The light of talent on the top of Song Rentou, after rising to 6 inches, the edge is no longer purple, and it has become red.

Then, the red rays of light became more and more prosperous. Until then, the light of talents became longer and longer, and the degree of everyone looking up at their heads became larger and larger.

6 inch, 6 inch one, 6 inch 2 …

7 inch, 7 inch one, 7 inch 2 …

The light of talent, like a lighthouse, climbed steadily and rapidly, until finally, it rose to 8 inches 8 and then slowly stabilized.

But still creeping slowly, red rays of light scarlet, even the faces of everyone shone into red.

9 inches!

It was not until the 9th inch was barely reached that it stopped completely.

In addition to the red talent at this moment, the color has changed again, but has become black.

Red in black, black in black!

Everyone was quiet, even if they were staying at the side Su Youwei.

She knows Song Ren is talented, but didn’t expect it to be so high.

Compared with the 5 inches of those Boutique writers today, there is almost no comparability.

This is a crane in a flock of chickens.

Seeing that rays of light finally stopped, Su Beiqiu in the sky was immediate and fell directly in front of Song Ren. Before he could ask questions, he also emerged rays of light and entered Jinsuo. Coverage.

The rays of light grew rapidly, and soon broke through to 9 inches, reaching a distance of 3 inches and 5 before stopping. The light of his talent at this moment was purely black and black, and the edge of Song Ren’s talent. The colors are extremely similar.

No one should be surprised at this, but he is a Sage’s Composition writer, and there are many Premium, Boutique and Epoch writings.

Nowadays, the black color of Song Ren is not clear. He has Sage’s Composition works, or a large number of Premium, Boutique, and even Epoch texts.

However, is this possible?

Some of the others in the sky were also curious, but some did not enter the detection of rays of light, but stepped back a bit.

Like Old Drunkard!

Quiet, absolutely quiet, until Zhu Kun got out of the space and reached Song Ren.

Song Ren inwardly shouted is not good, this is a shit, but at this moment can only be pretending to be stupid.

He looked up at the high sharp rays of light like a lightning rod above his head, and then looked at Su Beiqiu in front of him and Zhu Kun, feeling the momentum of them, and worshiped innocently.

“Junior Song Yu, I have seen 2 seniors. What the hell is this?”

Zhu Kun and Su Beiqiu didn’t answer, but looked at Song Ren seriously, and the rest of them also came around, and quickly consulted Song Ren’s information.

“You are, author of Sage’s Composition?” Zhu Kun finally spoke, but his voice was still doubtful and incredible.

His cultivation base is indeed Nascent Soul Middle Stage, which is lower than many people here. Skeleton is also young, unlike the dress of others or the magic of recovering one’s youthful vigor.

This is a real teenager.

But how to explain the sky of rays of light?

He even laughed at himself after asking this Sage’s Composition.

How can it be.

Sure enough, Song Ren looked around, and finally pointed at himself: “Is Senior saying me? Sage’s Composition?”

Su Beiqiu also feels his throat dry. Such a doll has achieved his last 100 years of hard work?

He beckoned, and Jin Shuo descended and looked closely.

Not bad, but it can only be used again.

The rays of light on many people’s heads gradually disappeared as the Jinshuo was retracted, including on Song Rentou, and then he placed the Jinshuo on Song Ren’s head, and the rays of light rose again.

It is also 9 inches, the same black light.

There’s nothing wrong with this baby’s doll, the hidden will be so deep.

Everyone was silent, and Song Ren was silent, but he looked at all around innocently, saying that he was stunned and didn’t know what happened.

It seems that the energy is exhausted with the last start, and the rays of light of Jinsuo slowly converge until it turns into an iron goblet, and the rays of light at the top of Song Rentou are dispersed.

Others in the air, including Old Drunkard, were slowly coming down.

“Why is your talent so high? Almost close to the height of a Sage’s Composition author?” Zhu Kun asked.

“Talent? It turned out to be a test of talent. I thought something had happened. There was nothing I could do about it. I have a higher innate talent,” Song Ren laughed.

Zhu Kun frowned: “Did you really write Sage’s Composition?”

Song Ren showed his eyes directly, and glanced at the old Drunkard slowly, without a trace, and then said: “Senior, you can really look at me, I don’t know how to detect it .

But think about it, it should be my talent in Music Network. You see that Su Youwei has 5 inches 3, and I’m just a little taller than her. “

“Music Network is Steamed Bun?” Zhu Kun said.

Song Ren eyes shined: “Senior knows me, too, sorry. It should be, Music Online. The” Whisper of Lute “and” Lute Recitation “that I collaborated with Su Youwei are very hot and occupy the forefront.

The “Zhu Xian” made by myself has a novel Novel, which is welcomed by the audience, and even opened a Sect, which is imitated by many people, and the story of ghost stories is also full of excitement. “

“It’s impossible. With these alone, how could it have reached the point of Sage’s Composition, and the talent is too high,” Su Beiqiu said, and the rest were nodded again and again.

These count up to 6 inches, and they are already sky-high.

Song Ren blinked, and suddenly realized: “Oh, that might be something else. Look at me. In addition to working with Su Youwei, there is Xia Zhilan. The latest” A Beautiful Myth “is the one I worked with him. There is “Unparalleled in the World” by Su Youwei.

By the way, many of the piano songs on the video online, the Fable story that enlightened the little child, is also a huge fan, I was also the first male in the last series “Zhu Xian”, and my fans are not weaker than others. “

As Song Ren said, other people suddenly remembered that in addition to the music network, the other parts of Steamed Bun have been done in a decent manner. If these are calculated, the talent is amazing, but I always think that there is something wrong.

Looking at everyone’s suspicious eyes, Song Ren had no choice but to say, “Okay, it seems impossible to hide.”

Zhu Kun and the others hurriedly looked, did this guy really hide something on

“I tell you, don’t tell anyone, [Long Yu] Game Network, do you know Senior, the hottest game now?”

“I’m playing Enemy at the Gates, and I’m currently ranked number one, and the popularity is outrageous!” Behind him, a boy suddenly shouted.

The rest of the boys suddenly eyes shined. When it comes to games, male child’s favorite, and the game is indeed very good. If it is not serious at this moment, they all want to ask the names of these friends’ games, everyone has time to team up and brush resources The ground.

“So–” Zhu Kun said.

“So, what I want to say is that the game was developed by me. Today, the number of participants has exceeded 700, 10000, and I am also playing. The game name is [You Hit me! Try Hitting me!], It should be these Help me be so energetic, “

With the words of Song Ren finished, the youngsters in the post-red eyes suddenly opened their eyes and rushed forward: “Originally [you Hit me! Try Hitting me!] Is you, r is now the largest hegemony in the city I do n’t know how many people are frightened and the number of arms is the most complete and numerous, so I was often beaten by him for a long time … ”

Before they had finished speaking, they saw their parents glaring at him, and quickly narrowed their necks.

But Zhu Kun and Su Beiqiu and the others probably understand.

[Longyu] Gamenet has always been a slumped website, but because of the appearance of this game, it has attracted a lot of people, and even for some time, it has exceeded the traffic of MusicNet. of.

It can be said that it is precisely because of this game that saved this website and has epoch-making significance.

If so, it’s really possible to add everything he had before, but I always feel lacking.

“2 Seniors, I don’t really doubt that I can make Sage’s Composition. Come on, I also think, but I do n’t have the strength. I have done my best to make music like this, but I have no energy to do other things. “Song Ren spread his hands, but was nervous.

At this moment, it seemed that Song Ren had explained almost, even some people were nodded, and Old Drunkard came out with his hands behind his back: “Why, talent is a problem? Even if my disciple has a secret, it is not so compelling. Come out, Tian Mo Hai handles things like this? “

Old Drunkard’s voice was extremely bad, and Song Ren quickly rushed behind Old Drunkard and helped him.

Seeing this, Zhu Kun smiled. It was indeed a bit rude, but he was too unbelievable because he was too surprised.

It really fainted. Such a Little Brat cannot have such a high level of talent. Even the mysterious Epoch writer who appears today has Deity, so there should not be so many, maybe these comprehensive ratings, let He is so brilliant.

“It’s my old man to be rude, sorry, sorry, forgot to introduce, I’m Zhu Kun, Su Yangxuan, and many other people, I’m very glad you can come, about ten days later, let these young people take in Source it, I hope they are better than us, “Zhu Kun laughed.

Song Ren was startled. Didn’t expect this old man to be the boss of this site, but how does he look older than Teacher. Divine Sea of ​​Chaos is headed by Su Yangxuan. It’s so big, this doesn’t give way.

But looking at it like this, it’s a pass.

Any kind of identity that he has come out is really not so talented, but if the two are combined into one, the music network, video network, game network, and Novel network are integrated, but they have such talents.

Su Beiqiu has learned before that, as the author who wrote Sage’s Composition, there are other works like Nan Huangtong, only he is so much better than him.

Everyone was grateful for Zhu Kun’s generosity, and also jokingly talked about something. Old Drunkard gave him a wink and left with everyone.

Explained clearly, Song Ren is not so mysterious.

In today’s continent, the cultivation base and the author’s grade are the two most important signs to measure a person’s identity.

He is not the author, but he has done a better job on other websites, and he has done a lot of work. He has done a good job. As for the cultivation base, Nascent Soul Middle Stage, many people are higher than this child.

Others saw the adults leave, politely greeted Song Ren, and left one after another to meet other people.

After all, there are real Boutique writers here. Know more, and there will be multiple outlets and friends in the future.

Song Ren was pulled by Fatty Ke to introduce each other to the nine King City.

Song Ren also knows with a smile, and even preaches Song Ren to play some music, anyway, he is more famous.

Can’t get rid of it, Song Ren took out the piano and played the famous song on the Internet. Everyone was exclaimed, Su Youwei looked at it with a smile.


Ten days passed in a flash, the origin of the blisters on the sky has been condensed into a lot of raindrop spheres, floating in mid-air, and there is a self-made Formation outside, like a gestated embryo, slowly and slowly move.

The 100 teenagers, including Song Ren, were already sitting cross-legged underneath, exhaling long and ready to open the gates at any time.

Outside, many parents are also looking forward with anticipation. Zhu Kun and the others will tear this Formation a gap, and those water-like origins will not fall, relying on the traction of Mental Power. It enters its own body and is digested and absorbed.

This is the purest source.

The other elders had long entrusted them. With Zhu Kun and several others simultaneously casting spells, and the hands were quickly printed, Song Ren could feel that there was a very majestic and intangible wave, like a wave from their palms. Outgoing and entering the formation.

And the Formation was trembling at this moment, as if it were a mirror made of water, and ripples continued to appear. After a while, the ripples stopped, and a gap was ripped in the center.

How many years below, I immediately felt an ethereal breath coming.

At about the same moment, 100 thoughts poured directly into the gap, sucking those origins down, slowly entering from the back of the head, washing everything inside the body.

This is a feeling of being unclear about the road, very gentle, but extremely rich and pure, but the internal vision can not find the slightest, just autonomous wandering and penetration.

The meridian, skeleton, muscles, and even cells within the body are greedily absorbed at the same time, and the transformed energy is not like it has just been absorbed, but it accumulates over the years, and contains a touch of vitality. This state is extremely mysterious.

With full of joy, Song Ren let go of everything within the body, unbridled absorption, and the cultivation base slowly climbed.

“Don’t worry, don’t help them secretly, it will hurt your own children, this is their own chance!” Zhu Kun said directly.

Everyone is nodded, lightly said, no, no.

But soon a few people stared at them, even Old Drunkard smiled bitterly, looking towards Su Yangxuan.

Su Yangxuan opened his mouth, wanted to say something, and finally became helpless.

In the middle of the field, the original raindrops that originally belonged to Su Youwei’s head. After it absorbed a drop of absorption, the original source that was attracted again was pushed directly behind Song Ren’s brain to help it absorb.

“Isn’t this child, the origin, OK?” Su Yangxuan murmured softly.

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