In Song Ren’s view, a group of dead souls who hadn’t known how long had suddenly joined forces to attack him was not a curse, but it must also be something bad.

After all, for so many years, many musicians have attracted them with rhythm, and then used thunderbolt to eliminate everything, just to get the energy body of Soul Power.

He had seen the lance before hitting Lan Lan.

I have spent so much price and played epic battlefield songs, I just want to get more energy balls, but not a group of dragon cavalry.

In Song Ren’s view, the curse, the old Sovereign master Xia Jin screamed and wanted to get it, but it was too late, and the thing went directly into Song Ren within the body.

At the next moment, Song Ren screamed suddenly. Even Xia Jin, who had already reached Song Ren’s side, and had just touched the body of Song Ren, was counterattacked by a force full of coercion.

Song Ren felt only severe pain throughout his body, but soon the pain turned into a numbness.

There is a thunder arc flashing on Song Ren’s body, far more pure than the previous top of the Soul Valley, and it appears blue.

Song Ren’s eyes are also in this brief moment, like Thor, and become silver.

With both hands spread out, there was a lightning flash from the ten fingers, and many thunderbolts rushed out like silver snakes, hitting the ground, making several dull sounds, and then annihilating invisible.

“I, what’s wrong with me?”

next moment, a severe ten zhang thick silver lightning arc, suddenly rising from behind Song Ren,

A large, silver Thunder Dragon made of thunder and lightning, with unusually violent energy, slowly emerged, and then made a wild roar.

Xia Jin looked at the brows of Thunder Dragon and Song Ren, and gradually formed a silver curved sign, which was called a regret in her heart.

If he was quick to shoot, the blood of Thunder Dragon would fall on him.

Maybe that’s probably the last True Dragon blood in the world.

According to scattered records of ancient records, those dragons and horses of Dragon Horse Legion all have the sparse Bloodline of the ancient Thunder Dragon.

It is because of this that they are extremely fast. Even some Demon Races have not been able to fight, and they are scared by the coercion of dragon’s blood. Unable to move even a little bit, let alone dare to resist.

1000 counts 10000 counts, didn’t expect Legionary Ryoma Legion actually existed, and it was still in the Valley of Burial Souls that I didn’t care much about.

It was because of the performance of Song Ren that they were completely relieved, reincarnation, and brought together all dragon’s blood within the body, forming a drop of True Dragon blood, as a gift.

Thunder Dragon, with its speed, explosive power, rank coercion, etc., is simply the most outstanding thing of this time.

Xia Zhilan and the others even looked at the huge Thunder Dragon, shocked to add more.

Dragon, they saw the legendary True Dragon.

It turned out that the dragon really existed.

In response to Thunder Arc, Song Ren seemed to see the scenes of these dragons and horses in the past. The thunder and lightning flickered all over, turning around and watching the knights who had finally released after 1000 years.

Song Ren seemed to be able to see them laughing in celebration, and then each and everyone slowly dispersed.

There is no resentment in the Soul Valley.

Everything is restored as before, and the Thunder Dragon behind Song Ren is gradually dissipating, but at the center of his eyebrow, like a good fortune boy, a silver lightning bolt appears.

Xia Jin is more of a long sigh, and the blood of Thunder Dragon has disappeared from the teenager within the body, and it cannot be refined at all.

This is dragon’s blood after all.

Want to get it, can you only extract a thin point from the blood of his offspring.

But even thin, it’s dragon’s blood.

It is important that his offspring will be a real evil, innate talent terrifying unimaginable.

Song Ren gradually recovered to normal, touched the tickling forehead, and then looked at Xia Jin and Tong Lanyin.

“Sorry, did I let Funeral Soul Valley completely dissipate?”

Song Ren was a little embarrassed. Xia Zhilan was kind enough to lead him to his forbidden area to see him, but he didn’t want to make him forbidden.

Song Ren smiled awkwardly and frowned again. It was so itchy here. I’ll see what happens later.

However, one thing is certain, I really seem to have got something that is better than that energy ball. Even my own meridian, skeleton, cell, contains a kind of Thunder Attribute.

As long as Song Ren single thought head, everything within the body can be activated instantly, whether it is attack or speed, blessed lightning.

And because he had studied the Thunderbolt in Eight Talisman Gate in depth and simulated it with Card of Mimicry, he had a better understanding of lightning.

I seem to have gotten Magical Powers, but it seems not.

However, in the face of Song Ren’s words, no one answered. At this time, Qi Lanyin hurriedly bowed down to Xia Jin, the old Sovereign master, and his body was shaking.

Anyone who can see it can see that the Valley of Burial Souls is completely gone, and it has become a valley in Pudong Mundane, and all of this is because he himself has brought the outsider in.

Xia Zhilan saw retreat all year round, and even last time she saw grandfather who was 7 years ago.

As the only son-in-law of Xia Family, grandfather loves her very much, but has not seen it for a long time, it is a little rusty, and more importantly, grandfather has greater majesty.

Seeing Xia Zhilan bowed down, so did Fatty Ke, although he had never seen this person.

Song Ren blinked, and this person looked a bit like, when he and the others were at Secret Realm in Wensheng, the Demon Race broke out from the mountain, and then a yellow robe silhouette appeared, suppressing directly.

is it possible that is the father of Xia Zhilan, now the lord of Yinye Imperial Court?

But this is too old, is it possible that old tree is blooming?

Song Ren thought for a while, and saluted, bowed: “I’ve seen Emperor Xia.”

Xia Jin didn’t say anything, she just grabbed Song Ren’s hand and passed by. There was a small opening in her wrist, and a drop of blood was taken out by him and sent to her mouth.

Song Ren is shocked. What does this mean?

However, he was too scary to shoot, and he did not even have the ability to resist.

Xia Jin pouted, regret for the last look.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, dragon’s blood had penetrated into all the locations within his body and could not be obtained.

Xia Jin’s eyes opened again, eyes immediately lit up and looked at Song Ren: “Old man Xia Jin.”

Song Ren froze in his heart.

Xia Jin, grandfather of Xia Zhilan, the overlord of the previous generation Yinye Imperial Court.

He was recruited.

Song Ren quickly saluted again: “Junior Song Yu, I’ve met Senior.”

“Song Yu? The name is so nice. You ruined the forbidden area of ​​my dynasty for 1000 years, so that many musicians have no place to test, and you have gained a lot of benefits. You said, how can you compensate?” Xia Jin’s voice Very kind, but it is precisely because of this tone of homespeaking, plus his indignant, let Song Ren inwardly grumbled.

I do n’t want to, who can think of such a thing, they are all too greedy, thinking that a “victory” can attract more heroes, get energy balls, and grow Soul Power, didn ‘ t expect to release them.

Song Ren wants to cry without tears: “Everyone who listens to Senior, if Junior can do it well, he will try his best to compensate.”

Xia Jin hehe smiled: “Very well, my husband actually wanted to hug his great-grandson. You said it happened that I happened to have a granddaughter and look pretty. If you look like Celestial Immortal, I think you are right. Otherwise, meat Make it up. “

Song Ren: “…”

“Xia Zhilan:” … “

Fatty Ke: “…”

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