In the face of Su Youwei’s questioning, what did Song Ren say.

It is said that there is a very horrible existence under the corpse. Even Demon Race can’t help it. Even Monster Sovereign can only trade with him. It also uses the life of Monster Emperor. If you use the corpse, you can be killed. Found, and Teacher-

Whose idea is this, what is the idea to go to Shiyuan, it is Demon Race’s territory after all, even if it is close to the Human Race border.

“I heard my Teacher say that underneath the corpse, there is a kind of power that is terrifying. Demon Race has no way to leave it there, even if the Southern Emperor Senior can exert the imperial power, let them withdraw. Song Ren had to pull out his Teacher.

For Teacher, both Su Youwei and Su Yangxuan are very respectful, even mysterious.

Sure enough, Su Youwei heard nodded and hurriedly sent a message to father.

“Withdraw? Rest assured, it’s just a tide of corpses. Recently, there are no soul corpses everywhere in our dynasty, and there are countless people dead and injured. All of them came out from here. The source has been cleared, so that the people are deeply grateful. Deity, let the dynasty owe us a favor again, you take a good rest, and we will return soon. “Su Yangxuan said.


“It’s nothing, I know what you want to say is, why not use Holy City’s Deity, which is only once, in exchange for your new Deity, Grandfather, and let the other party consume it, right, daughter, everyone is selfish Who wants to let the heights of their lives die like this and put the honor of others in the Celestial Emperor Pavilion?

Even if my Deity is only one time left, I do n’t want to, and the Celestial Emperor Pavilion ca n’t move. Moreover, you grandfather has never controlled Deity in this life, and played for the Human Race. I also want to try. Not to mention, we have reached the sky above the corpse and returned after finishing the work. Also, let the kid be safe. If I dare to do anything extraordinary, I will not surname Su if I can’t clean him up. “

After Su Yangxuan said, shut down the network directly, it seems a little difficult and disturbing to sense Heaven & Earth .Net here.

It seems that it is true that the so-called [Divine Demon .Net] has been activated on the Demon Race side, and it has such a large shielding effect.

At this moment over the corpse, Nan Huangtong was standing on the top of the huge Deity’s head. Su Yangxuan was on the side alert, accompanied by Xia Lin and a dozen masters.

Such a large group only made Su Yangxuan fearless. Although this is the site of the Demon Race, there are no two Monster Emperors to come, and it is impossible to keep any of them.

But, is Monster Emperor coming? Those are the top executives of Demon Race. Do you worry about whether you are trapped here?

By the time they were confirmed, they had already left.

The immense momentum is the Demon Race trembling with fear of the entire Mobei Forest, and there is more lurking in the escape.

For example, Yu Linglong and Si Niang, the azure snake kings who have been put back, hide behind them and don’t dare to get too close.

They are just Monster King, the horrible Human Races in the air, and they can be solved by one person.

“Sister, what the hell are they doing, do we inform Huobang Monster Sovereign?” Si Niang said.

Since Zhu San fled from Human Race and reported that A’bao was still alive, because some things did not return until some time later, the top of the Demon Race released Yu Linglong and reorganized the forest of Mobei.

But didn’t expect, after only a few days of work, Human Race fought such a big battle on its own site. There was no news before, it seems it was a secret operation.

“Notice Huoyu Monster Sovereign what to do. The breath given by those people is stronger than the Jundi I met during the period of my detention. Our head boss Huoyu Monster Sovereign is here. It seems that our Mobei Forest is going to be messed up again.

The last time a Human Race was stirred up in the corpse, the Mobei Forest has not been dealt with by the soulless corpse so far. It is estimated that we will have no more peace this time. Yu Linglong looked away, sighing.

Si Niang also frowned: “Yeah, during your absence, in order to deal with the soulless corpse, our 2 territories have broken a lot of good hands, and I do n’t know what is under this corpse, last time We didn’t see any seals when we joined the seals. Instead, it made Human Race look old, which was strange. “

Instead, Yu Linglong said nothing, but lowered her body shape, turned into an azure snake, coiled branches, and looked at them.

“I’ll tell Huobang Monster Sovereign first about the situation here. Otherwise, we will be convicted of not reporting it, but then again, is it Deity, or is it a woman, really amazing,” Si Niang looked at Deity Hong Luo with envy.

On his own demon domain, only A’bao, a Boutique writer recognized by Monster Emperor, now knows where he is.

“Someday we will have it too, I can feel it.” Yu Linglong said with a firm tone.

Si Niang is also nodded. After all, [Divine Demon .Net] has only appeared for 50 years. The Human Race is 2 years old, which is dozens of times worse.

“Look at it, look at it, moved it,” Si Niang just sent a message to the Fire Slayer Monster Sovereign. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the humanoid Deity as the head, and began to burn and strike the Corpse with a powerful attack. Seeing that terrible Deity shot, Si Niang and Yu Linglong both turned pale.

Is this the power of Deity? It’s simply the strength of antiquity time of Barbarian Desolate. It’s terrifying.


Su Youwei sent several messages in a row, but did not see Su Yangxuan reply, and finally shook his head at Song Ren.

Song Ren sighed, this is also no way, no one did n’t expect, they will go to the corpse side, you can also go elsewhere,

“Then, did your Teacher tell you what’s underneath the corpse?” Su Youwei was nervous when he saw Song Ren.

Song Ren smiled bitterly: “No, we can only wait for the news now. Fortunately, Mobei Forest is closer to the Human Race border, as long as it escapes fast enough.”

Su Youwei’s pale face turned white again.


The whole sky over the corpse was red, and numerous forests and rocks collapsed. Yu Linglong and Si Niang had long been horrified and did not know how much they had retreated to the periphery.

From a distance, the space seems to be a bit unstable, broken and distorted.

Heaven and Earth roared, but for a short moment, there was a savage roar from the bottom of the corpse. Then, Xia Lin and Su Yangxuan all escaped in the dirt, their faces were incredible.

Nan Huangtong also escaped while driving Deity, but the human form Deity seemed to be cursed, screaming and tearing.

Nan Huangtong saw Deity, who had 2 opportunities to use it, and died directly. He wanted to summon back to Celestial Emperor Pavilion and dying. In anxiety, he shed tears and said sorry to Deity Hong Luo, directly from his heart. Running through.

Looking at the 7 colorful stones in his hand, Nan Huangtong spit out a blood and collected it.

“Let’s go—” A few people quickly greeted and retreated immediately. At this time, if there was a high-level interception by Demon Race, they would really plant it.

Su Yangxuan is even more regretful. How could there be such a terrible creature in this world.

“Shock the tree–” Huohou Monster Sovereign looked back at Wolverine Human Race with a smirk, as the trade with the corpse and he killed a Monster Emperor, he is better than anyone.

“Has seen the Sir,” 2 rays of light flew up, and Yu Linglong and Si Niang rushed over to saluted.

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