Seeing the scene in front of them, Mu Xiao and Kui Cha, still under the magnetic field of the gravitational element, were speechless for a while, and the purple ginseng that was more than 2 1000 700 years old was taken away?

The stupid bird flew first, and the two of them were the first to leave.

No wonder it was able to fight with it for so long before, it turned out that his inside had a more advanced Thunder Dragon Bloodline, which was incredible.

Mu Xiao and Kui Cha insisted on going out, and chose the remaining two light groups, both of which are spiritual medicine of 2 years, but they are all over 2 years old, which is already very good, but it is worse than Song Ren’s. It’s not a little bit.

This purple ginseng is really refined, although it looks like a purple dragon, but the whole body is not at all scales, but it has a fluffy root beard, like those old ginseng, its 2 eyes are black paint Painted, happily spinning around Song Ren.

Perhaps in its subconscious, the dragon’s breath on Song Ren’s body is much better than it was occasionally absorbed 1000 years ago.

Mu Xiao stepped forward and looked at the purple dragon ginseng on Song Ren, and then a strong fighting intent erupted in his eyes: “Since you are the inheritance of Dragon Clan Bloodlines, you are qualified to be my opponent, I wait Fight with you. “

“So, count me, too,” Kui Cha stepped forward.

Song Ren rolled his eyes: “I don’t like fights, I like to calm down and do my creative work.”

Song Ren accepted the purple dragon ginseng and then looked towards Long Lan.

“There is no benefit, if not, I will rush back, always with these two militants, I’m afraid I will also become arrogant,” Song Ren said seriously, and he knew how much he could do.

The reason why he promised that Monster Sovereign would come here is to want to get in touch with Sikong Bitu. Didn’t expect to see him. Since he hasn’t come, he has other things to do.

Song Ren It looks like an aunt from the supermarket picks up eggs for free. I just came here when you were good. After I finished picking up, I went back.

Long Lan is hard to believe that antiquity time, the scarce Thunder Dragon Bloodline would be given by a bear.

She also read ancient records. Thunder Dragon has always been known for its mastery of Heaven and Earth thunderbolt. Her character is even more overbearing. Not to mention the shot, how she got to have no shame in the bear family.

Long Lan exhaled and turned directly: “Come with me.”

It’s really good, it’s really big.

Song Ren followed quickly and ignored Mu Xiao and Kui Cha’s appointment.

Of course, with the pride of their nobles in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, how could it be possible to abandon the opportunity to discuss with the Dragon Clan Bloodlines.

You don’t want to fight, but we do, as long as the chance is right.

The group of 4 people continued to walk deep until Long Lan stopped again.

The forest is quiet, the sun is a little bit, and it is very quiet. What appeared to them was a woodland with some rough rocks around it, like a deserted place for a long time.

But it is weird that there is a fragrant fragrance around it, very complicated, but it makes people startled.

I didn’t realize until I looked carefully that there were many ancient medicines growing under the basil around. In the woodland, in the gaps between the rocks, there are transpirations, icy holy, and azure light, but also gloomy and dull. Yes, the weather is 10000 1000, and there are even several years old, similar to the purple dragon ginseng that Song Ren got before, but the spiritual wisdom is not turned on.

I drop a little boy, what is this place?

Mu Xiao looked up. In the front of the ancient medicine boundary, there was an old tree of about ten meters. The old tree had not many branches and leaves, but it was bright green, exuding radiance, sacred power, and more. The white fluffy fluttered from the sky and flew up.

Landed on the ground and disappeared.

Under the tree, there was still an old man with closed eyes, full of ethereal.

When they saw the old man, Mu Xiao and Kui Cha, including Song Ren, all had eyes suddenly shrink.

This old man is so familiar that they have seen it more than once or twice.

The current Demon Race has long entered the ranks of learning and writing. Of course, the first thing is poetry. Poetry is done well. On [Divine Demon .Net], the will of Monster Emperor will come. This is an extraordinary recognition. And honor.

The Monster Emperor was a Human Race that had been dormant for more than 800 years. He was familiar with a variety of existing poems and had his own unique insights. When he was drunk with Zhu San when he was the King of Azure King Snake, he led the Monster one after another. Emperor will come.

He is Wen Feng Monster Emperor.

Wenfeng Monster Emperor was selected in [Divine Demon .Net], especially after his death, and was regarded as the threshold for many devil to write Novel, Guardian of poetry.

Why is he here?

At this moment, the 3 people can’t explain it anymore, but they are immediately facing Wen Feng Monster Emperor saluted with closed eyes.

So does Long Lan.

After finishing the luggage, Long Lan directly puzzled everyone: “Wen Feng Monster Emperor returned from Human Race to study poetry, but unfortunately life essence is coming, and finally he will incorporate the will he learned throughout his life [Divine Demon .Net] , As a witness to my Demon Race ascension of poetry and writing Novel, the Enlightener.

But perhaps most people do n’t know that the body of Wenfeng Monster Emperor is a pu-mo tree derived from antiquity time. This tree has the characteristics of absorbing the spirit and physical body of others. In Ancient Era, many Human Race masters have become frightened of.

After Wenfeng Monster Emperor was born with his own will, especially Shape Transformation, entered Human Race territory for more than 800 years, he rarely ate them. After he returned, life essence was exhausted, and soon he died during meditation, and his will participated in 50 years. The former [Divine Demon .Net] was established.

What you see is the body of Monster Emperor before his life, and what is in front of him is only the illusory shadow left before his death. The real treasure is on this pu magic tree. Next is your own poem. If you can impress Lord Monster Emperor, maybe there is a good gift on this Pumu tree, this is the last chance of Longshou Mountain.

Guys, take it easy.

After Long Lan’s introduction, Song Ren and others finally understood. It turned out to be a secret.

However, the 3 people still have some self-confidence in writing poetry. After all, poetry is the first step they learned, the potential for making it later, Premium and even Boutique books.

“Whatever you want?” Mu Xiao stood out.

Long Lan didn’t speak, and suddenly, in the sky above Pu Moshu, the word ‘youran’ slowly appeared.

It looks like Madam Long should have shot it. Pu Moshu itself can stay in Longshou Mountain, and it looks like there are some things they don’t know.

Long Lan seemed to understand something, and continued: “After the Wenfeng Monster Emperor will come, it would be very good to say that the two clan will live together peacefully if they do not fight and kill. If they can, he wants to be alone and stay away from the world. Live quietly for the rest of my life. “

With the explanation of Long Lan, the three of them all understood. One of them fits the mood verse of Wen Feng Monster Emperor’s farewell, and he must get his approval to get the treasure above the ontology.

With Mu Xiao and Kui Cha frowning and thinking, Song Ren looked at the old man with his eyes closed, and he was moved.

It seems that more than 800 years of Human Race life has made him fit and like it, but because of different camps, life essence is approaching, and he will still hand over what he has learned for more than 800 years.

The real bow was exhausted.

Time passed in minutes and seconds. Under Long Lan’s gaze, Mu Xiao eyes shined and stepped out.

First pay homage to Wenfeng Monster Emperor again, and then say: “Senior, Junior is ugly!”

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