On the portal on the periphery of Longshou Mountain, two golden rays of light collide constantly, making a roar of noise.

Rocks burst, flames burned, and strong winds raged.

With the two separated, one of them is a yellow Golden Lion with nine heads. Its body is not very large, but the whole body is densely covered with golden scales, such as cast from gold, emitting a golden glow.

The breath emitted has already reached the late stage of Transform God Boundary, which may be the reason for the huge body. It actually gives people a mountain-like oppression. With its 9 heads roar together, 9 golden sound waves can be clearly seen. Then Heaven and Earth roared.

And on the sky opposite it is a winged cloud, like a golden Spiritual God-like penguin bird, with eyes shining with radiance, four squares, breath is also extremely horrible, there is a unique demeanor, overlooking Nine below -Headed Lion.

There were no other silhouettes in the rest, and they came alone, without the elders at home to accompany them.

“Kui Cha, you and I are the same realm, but you are far less than me in speed. If it is Life and Death Battle, as long as I dodge your gravity attack in the early stage and slowly consume it in the later stage, I can also consume you. Consuming to death, my Mu Xiao will be the fastest teenager in Saint Race. Today is, and will be, and will always be. “Golden Wings Great Peng uttered a word.

The Nine-Headed Lion below gnashed his teeth, and finally was helpless. He was telling the truth, but if he couldn’t avoid it in the early stage, when the real life and death, I will not give you a later opportunity.

The golden lion’s 9 lions suddenly became golden light, and the heads of 8 lions slowly shrank into their shoulders. They slowly changed into some thick lips, blond hair, and a very handsome boy.

“Whatever you say, I just know, spread your head too far, not far from death,” Kui Cha said, and seemed to feel something. As soon as he looked up, he looked towards the sky with 2 flying mounts.

“It seems that the first Boutique author, A’bao, is here. The second place is, on the [Divine Demon .Net] section, you are not as fast as him,” Kui Cha laughed.

Golden Wings Great Peng Mu Xiao looked at the two mounts, and A’bao, which gradually became clear on the mounts: “If there were no delays that day, the first one would be me, only 2 days left.”

Mu Xiao’s voice froze, then his eyes narrowed, and the top Bloodline was put out, directly looking towards the two miscellaneous birds.

Song Ren certainly saw the scene below, but he didn’t see any silhouette of Sikong Bitu, and he felt sorry for a while.

I have n’t waited to observe it. Suddenly, the two Gryphons sitting down suddenly trembled violently. It seems that they encountered something terrifying. Song Ren just wanted to appease. This Gryphon and Beast was suddenly afraid to the extreme. Hepatobiliary burst, died directly, and then fell down.

Song Ren is a puppet, which is very high from the ground here, and it is immediately raised by the corpse of a griffon, and the Flowing Blossom of Ten Thousand Flying Leaves emerges to support it, touching the wind.

Eight Talisman Gate is familiar with the particles that should exist in the air such as Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning, etc. He is very proficient.

The Griffon Beast of the Monster Sovereign did not die, but it also lost its ability to fly and had been shaking for a long time.

“Demon Race of the lower Bloodline made me an old 2 person. Such a big person even let the elders pick up. It is hard to imagine that Wen Feng Monster Emperor’s will will reveal his image to the whole demon domain,” Mu The Golden Wings Great Peng of Xiao’s body is waving huge wings, like gold pouring, exuding a terrifying atmosphere.

Song Ren can see that this is a provocation by others.

But at this moment, he can’t care about it anymore. His feet are stepping in the void and there are ripples. He can actually reach the ground instantly if he opens Eight Talisman Gate.

The falling fire also bounced, and it was necessary to help Song Ren, but soon his body trembled, glanced at Longshou Mountain with awe, and then fell down.

Seeing that fat panda in the air didn’t fall down, nor did he show ugliness, Kui Cha sitting on the ground laughed heartily.

The laughter in Mu Xiao’s ears was simply ironic.

He’s frowned, Golden’s wings spread.

Dust 4 splashed, a golden light soared into the sky, and the speed was unimaginable.

“You can take it easy. You are not like me. They can practice with you as soon as you meet. It seems that the cultivation base is not as high as the cultivation base of your housekeeper, or the first Boutique writer.” Kui Cha Shouted loudly, like a bell.

The Song Ren above also heard of course, even more how, then the golden light has come.

Are these wild offspring so warlike? I thought you were tired just now.

call out!

The golden silhouette came in an instant, and seemed to knock Song Ren from the air.

But soon, the Golden Wings Great Peng bird hit Song Ren. Strangely, no one fell, but it seemed to be transparent and passed through it.

Mu Xiao waved his wings and frowned, but found that the silhouette of the panda disappeared slowly, and in the air below, Song Ren’s thunder and lightning flashed around and appeared again.

The speed is too fast, even before the shadow can disappear.

This is a teleportation initiated by Song Ren with Thunder Dragon blood essence that has been deliberately in the bones.

The Kui Cha below laughed even more, smiling and pointing at the Golden Wings Great Peng bird in the air: “haha, laugh to death, this brother did a good job, no, played well, and blew himself all day The speed of World’s First, a fatty is more flexible than you, and it is so handsome and phantom. “

Mu Xiao also felt that he was being beaten by a low-level Bloodline bear clan. He admitted that he had carelessly, and didn’t expect that the fatty speed was so fast.

Song Ren in the air looked at the Dapeng bird for no reason and thought of a sentence: “There is a fish in Beiming. Its name is 鲲, which is so big that it can’t be stewed in a pot. That pupa seems to be a big bird.”

“No, I said this demon brother, we should have no hate, we also met for the first time, I used to …”

Before Song Ren’s words were finished, the Golden Wings Great Peng bird had turned down into a golden rays of light.

Song Ren moved immediately, Ray Man flashed, and he had already reached the other side.

Mu Xiao hit another illusory shadow again.

This time he was really shocked. This time, unlike just now, he has speeded up, and watching all the vibrations around him, but still only one step behind.

How could this be?

And Kui Cha, who was smiling and rolling below, stopped smiling at this moment, watching the panda and the lopsided bird.

Seems interesting.

“Are you okay with this bird?” Song Ren is also angry. Is Transform God Boundary great in the later period? Although I am in the early stage, I am about to break through to Middle-Stage. If some methods are used, I am not afraid of.

Repeatedly being played 3 times, now being shouted and shouting ‘Bird’, Mu Xiao is even more angry.

“I have the ability to single out. I ca n’t compare the dignified Saint Race Bloodline with yours, but you ca n’t compare to a poor bear family?” Mu Xiao said, looking indifferent, exuding the horror, spreading the sharp giant claw, and approaching Song Ren.

“It’s not over.” Song Ren muttered 2 words, holding the bamboo pole in his hand tightly and holding up his hat. The bamboo pole contained spirit strength and swept forward towards the roc bird.

The green glow is vast and turbulent, mixed with many flying flowers and green leaves, which is attacking Magical Powers Flowing Blossom of Ten Thousand Flying Leaves.

“Okay!” After seeing Song Ren’s active attack, Golden Wings Great Peng Bird 2 let out his eyes, but he didn’t evade this attack and headed up.

Suddenly, the Flowing Blossom of Ten Thousand Flying Leaves collided with the Golden Wings Great Peng bird, bursting completely and making a noise.

Mu Xiao ran straight and ran into the golden feathers without any damage, but became more golden-bright and dazzling.

“Is it tickling, can you have some pain, you are far worse than the stupid lion underneath!” Mu Xiao flew from the explosion, hissing, the air was shaking, shouting loudly, and his fighting intent seemed to be golden all over his body. Your blood is going to burn at this moment.

“En? Where’s it going?”

“You bear grandfather, I’m here—” Above the bird’s head of Golden Wings Great Peng, there was a thunder arc, next moment, a silhouette suddenly emerged from it, and a Rayman’s fist hit the back of Mu Xiao’s head.

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