[Divine Demon .Net], there are 10000000 million big demon, little demon, high-level, low-level, all with a horrified look, Taiji Panda A’bao and Golden Wings Great Peng from Hundred Thousand Great Mountains The birds kept fighting.

In particular, Yu Linglong, Si Niang, Zhu San, and Yue Mei, such as the azure snake king territory, are truly stupefied.

Blow you, when was A’bao so sturdy, in their impression, even if A’bao did not return outside during this time, as he said when he came back, he got some chances, but was this chance Too big, soaring cultivation base directly.

They had been waiting for A’bao to have just fortunately defeated the Golden Wings Great Peng bird, and then they would be miserable, and then either the Fire Monster Monster Sovereign would come forward, or someone from Longshou Mountain would come out to stop it.

After all, A’bao is the first Boutique writer on [Divine Demon .Net], watched by so many Demon Races, it is too hurtful and not good for anyone.

However, the guy A’bao actually met the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains and other archaeological heritage with a meeting force with force, which is incredible.

At this moment, Mu Xiao has already played against Song Ren more than 1000 times in a short time. Each and everyone is the more fights the more brave is, and even the gold 9-headed lion Kui Cha below is also covered in fighting intent.

It seems that everyone has despised this low-level Bloodline panda. As the first Demon Race to write Boutique works, there is true ability.

At this moment, Mu Xiao is more of an insult than a fierce fighting intent. Song Ren is just like a slippery sludge that can no longer be slipped. He can’t catch it. It is twice as fast as him, and There was always a faintly discernable coercion on him, and sometimes his hands made him feel hairy.

It ’s like, like you did something wrong when you were a kid, and you are about to welcome the elders.

What a joke, he is a high-level Demon Race. The bloodline left in the blood is the ancient wild Bloodline. Although not very pure, every time Cultivation is purifying the blood essence again and again, towards the ancient times, the real Golden Wings Great Peng bird blood approaching.

There are several grandfather grandfathers in the clan who have not been able to retreat for 1000 years. I heard that they have approached infinitely. As a genius in the clan, from the birth, the blood essence contained in it is already some Elder’s hard work. Bloodline level that has only been reached in the year.

He had to be strong since he was a child, and he had to practice the human race hard, and also wanted to write a real work on his own like Human Race.

He has the pride of Saint Race, and he is not weak either in Cultivation or Novel in Human Race.

There are no mountains in front of him, even if it is tall, it will leap over.

He is the future leader of Mu Xiao, Golden Wings Great Peng Clan.

His pride could not afford a little blasphemy.

Since [Divine Demon .Net] can be the same as Human Race ’s Heavenly Dao net, he entered the Premium Novel with genius brain writing, and was recognized by the ancestors of the Monster Emperor. He originally wrote another one quickly, which was updated to the later stage. It was delayed for a few days because of cultivation base breakthrough and epiphany.

It was only after the exit that he discovered that he should have solemnly vowed the first place of Boutique and was snatched by other Demon Races.

As soon as I asked, it was still a bear clan on the lower border, and it was furious.

Not to mention these, now every time he is about to attack this panda, he makes him feel hairy.

It’s ridiculous, don’t you say this weird looking, bears that have never been recorded before have a higher level of Bloodline suppression on them?

How can it be?

Song Ren’s thunder whip and Mu Xiao’s bizarre flaming sword continued to fight and collide, and to dodge from time to time. The whole body seemed to be wearing an armored Golden Wings Great Peng bird.

The various light rains that the two collided, hiding the sky and covering the earth, are extremely dazzling, in the sound of the whistling wind, each and everyone is like a meteorite rushing down, and there is terror in the gorgeousness, and the ground is dense. Smashed into a horse honeycomb.

“Good guy!” The Kui Cha underneath escaped a meteor shower attack almost pierce gold and split stone, his eyes were full of fighting intent.

The speed of Golden Wings Great Peng Clan is indeed very fast, but there is a drawback that it cannot last long and you must get the chance to die in one shot.

However, he can see that not only is the speed of A’bao fast, but also the endurance seems very good, constantly moving like a star, making Mu Xiao’s attack several times missed.

His mentality is about to jump, this is not okay, just now they have already been fighting vigorously, Mu Xiao does not have much energy.

Once it is finally exhausted, if Mu Xiao still can’t catch the opponent’s flaws, it may leave a shadow in the mind of an unprecedented now genius.

And this humiliation, but the Bloodline of many ancient relics of Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, including him.

Kui Cha opened [Divine Demon .Net] and watched the live broadcast. It was also speechless. Long Shoushan could not come out to help, so he could only stop the battle by himself.

Kui Cha suddenly laughed heartily, and the whole body changed again suddenly, turning into a Nine-Headed Lion pour like gold, with a long hissing sound.

One of the heads made a sound: “Hairy bird, can you do it or not, I will come, I see your lion grandfather, itching hands, let me try.”

With 9 golden lions laughing heartily, in the eyes of [Divine Demon .Net] other Demon Race, a pair of huge golden meat wings protruded from under the 2 wings.

I haven’t played against Mu Xiao just now. In fact, Kui Cha can only persist for a short time. With his current cultivation base, he can only hold the time it takes to burn one stick of incense at most.

No way, he was scolded by other Demon Race to have no shame 2 at most, but it was better than Mu Xiao who really lost in front of the whole monster domain.

And once he participates, the dragon head mountain is bound to come out to block.

Anyway, my 9 golden lions in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains have always been known for being cheeky.

Seeing Kui Cha coming, Mu Xiao yelled: “Get me back, he’s mine.”

“You said that you are yours, and I have an itchy hand,” Kui Cha said, a lion roared, all 9 heads were roaring, the sound waveform was quality, and turned into golden ripples hiding the sky and covering the earth toward Song Ren.

Song Ren flashed quickly, and there was some gasping for breath at the moment. Although he could use this drop of Thunder Dragon blood essence to consume Golden Wings Great Peng bird at the speed of Thunder Dragon, it was too difficult to seriously hurt.

It is true that every golden feather of his body is like top-level armor, but it cannot penetrate at all.

It’s a wild species without a loss, and the whole body is a treasure. If you really have a chance to kill it, it must be delicious.

When he was about to use some of the killing tricks that Old Drunkard gave him, the yellow Golden Lion rushed up.

Song Ren suddenly scolded: “You have to have no shame, you think you can Shape Transformation, bullying me, right? If I become a bear, I am afraid of myself.”

The nine golden lions are laughing heartily, with nine heads opening together: “Then you have changed, we all use the body.”

“Don’t I say it, I’m scared.”

Golden Wings Great Peng Bird Mu Xiao: “…”

Gold 9 Lion Kui Cha: “…”

[Divine Demon .Net] Demon Race with 100000000 10000: “…”

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