With the closure of Longshou Mountain, Song Ren and 4 others came out.

Long Lan has already planned to follow up to the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, and was quite curious, but I don’t really know where to go.

It’s a pity that the three of them came and got such a good chance and things. Before leaving, they didn’t even see Madam Long.

Zhundi’s powerhouse is just different.

It seemed like a short while ago, it was not so easy to send a message to Sikong Bitu. Ask Mu Xiao that the goods always cost him a battle in exchange.

Song Ren didn’t want to just expose all of his hole cards in this way, what’s more, how can he win? With Mu Xiao’s character, the more fights the more brave is, even treating him as the future blade blade.

Hard to please.

But now that you’re here, you have to talk to Sikong Bitu anyway.

Ang ~~

At this moment, a dragon roar suddenly sounded. As soon as the four people who were about to leave looked up, they saw a Dragon Flood horn, which was basically the same as the True Dragon. The Blue Flood Dragon flew from the dragon’s head, the dragon’s beard was entwined, and his eyes Staring distantly.

“Grandma–” Long Lan froze, blurting out.

What’s going on, why did grandma come out?

At this time, Mu Xiao Song Ren and Kui Cha in the hairpin also seemed to sense something, and immediately turned back, looking towards the endless poor mountains in the distance.

A trembling flame came quickly, and Song Ren’s pupils tightened as they approached. Inside the flame was an anxious Monster Sovereign Long Panzi.

Monster Sovereign Long Panzi, Song Ren, but I know him very well.

In “Snow” entered Epoch, the old sword god Li Chungang turned out of reality, he came to trouble, resisted with that bone, but was hit hard by himself and the old sword god.

Then the 10000 swords did not have the guidance of Deity, and they all came to the Spirit Flower Pavilion where they were. Song Ren, in order to avoid doubt, rushed to the Eight Talisman Gate several times to escape, but it happened that it fell on Monster Sovereign Long Panzi. Hiding place.

He was seriously injured, thinking that he was chasing, and came out to confront himself. The chameleon Demon Race was going to leave with the coffin, but was shocked to death by the battle of 2 people, he was robbed by the coffin, and then those who chased the famous sword The coming cultivators also came.

Monster Sovereign Long Panzi had to flee and threatened to keep his coffin, otherwise he would die tragically.

After that, I used my coffin to concentrate on Cultivation, and I felt that the bones in the coffin were very out of the ordinary, like the Spirit Flower Pavilion mountainside, the statue of Angel with the folded wings in the red mist forest.

Not long ago, Nan Huangtong did not get out of the human form Deity with the help of himself. On the side of Yinye Imperial Court, 3 Imperial Uncle Xia Lin was extremely curious about the bones of that day, and received news that the seriously injured Monster Sovereign Long Panzi appeared in Celestial Demon Sable’s sphere of influence.

Then he took Deity to the city. He heard that the Celestial Demon Sable group was destroyed in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, Long Panzi of cunning escaped.

It’s just an injury.

Song Ren was still ecstatic at the time. This Long Panzi was too bad luck, but Life Strength is still tenacious. So far, this is the second Monster Sovereign he has contacted, and the other is Yu Linglong’s top boss. Bring your own fire 狻 Monster Sovereign.

But didn’t expect that he would meet him here this time.

But looking at him, he should be hunted down. This guy’s bad luck is not a little bit.

Wait, Long Panzi? Madam Long? Longshou Mountain?

At this moment, Long Panzi still looks like a boy. After seeing Madam Long Shape Transformation, his original desperate face suddenly exults, and he screams desperately: “Ancestor, help!”

“Long Panzi?” Long Lan also recognized Long Panzi, who escaped the wolverine, and blurted out.

Long Panzi used to get a drop of Flood Dragon blood in an ancient Secret Realm in the past and refining it, but unfortunately the blood has been cursed. Heaven knows that after so many years, the curse has not dissipated.

Although he successfully stepped into the Monster Sovereign realm, he has become a gnome like today,

And so far, he is still inheriting the Flood Dragon Bloodline. Except for Madam Long and Long Lan, only him is left.

So in order to find the backing, he spent more than 300 years in Longshou Mountain and received some Flood Dragon Magical Powers rewarded by Madam Long, which is called Ancestor.

After that, he left Longshou Mountain and developed his strength on his own, because he has already achieved academic success and can survive the danger from Human Race or Demon Race.

I’ve heard of him trying to stop Deity from the Human Race, and almost killed him, causing many young Demon Races to regard him as a hero, and even some of them went to him. No news came later.

I saw it today, but it looks like this …

The Flood Dragon transformed by Madam Long did not look at Long Panzi, but stared at him behind.

The mountain peaks there were quickly covered by layers of ice crystals, so fast that it was unimaginable. Even some birds that were originally frightened in the air were frozen and fell down.

Suddenly, the winter of winter came to summer, and then countless ice crystals came quickly, seeming to run through Long Panzi and die.

At the next moment, Madam Long moved. With the buzzing, the Heaven and Earth clouds trembled, a big claw came out directly, covering the sky, pressing all the ice crystals directly to the surface, forming a deep pit.

Monster Sovereign Long Panzi even used this effort to appear on the square, hiding behind Long Lan, swallowing, trembling, and then looked at the distance in horror.

There, the Flood Dragon stood, and the snow scene that had come quickly seemed to form a separation zone and stagnated.

Under the eyes of everyone, a blizzard formed, and gradually formed a person who was shrouded in ice crystal halo, dazzling and invisible.

In the sun, it is like bathing in the sun, dazzling, like a god, with a terrifying atmosphere around him.

“The King of Ice Prison-Mo Tianxing, I thought you had returned to your Great Wei realm, didn’t expect to stay in the demon realm, are you really not afraid of death,” Madam Long voice coldly opened the mouth and said .

Song Ren’s pupils suddenly shrank, this person turned out to be from Great Wei.

Yinye, Longshu, Great Wei, and Gu Wu are the four dynasties of Human Race. Among them, Yinye’s land and the demon realm have the largest contact area, and the annual casualties are also large. Therefore, the national strength is the weakest of the four dynasties.

The strongest of them is the Great Wei Dynasty.

Song Ren was the first time to see the powerhouse of the Great Wei dynasty, and the snow was like the title of King of Ice Prison.

Mo Tianxing, the name of really domineering.

Why is he chasing Long Panzi? is it possible that

Mo Tianxing among the ice crystals no longer spoke, but just looked at Madam Long who became a Flood Dragon and had a quasi-employment cultivation base, and then quickly retreated. The previously frozen mountain range vegetation returned to its original state.

Standing at the moment behind 3 people like Long Lan, Song Ren, who was confused about all of this, was furious, and a sense of life and death came out of his heart. It was almost instinct and belonged to the defense method in Thunder Dragon.

“10000 Thunder Shields!”

Only momentarily, the silver mysterious thunder of hiding the sky and covering the earth emerged violently from the representative, with an extremely horrible explosion and powerful power, forming an 8-angle shape, with a dazzling silver awn, densely like The prison was general, and the space surrounding the 4 people including Song Ren Mu Xiao was wrapped in as much as possible.

And originally standing behind them, gasping for breath, Monster Sovereign Long Panzi full of fear, the whole body of ice crystals was diffused, with incredible and terrified faces, bursting.

A Self-destruction of Monster Sovereign.

Self-destruction close at hand!

“No–” Madam Long in the distant sky, roaring, and turned galloping.



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