Madam Long took a few people back to Longshou Mountain again, and checked them separately. Not at all left any internal injury, which was sighed in relief. For Mo Tianxing is still around, Madam Long also found no trace. .

But they didn’t dare to be negligent anymore and directly notified their elders.

As for Song Ren, I also want to go deep into the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. His name is to ask Sage’s Composition author Sikong Bitu for writing-related knowledge.

Everyone has no doubt about this. After all, Sikong Bitu is very popular among Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. Many teenagers of the family have learned from him, as can be seen from Mu Xiao’s genius.

Song Ren can by the strength of oneself be the first writer to make Boutique works. If you get any academic confusion at Sikong Bitu, it will be even better.

After living in Longshoushan for 5 days, I heard Long Lan said that the Primordial Spirit of Monster Sovereign Long Panzi has been awakened, and it is not known exactly what they are talking about.

On the 6th day, two powerful people came out of Longshou Mountain, an old Golden Peng and an old lion, exuding terrifying coercion, even more powerful than the Mo Tianxing seen on that day. Some of them are super powerhouses in 2 families.

Of course, there is a person, just Sikong Bitu, who met the Human Race border last time.

As Song Ren waited to come out, he recognized it immediately.

Sikong Bitu is younger than Old Drunkard, like a middle-aged man. At this moment, he is holding his hand like a standing sword, full of sharpness. Madam Long is also out, and the old Golden Peng and the old lion step forward to ask What’s going on? As for Mu Xiao and Kui Cha, and even Long Lan, rush to meet Sikong Bitu.

“You’re A’bao?” Song Ren stood beside him, wondering how to tell him, 10000, he really rebelled?

Last time at the border, I taught him with Old Drunkard, and traced the Eight Talisman Gate without any traces, allowing him to stop a Monster Sovereign from working towards himself, and safely all the border soldiers who had once penetrated the demon domain. Bring it back.

But I went there with my true identity. Now I managed to stand on the side of the demon domain with A’bao. 10000 As soon as he had other thoughts, his Demon Race identity was completely exposed. Later It’s not easy to act in the demon domain.

Sikong Bitu, after asking his student Mu Xiao about something, came over and asked with a mild voice.

Song Ren, of course, was saluted: “Junior has seen Sikong Senior.”

Sikong Bitu looked at Song Ren ’s panda, nodded: “You are very good. I have read” Biography of Sun Wukong “and I also like it, especially the inspirational sentences in it are very exciting, and you have set a record. The fewest words, the highest honor. “

Song Ren certainly understands what Sikong Bitu said. “Biography of Sun Wukong” only has more than 20 chapters, but it has formed a fierce and huge Novel World. [Divine Demon .Net] was the first Boutique. On the Human Race side, there were all copied Human Races, and they still reached Boutique.

“I heard that you want to go to the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. Yeah, your” Biography of Sun Wukong “, on the side of Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, the continuation of the ancient Devil ape has long wanted to see you,” continued Sikong Bitu Road.

“Magic ape? Is it a group of monkeys who worship Sun Wukong?” Song Ren thought secretly.

But he soon smiled and agreed.

After a while of work, the old lion and the old Golden Peng came over, each and everyone frowned, and brought another little demon, which seemed to be brought by Madam Long.

“Mr. Si Kong, let’s go!” 2 Yaodao.

Sikong Bitu nodded, a group of 8 people said goodbye to Madam Long and started to leave.

This time, even if there is such a lineup, they dare not make a high-profile, because recently received news, this time in the demon field activities, in addition to the king of ice prison Mo Tianxing, there are several exceptionally powerful Human Race.

I have never seen such a powerful Human Race before. In order to obliterate the sneak attack of juniors like Mu Xiao, it is really hurting. It seems that [Divine Demon .Net] has now entered the high-level sight of Human Race. Especially led by A’bao, all 3 people worship the Demon Race logo.

10000 It ’s even harder to say that the high level of Human Race teamed up to ambush. It ’s not a day or two before Human Race wants to wipe out Sikong Bitu. There are many more wild and wild Demonic beasts on the way to Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. It’s not open, but whether you are Demon Race or Human Race, in their eyes, it is just a meal to fill your stomach.

After 3 days in jungle.

In a hurry, everyone is resting. The old lion and the old Golden Peng are on the verge of warning. Song Ren is a fake. His main purpose is to contact Sikong Bitu to convey the news that Xuan Chen was detained at Yinye Imperial Court. Secret Realm. He, no matter what to do, he won’t care.

Do you really want to go to the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, where there is something to do if you detect your identity.

He didn’t go there, and through Mo Tianxing, he always felt that in recent days, Demon Race seemed a little uneasy.

At the moment, Sikong Bitu meditated on the knees facing Mingyue, and Mu Xiao and a few others also took a rest. Meditating Cultivation of Cultivation, Song Ren exhaled through one eye.

It’s time to use that trick.

Song Ren secretly started the Flowing Blossom of Ten Thousand Flying Leaves obtained from the Hundred Flowers Valley, quickly condensed the font, and then snored with 4 forks and 8 forks.

The night was quiet. Sikong Bitu was meditating, and suddenly a slight rustle sounded, like a snake squirming in the grass.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw in front of himself that the dead leaves slowly condensed into a sentence: Xuan Chen in Wensheng Secret Realm.

Sikong Bitu eyes immediately froze, and these dead leaves were scattered again at this brief moment, and nothing seemed to happen.

He stood up stunned and looked around, the old lion and the old Golden Peng still closed their eyes and vigilance, several children were sleeping, except for the little demon coming out of Longshou Mountain, with sneaky eyes.

Quietly released Divine Consciousness, nothing more.

“Xuan Chen of Cang Divine Race, alive? Who’s the message?”

Sikong Bitu sat down again, his eyes deepened.

Pretending to be sleeping, Song Ren knew what Sikong Bitu looked like and knew that his mission was complete.

I just want to go to bed and sleep, then find a reason to leave tomorrow and return to Human Race. After all this time, he missed Su Youwei a little bit.

More importantly, my Confucianism and Taoism will be updated.

But at this time, he never rested, the dog-like little devil laughed hehe came over and shook him gently.

Song Ren pretended to be sleepy-eyed, rubbing his eyes, “Don’t you? Lao Gou?”

When he was taken to the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains together before, Long Lan also wondered when there was such a little demon in his own dragon head mountain, but he claimed to be old-fashioned.

He rarely spoke along the way.

“A’bao brother, can you take a step to talk?” Lao Gou said with a smile.

With this approach, Song Ren suddenly felt that this old-fashioned look was familiar and seemed to have been seen somewhere.

But nodded, yawned: “Okay, I’m thinking of peeing. You don’t sleep at night, you are more energetic than me.”

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