .

Why go to Demon Sea?

He managed to find this literati state here.

“Teacher, this sea of ​​magic …”

“The author of Emperor’s Composition of Shenmohai [Shen Yun] said that Secret Realm collapsed and the spirit strength was released. At this time, going forward can help you to break through at least 2 realm steadily, which is after all a world power.

Rest assured that there will be many people, including your little Dao Companion Su Youwei, who is late, and Tian Mo Hai will prevent the release of the spirit strength, and it will be completely shut down. There will be no chance at that time. “

After reading Old Drunkard’s words, Song Ren was shocked.

Looking up at the sky again, it turns out that the author of Emperor’s Composition actually came from the sea of ​​magic.

It’s incredible.

No wonder these forces can stand side by side with the Imperial Family and are not driven.

“Okay, I’ll get ready now, and meet up at that time.”

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