“Wine words get sour, adding words is useless for every confidant,” the wine table meets confidants, even if they drink 1000 cups, they are too few.

They do n’t agree with each other, they do n’t agree with each other, and it does n’t help to drink too much wine. In just a few short sentences, they have completely surpassed other verses on the paper.

The real finishing touch.

The rest of the people have their eyes brightened after contemplation. This is poetry. The atmosphere can be compared with those verse styles in Confucianism and Taoism. The verse of the Tao is “essence”.

Zhu Wen laughed, and since she recognized that it was the little Her Highness the Princess, she was sure that this was definitely not what Princess did. This kind of charm cannot be done without decades of sinking, even more how, there is This feeling must be walking on the winery all year round.

Does Princess drink? or is Feeling drunk all the time?

Is this not frivolous?

The entire Building No.7, in addition to her, there are 2 people, a fat teenager, although wearing a robe, looks like the same thing, but the more deliberate, it is not like it, but this fatty body The shape and the pig monster in the cage still have a fight.

Then, there was only another teenager who kept staring at the pig demon.

This person was slightly thin, even a little personable, and said nothing, but the whole person standing at the railing was full of an indescribable charm, as if, like all the people in the field. Everyone looked out of place.

Who is he? Is it some prince in Imperial Palace?

Everyone knows that Your Majesty today has several sons, who rarely show up in public, and have their own tasks, because once others are caught on, such as the Demon Race, if you threaten, whether you exchange or not It’s a face loss for the Imperial Family.

And Cross-dresser’s Her Highness the Princess seems to be very intimate with the teenager. I think it should be.

At this time, after commenting on it, everyone acknowledged that the poem was better than the previous one and began to applaud.

After all, everyone in this circle is a literati. For them, good poetry is a treat, not a person who makes it better than himself, and resents it.

The aristocratic circle must have their aristocratic culture, even more how, and authors at different stages.

“If everyone has no opinion, in the title of” Wine “, the old man will announce that the man in Building No. 7 has won the top spot.” Zhu Wendao.

“No, this is a classic, how could there be any opinions.”

“I also think it is brilliant and admired.”

“I suddenly wanted to write this poem into the recently prepared New Novel. I’ll have to ask if I can see it later.”

“Come on the next question, this one is not done, and the next one, I will pay 10000 attention.”

“can you.”


Everyone was discussed spiritedly. After confirming that there was no opinion, Zhu Wen announced that the first place belongs to Xia Zhilan.

Xia Zhilan took Song Ren’s arm happily and jumped up and down. It turned out that being a literati, especially 10000 literati with a lot of attention, is like this, and it’s not the same as making music.

After all, on this continent, music games and so on are just trails. The real thing is the Spiritual Novels Network, which occupies 80% of the entire Heavenly Dao network.

This is the World of Literati.

“The next thing to draw is about the dusk. Let’s start preparing.” Zhu Wen opened the note.

Everyone began to meditate. The scenery that came out at dusk was more a description of a person’s mood and an impermanent view of the world. There were inspirations and loneliness.

Soon, someone made it.

“But the setting sun is infinitely good, why bother approaching dusk.”

“Okay, this sentence is very good, I also sent a message: Mo Shanghua blooms person like jade, autumn wind enters Huaijun Jun gathering, the sunset is busy, passers-by are busy, the chariots and horses are anxious.

“Brilliant, Brother Wang is awesome. I really admire the writer who can write Premium Novel. The virtual brother.”


The crowd began to publish their own poetry, and Xia Zhilan, who had tasted the sweetness, quickly looked towards Song Ren.

Song Ren didn’t expect, this group of pampered young masters still had some ink in his stomach, but he looked down and groaned a little, and Xia Zhilan quickly came to the ears of lightly red and kept silent nodded.

Fatty Ke on the side watched the two as if they were whispering, and suddenly regretted it. They knew that they should have come out before. Now it is estimated that Lanlan will hate himself.

Xia Zhilan begins:

A new word of wine and a glass,

The weather last year was an old pavilion,

When does the setting sun return?

Helpless flowers fall,

It seems that Yan met and returned.

Small garden fragrant path wandering alone.

Everyone was shocked again, even connected to the last topic of ‘wine’, and also wrote a sense of mood at dusk, quite lonely, beautiful, and good.

Zhu Wen looked at Song Ren, then looked towards Xia Zhilan, praised nodded, and after asking everyone for no comments, he announced that this round is still Xia Zhilan’s first place.

“Next is about plum blossoms,” Zhu Wendao said.

Xia Zhilan:

Mei Xue was not willing to fall for the spring, Li Renge wrote a commentary.

Mei Xuxun snow was 30% white, but Xue lost some incense.

“Well, if everyone has no opinion, the first place in this round will still be the boy in Building B7.”

“The next question is Chunyu.”

Xia Zhilan:

The rain on the Tianjie Street is as crisp as the grass, but the grass color is far away but not close.

The most important thing is the one-year spring benefits.

“Well, if everyone has no opinion, the first place in this round will still be the boy in Building B7.”

“There are new topics for the winter landscape.”

Xia Zhilan:

1000 mountain birds flew, and 10000 people disappeared. Boat PC World Weng, fishing alone trees and snow.

“About a frontier poem guarding my Human Race border.”

Xia Zhilan:

Grape wine luminous cup, urge Lute immediately. Jun Moxiao drunk lying on the battlefield. Several people returned in Kulai.


The focal point in the field has long been Xia Zhilan. Every topic that comes out today has been ranked first by her. I do n’t know, I thought referee Zhu In Literature there is partiality, but these beautiful poems no matter Whether it is speed or artistic conception, it is the best choice, and there is no fault.

When did such a genius appear in our circles, how haven’t I seen it before, but as Xia Zhilan kept talking, some people slowly recognized it, but dare not say.

Even if you know something, you ca n’t say clearly that if something goes wrong with this great aunt and is taken away by Demon Race, then if you declare her identity in public, you have reason to suspect that it is related to you. Even involved the entire family.

In the entire dynasty, there is only this female dependent in the next generation. The old and new Old Sovereign Lord does not know how much he loves it.

Every time Xia Zhilan said one, he became more happy when he was praised by a group of literati, the more he looked at Song Ren, the more he admired him.

Then he compared to Fatty Ke, who was smirking next to hehe, just one sky and one underground.

“What are you laughing at?” Xia Zhilan said.

“No laugh, I’m happy if you’re happy,” Fatty Ke said.

Look, can you compare?

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