Song Ren returned to the room, and finally let go of his heart. After he was sure that there was no one, he went straight into Secret Realm, sat in front of the coffin, and absorbed the energy in it greedily.

This coffin is too mysterious, and now the green leaves are already full, and I ca n’t see what the bones are like, but I think I should be able to stay here for a while, Nan Huangtong is driving Deity, and sneak over the Xia Family dynasty. Attacked Monster Sovereign Long Panzi.

I was seriously injured last time. I can escape from so many powerful people at this time.

But I also heard Su Yangxuan said that the first goal of Xia Family’s Xia Lin was him, just for that dead body.

After all, that day, everyone on the continent was obvious to everyone. The dead body resisted the full strength attack of Deity’s old sword god, or the dynasty recognized the history, or it was simply curiosity.

But anyone did n’t expect to fall on their side, and the Monster Sovereign Long Panzi did n’t release the wind and the corpse was taken away by himself. It must be important to think about it, for fear of being caught by the top of the Human Race in the future. It’s not easy to get it back.

After all, on that day, the blind cat encountered a dead mouse. When he met Long Panzi’s hiding place, when he was seriously injured and escaped, he threatened himself by launching a beast tide.

Song Ren was staying beside the coffin at this moment, and I felt more and more that this crystal coffin was out of the ordinary. It is too early to think of these now, so let’s hurry up Cultivation.

Looking at the three huge Deities around him, Song Ren was at ease, sitting cross-legged, and began to absorb these strange energies.


At this moment, on another island not far from Song Ren, Nan Huangtong closed his eyes, and in front of him, a purple tortoiseshell hovered incessantly, emitting ripples, and Su Yangxuan on the side was quickly imprinting his mark. , Break into Nan Huangtong within the body.

At the next moment, Nan Huangtong opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes staring at the tortoise shell, his mouth squinting.

The tortoise shell exploded suddenly into 9 by 9, 81 pieces in suspension, as if there was an invisible net towing them together.

Seeing this scene, Nan Huangtong’s eyes suddenly shone, and the rewards given by Heavenly Dao were good and advanced, far more than those of the Heavenly Secrets Pavilion, and then took a look at Su Yangxuan who could persist, and he cautiously from Take out a small blue bottle in your arms.

With the urging, a very faint, almost dissipated air flow slowly drifted into the tortoise shell.

This is the original time, the author sent Divine Heart, and Nan Huangtong, in exchange for Su Youwei, found that there was a residual breath on it, so he left a heart and peeled this aura through the secret technique and kept it.

The deduction just happens to work at this moment.

“Finished?” Su Yangxuan was excited after seeing the air flow into the tortoise shell.

Nan Huangtong also puts out a breath: “My deduction is not very proficient, and I am afraid that it cannot be deduced by this breath alone, it can only be approximate.”

“Maybe it’s okay. It always makes us a little bit of a goal. I’m really looking forward to it, who is the author of mysterious, who demon race hates?” Su Yangxuan said.

Just after less than 5 breaths, the sound of a match crackling sounded from the tortoise shell. Then, under the eyes of Nan Huangtong and Su Yangxuan, like a projection, a portrait appeared gradually over the tortoise shell.

It was a very smiling youngster with big white teeth.

Nan Huangtong blinked: “This is the author?”

Su Yangxuan, the more familiar he looked at the boy, the last time he thighed: “I have seen this boy. Some time ago, he was with the elders in his family. He was the last group to enter the sea of ​​magic, as if it was the Ministry of Heavenly Spirit. Junior, called, what is Mo Cheng. “

“Ministry of Heavenly Spirit? The author is Ministry of Heavenly Spirit? If it is true, then it is interesting.” Nan Huangtong is full of interest, and everyone knows that Ministry of Heavenly Spirit is the same as Divine Sea of ​​Chaos. A superpower constrained by the dynasty.

If so, it is estimated that such a for a long time pretending to be a silly Ministry of Heavenly Spirit will have unexpected big moves, but there should be no origin between Divine Sea of ​​Chaos and Ministry of Heavenly Spirit?

2 people look at me, I look at you, more and more confused.

But soon, the images belonging to Mo Cheng gradually began to change and turned into a fatty face.

“Ke Yangshu of Kyoto Ke Family, his nickname Fatty Ke, his cousin is Mo Cheng of the Ministry of Heavenly Spirit just now, how can he be this kid again, is it possible that he is pretending to be stupid?” Seeing the portrait again Changes, Su Yangxuan still immediately recognized this Little Fatty.

It is a special look, and it is very lively and easy to remember.

And he also secretly probed, this fatty seems to have been pursuing the Little Princess Xia Zhilan of the Xia Family, not touching Novel, specializing in music, just to have a hobby with Xia Zhilan.

Not to mention, it is really possible that everyone will easily ignore him, because he does not do Novel, and looks very deceptive.

Nan Huangtong is also nodded: “Ke family, that’s a family of crouching tiger hidden dragon. I heard that his family is very rich. The entire continent, including other dynasties, has some well-known Chamber of Commerce, auction, mercenary group, There is more or less a silhouette of the Ke family behind him. This is a tiger that is huddled in Kyoto and silent. “

Nan Huangtong just wanted to repeat that the test was inaccurate. When he could only measure the approximate range, the portrait belonging to Fatty Ke gradually distorted, and Xia Zhilan appeared again.

Seeing this, the two directly passed the possibility that belonged to her.

The dynasty Xia Family couldn’t do it anymore, and this girl only likes music.

The author previously appeared in the Author Certification Guild and Learned Academy of Classical Learning. Although he wore a mask, it was a man, not a woman.

But 2 people can understand it.

It seems that the author should have been invisible to them.

Then they continued to look, as expected, but after a while, the portrait changed again and became Vice-President Zhong Jingshan of Author Certification Guild.

They understood this and confirmed the conjecture just now. Everyone knows that Zhong Jingshan has contacted the author several times. The course taught by Learned Academy of Classical Learning is still his line.

It seems that the author intersects with these people before they are fuzzy tested.

As some tortoise shells began to break and turned into powder, the portrait changed again, becoming a pig demon with fangs.

Nan Huangtong and Su Yangxuan were violent.

what happened? What is this?

Demon Race ?

Is that author connected to Demon Race?

With the appearance of the pig, the two swallowed together, and more of them were completely crippled.

Shouldn’t this turtle figure be broken.

Then, the pig’s head slowly dissipated, revealing Su Yangxuan’s own appearance.

Is he the author, does he have no points in his heart, it must be broken, and an error message appears.

“I’ll do a bit more to make it more precise.” Su Yangxuan said, strengthening the spirit strength into Nan Huangtong within the body, and Nan Huangtong as the medium, blessing tortoise shells, and soon, with the next portrait exposed At that time, the two of them laughed bitterly.

“Why is this kid involved again–“

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