Su Yangxuan does not understand Novel. As a contemporary Patriarch of Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, he has no time to learn this. Only by focusing on Cultivation can he maintain the position of Divine Sea of ​​Chaos.

But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand Novel.

The few pages of draft paper in your hand are seamlessly connected to Nan Huangtong’s “Through the Wasteland”.

It’s hard to imagine that this is a new person who writes Novel for the first time, or a young man who knows his roots.

Song Ren has done so well on the music network, attracting countless fans, and helped daughter write a lot of music, busy working on serials, this time with a military formation to attract the dynasty’s appreciation.

This is enough to see that Song Ren must have worked hard in music. How can he still have the energy to learn to write Novel?

When I came to the island of Nan Huangtong, Nan Huangtong was about to leave for Tian Mo Hai, find my own Junior Brother Su Beiqiu, and discuss the next suggestions together.

“Yangxuan, why are you here?” Nan Huangtong was packing up the scattered sheets of paper he had made on the desk, with all kinds of bedding he made.

Su Yangxuan came quickly and quickly handed a few sheets of paper in hand: “South Imperial Uncle, look at it.”

Nan Huangtong was puzzled, but he took it over. As he browsed, his frown, which had been wrinkling for many days, spread out slowly, and the rays of light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, even at the end, even Breathing quickly.

On the last page, Nan Huangtong looked scarlet towards Su Yangxuan: “Who wrote this?”

Seeing this, Su Yangxuan was in peace.

“South Imperial Uncle, you just say it’s okay?”

Nan Huangtong lowered his head and looked at this page of paper: “I dare not imagine that someone can continue to write so well. In addition to thoroughly understanding my Novel, there is also a very solid writing skills and like a heavenly steed. The imagination of soaring across the skies is simply too good.

Don’t tell me, just these chapters, after I read it, I was a little bit open, and even vaguely knew what to write next. Is it my Junior Brother who came here secretly, and I am still preparing to go to him? . “

Su Yangxuan shook his head: “Mr. Beiqiu not at all, you may not believe it when you say it. This is what Song Ren has just written. I doubt whether he has modified it, and there are typos on it.”

Song Ren appeared outside as Song Yu’s name, but Su Youwei and Su Yangxuan had met in Ping’an City early. He appeared under the name of Song Ren at that time, and they were used to it.

Nan Huangtong stunned again, remembering how the boy was met at the table yesterday, and then look at the old text in his hand, how can it not be associated with him.

Did n’t he make music with Youwei, when did he learn to be Novel?

But it doesn’t matter anymore, he has to go to this guy and see what he writes next.

Time is running out.


Su Youwei’s worry still happened. It took only a while for Nan Huangtong and father to appear in front of them. Instead, Song Ren was calm and not surprised at all.

Joke, Novel in Central Plains 5 can go there, and the text of the potato is very attractive, the plot is awesome, but unfortunately, the books behind him always continue the previous routine, making him quite Sorry.

But no matter what, “Broken” is his Peak, and even Song Ren left Ping’an City to give Mr. Yuan Yuan a divorce stream, so that he has entered the Premium, now many people are imitating What about this faceless Novel.

“Nan Huang grandfather, it was all Song Ren’s nonsense, don’t take it seriously.” Su Youwei took the lead to explain.

Song Ren is one step forward, solemnly saluted to 2 people: “Nan Huang Senior, I have carefully studied your books, and even made a lot of notes, and I am also trying to write Novel, if you believe me, I will try to write later, if you can use it, use it, if you do n’t need it, just play with me as a kid.

If something really happens in the follow-up to this book, I will bear all the responsibilities. If it succeeds, the honor is also yours. Junior is absolutely secretive and does not say a word. “

Seeing Song Ren’s position, Su Youwei came anxiously and lowered his voice: “Do you know what you’re talking about?”

No matter how hard you want to practice, you won’t be able to practice the Premium books, Sage’s books.

Although newborn calves do not fear tigers, is your springboard too high?

Nan Huangtong looked at Su Yangxuan and said, “Can you tell me why?”

Song Ren heard and looked at Su Youwei close at hand, and suddenly smiled: “No reason, I just want to write, as long as Senior doesn’t dislike it.”

Su Youwei looked at Song Ren’s appearance and murmured ‘Fool’.

Nan Huangtong said straightforwardly: “Okay, don’t hide your words, I am satisfied with the continuation of your writing. If you can continue to write down, and the quality and quantity are even successful, even if the Shape Transformation humanoid Deity, On behalf of Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, promise you what you can. “

Su Yangxuan on the side is also nodded: “The words of South Imperial Uncle are my words.”

The promise given by a huge force comparable to the dynasty is quite heavy.

Song Ren is also eyes shined, and this unexpected gain?

He subconsciously looked towards Su Youwei.

Su Youwei’s face turned red after a brief sting.

Su Yangxuan also hurriedly said, “Boy, you can do what you can, don’t go too far.”

Song Ren rolled his eyes and whispered, “I didn’t say anything. How do you feel like you are writing a blank check?”

“what did you say?”

“Nothing, I’ll tell you later when I think about it. Now I’ll write Novel first, and then let’s talk,” Song Ren said, turned directly to his own table and started writing with a pen.

Nan Huangtong Yiyi: “What are you doing?”

“Write and continue.”

“No, you shouldn’t discuss your views with me first, or should my heart develop the next story? I am the original author.”

“I do n’t need to discuss. I have my own outline. Some books are more and more discussed, and the more I care about the opinions of others, it ’s nondescript. Those that need to be revised and modified are that anyway, writing online will still depend on you. “

After Song Ren said it, he started writing without anybody, and a little bit of Divine Sense continued to read the subsequent chapters of “Dou Po”.

Several people were stunned. Shouldn’t Novel write well and think about it, how could this kid feel like it’s time for a meal, sitting and writing directly?

Nan Huangtong came closer and saw that Song Ren wrote very smoothly. When he took Dragon Snake, the words were too ugly. At first glance, he didn’t practice much on the words. He was a pure newcomer.

This is not to blame Song Ren, who has written a good brush character these days. In previous lives, I used to type. Some words can’t be written. Think of it, it feels like it.

I usually write off even pens early. I use a neutral pen. Who uses a brush?

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