When Yue Mei saw Song Ren again, he was really excited. He almost rushed over and hugged his soft and elastic waist.

In his opinion, Song Ren, like Zhu San, is the most talented. That night, the poetry exit came, which led to Monster Emperor’s continuous manifestation. He even made [Biography of Sun Wukong] and became the first Boutique author. This drew the will of Wen Feng Monster Emperor, allowing the image of A’bao to appear on all the demon domains.

Huobang Monster Sovereign even came to personally congratulate him, as did Zhu San.

If you can choose one of these two fatty, you think that visual enjoyment is better.

It must be A’bao big brother with fleshy meat.

The sudden disappearance of A’bao that night, the anger above, the detention of Yu Linglong, the Mobei Forest was panicked, and the real group of dragons had no head.

The success is A’bao and the failure is A’bao.

Fortunately, Brother Zhu San brought back the news and determined that A’bao was still alive, because some things could not be returned, and after adding the fire 狻 Monster Sovereign also pleaded to ensure that A’bao was definitely alive, Yu Linglong released it back. .

During this time, she was also studying here. Didn’t expect to meet A’bao as soon as she came out. How could you not let Yue Mei get excited.

“A’bao cousin—” Zhu San heard the shout and hurried out. When he saw Song Ren really appeared in front of him, his heart was instantly settled, he thumped with excitement, and held Song Ren laughed heartily. With.

He even kissed him happily. Song Ren looked at the two sharp fangs. He was really afraid that he would hurt his face, disfigured him, and pushed away quickly.

“OK, OK, am I not coming back,” Song Ren laughed.

Many Demon Races also noticed A’bao at the door and immediately shouted with arms.

“A’bao is back, A’bao is back.”

“It’s really A’bao, hurry up, tell your mother to go.”

“A’bao, A’bao-“

Several hundred Demon Races stationed in Wang Ting all surrounded them, shouted happily, and circled around Song Ren.

Zhu San and Yue Mei also had smiles on their faces, letting go of A’bao, following the shouts of the crowd, shouting “A’bao, A’bao …”

Yu Linglong and Si Niang, who are discussing in the stone hall, startled when they heard the shouts from outside.

“A’bao ——” Yu Linglong blurted out excitedly when he saw Song Ren surrounded by everyone.

Song Ren quickly stepped forward saluted: “Meet 2 damsels.”

At this moment, I do n’t know who is taking the lead, and started shouting: “Mother-in-law mighty–” “A’bao mighty —“


“That’s the situation, but I worried two mother-in-laws, and I didn’t expect that the mother-in-law would suffer such a great crime,” Song Ren said in an excuse after a while. And released the Golden Core Realm cultivation base he concealed.

Si Niang on the side also said something that happened during this time.

“Forget it, now I’m lucky that the azure snake King can come back, and the rest doesn’t matter,” Yu Linglong looked very happy, and Yue Mei sitting beside him quietly told Song Ren.

Since he left, two more Demon Race works have entered Boutique, but they are all Demon Race territories whose power is several times greater than Tianzure Snake King. There is also a Sage’s Composition writer who heard that Teacher is Human Race. .

Song Ren is quite surprised at this point, it seems that Demon Race will really rise slowly.

Carnival that night, Yu Linglong solemnly announced that A’bao would be the Second Boss except her, and all the demon cheers and confessed.

Joke, let’s not talk about Song Ren’s writer status. Just cultivation base, he has already surpassed several Commanders, who is not a Second Boss.

Under a demon, above 10000 demon.

Song Ren of course shirk away, but it is difficult to be affectionate, but since the status is so high, it is easier to act in the future.

Celebrate the wine, but drink less. The last time it was almost exposed.

2nd day Early in the morning, Huobang Monster Sovereign arrived. It was okay to see Song Ren, and he was so impressed that he did not hesitate to guarantee that A’bao was alive and put Yu Linglong back from above.

“Has seen the Sir!” The demon saluted.

Huobang Monster Sovereign lifted Song Ren up, patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, and looked at the two dark circles: “Nice and good, just in time to catch up, I thought it wasn’t my Huoyan this time.”

“Master, what’s wrong?” Yu Linglong said with a smile.

Huo said: “Some time ago, in other large territories, did not 2 other works enter Boutique, which led to the manifestation of Fire Phoenix Monster Emperor? Therefore, Madam Long above is ready to meet. I heard that there are great opportunities waiting. With it.

I thought that I could not get A’bao’s turn anymore. After all, life and death are still unknown. Now it seems that I can just catch up. “

After hearing that Huo Yan was happy to finish speaking, Song Ren had some hoops, but Yu Linglong had bright eyes.

“Dare to ask my lord, that Madam Long, that Madam Long.”

Fire 狻 nodded: “Yes, it is in the depths of the demon realm, on the head of Longshou Mountain, the only Madam Long with the blood of the ancient Flood Dragon. Treasures and spiritual medicine are even more numerous, even with Human Race, they don’t remember it.

The reason for this intention seems to be to respond to the request of the high-level, let Madam Long come forward, inspire everyone, better create good works on [Divine Demon .Net], and let those Human Races see, Although our Demon Race network develops slowly, it can also quickly follow on.

Thanks to A’bao, in the next 50 years, the first Boutique writer, and in just a few months, the second and third places emerged. At this time, the demon is not encouraged, what are you waiting for? “

After listening to the words of Monster Sovereign, the monsters include Zhu San, which is an envy.

Song Ren even touched his brows subconsciously.

This transformation, under the forehead, the Thunder Dragon mark is still there, but it is covered by the hair, and the silver mark is really invisible if you do not carefully pull it.

Blood of the Ancient Flood Dragon?

It is also the emperor’s cultivation base.

This Madam Long is very powerful. If she goes forward, she will not be aware of it.

Fire Monster Monster Sovereign continued: “The second entry to the Boutique writer this time is the talented boy from the Golden Wings Great Peng Clan of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains-Mu Xiao, and the Teacher of Mu Xiao from Human Race. Deity Sage’s Composition writer Sikong Bitu, maybe someone else will go. At that time, A’bao may be able to discuss some relevant knowledge, bring it up a level. “

Song Ren’s heart trembled suddenly.

No way, this is really sleepy, and someone sent a pillow immediately.

Sikong Bitu, the Demon Race executive still knows that, it is really powerful. I heard that in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, there are many Bloodline extremely advanced ethnic teenagers, who will give him guidance.

In the envious eyes of the demons, Fire Soul Monster Sovereign continued: “The 3rd Boutique writer, also from the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, from Kui Cha, a 9-headed Golden Lion lineage from the Fallen Devil, has all Written by Demon Race, an ancient wild and alien high-level Bloodline.

So, A’bao really gives me a long face. We in this remote country can produce such a genius as A’bao. It is also the first Boutique writer. Mountain, this time it’s been stained with A’bao. “

Huoju Monster Sovereign finished, excited.

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