Su Youwei’s smile is like a gardenia, refreshing and obsessed.

Song Ren’s smile is like a 2 fool.

If it wasn’t for some disbelief, if I touched Tang Renyi of Song Ren, he would probably continue to laugh.

After all, it was only a few days ago that I started to tease, and slowly talked about breaking his heart, and left her a message, and I will wait for her in the 9th City’s Plum Book House.

didn’t expect it would be so fast.

Song Ren hurried out and looked at Su Youwei, who was more than 2 months old. She was more beautiful and beautiful. It was because she had 2 Divine Hearts on her body, which made her feel sacred and inviolable, plus her. Such beauty is even more filthy.

Of course, Song Ren is thick-skinned, and these feelings are a fart to him.

When Su Youwei hadn’t responded yet, Song Ren took her hand by the hand, then turned around, looked at Tang Xiaoyi and Yu Ling stupefied at the door, and laughed haha: “The person I invited was her.”

Su Youwei couldn’t believe his hand, he was held by a man, and he didn’t respond.

You, why are you doing this?

She blushed and wanted to pull away, but for some reason she was too slow to let go, and even a little bit hilarious.

Song Ren’s heart was beating by peng peng, the girl’s hands were soft and slippery, and he could even feel the tension of Su Youwei.

However, today, while Tang Xiaoyi is 2 mouths away, miss this opportunity and there is no more.

After waiting for 3 seconds, Song Ren did not feel Su Youwei’s strong resistance, and was very happy, pulling her directly into the house.

Su Youwei’s head buzzed, so he was pulled in, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This layer of window paper was finally broken by Song Ren, who had taken the initiative.

“Stupidly standing still, adding dishes,” Song Ren came to the door, and Tang Xiaoyi couldn’t believe it.

Bi Yao? Music genius Su Youwei?

When will the two of them get better?

Since the Heavenly Sound Mountain exchange meeting, this talented girl named You Youwei from A’yao made her first appearance. I do n’t know how many years Qing Junjie ’s soul can be traced. Later, “Zhu Xian” played Bi Yao, even more Countless fans have become the idols of many young men and women.

However, how many people want to seek her trace, but there are also rumors that her home is in the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos.

Some people have heard that some people do n’t even know it. They call it Fairy Mountain at Sea, and they are fairies.

But today, she just appeared here and was held by Bigbro Song.

Damn, big brother Niu Dafa.

Facing Song Ren faint smile’s question at this moment, Tang Xiaoyi immediately came back to his senses, and quickly pulled Yuling to the side: “Okay, sister-in-law, please come in!”

Su Youwei’s face turned redder: “Who, who is your sister-in-law.”

Su Youwei feels helpless, trying to excuse himself.

It’s really that Song Ren’s move is too fast today, and she hasn’t even prepared for it.

This guy definitely had a premeditated plan. The text jokes a few days ago must have been planned for today.

Alas, apprentice!

Pulling Su Youwei to sit down beside him, Yu Ling quickly added another pair of tableware, Tang Xiaoyi closed the bookstores and hung the sign of “Suspended Business”.

With each seat, it was quiet for a while.

Hey, a little awkward.

Song Ren doesn’t matter. It’s like a couple eating a meal, putting vegetables on Su Youwei, showing their big white teeth.

“Sister Yuling has very good craftsmanship. You try it.”

Su Youwei looked at the right hand being held, and suddenly smiled: “I’m not left-handed.”

Song Ren blushed at a glance, and quickly let go.

So slippery, I can’t bear it, but I have a chance in the future.

Su Youwei picked up the chopsticks and tasted it, then immediately nodded: “It’s really fragrant.”

Yuling and Tang Xiaoyi also relaxed and smiled: “sister-in-law, you taste this, this fish is Yuling’s specialty.”

“Yes, yes, sister-in-law. This is an ancestral technique. Try it.”

Tang Xiaoyi and Yu Ling immediately became active and scrambled to serve Su Youwei.

Song Ren looked at Su Youwei, who was blushing, and his eyes were full of praise for Tang Xiaoyi’s mouth.

This assist is invincible.


At noon, the Plum Book House opened again, and everything was as usual. It seems that not at all deliberately created that awkward atmosphere. Tang Xiaoyi and Yu Ling were at the counter to receive guests. Song Ren sat at the table and still wrote a few poems at the time. The appreciation will be printed by Tang Xiaoyi and sold to others.

Same as before.

Su Youwei also returned to normal, wearing white clothes lightly, watching Song Ren’s dog-like character has greatly improved, watching his analysis of today’s Confucianism, nodded, feeling very difficult to deal with.

After finishing the song, Su Youwei chuckled: “It is very insightful. It is more sensational than other people ’s appreciation and analysis on the Internet. You should learn to do Novel instead of music, although you are better at music . “

Song Ren gently put out a breath, put down the pen: “It’s all written blindly. I have experienced some things recently, and my mood is not right. Just meditation here.”

“But you helped the Southern Emperor grandfather write down the second half of” Breaking Through the Wasteland “completely, and even out of the human form Deity. The Southern Emperor grandfather still remembers you, and you have realized the honor that he will pursue in his life. It saved me even more. If you have the guidance of Sage’s Composition, the Southern Emperor grandfather, and the resources of Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, you will be even better. “Su Youwei sat opposite.

What should Song Ren say, that I already have a writer account?

This, he is not ready to explain to Su Youwei, but open Heaven & Earth .Net and enter the Premium area of ​​Confucianism and Taoism.

When I saw Song Ren, I saw this most popular novel, and I appreciated the poems of other people. I knew that Song Ren was unwilling to talk more, sighed, and sat down to open the Internet.

Father Su Yangxuan sent a message asking her location and daily safety. I haven’t responded today.

Song Ren glanced at Su Youwei sitting across the trace without a trace of ecstasy, as if he had done something without being discovered, and then looked towards the book review area.

“Is it too long this time, it’s been more than 2 months. The author won’t be Court Eunuch, right?”

“Badly, others may be possible, but this author has court Eunuch’s book.”

“That is, every poem in it is called Premium. It needs to be carefully crafted and hard-working. The plot is even more important. Do you think writing vernacular and running accounts?”

“Let ’s not talk about this anymore. Today I checked in and leave messages normally. Did anyone discuss today? What kind of poems will Fang Yun make this time?”

“I think it’s a war poem, but I’m actually curious. If the author came up with a war poem, what kind of spirit should he have?”


Looking at “Confucianism”, which could not be updated because he could not feel the Heavenly Dao network in the demon domain, until now, it was still very popular. Every day, 10000 loyal fans checked in regularly. Song Ren knew that “Confucianism” would follow up. Getting hotter.

Today, let’s get better.

Song Ren closed the visual interface, then closed his eyes, opened the virtual page, and started writing and updating with his heart in mind.

After replying to Su Yangxuan’s message, Su Youwei, looking at Song Ren, may be thinking about the music. Then he got up and came to Tang Xiaoyi.

“Where does he live?”

“Oh, sister-in-law, right behind the shop. His room is a bit messy and he didn’t clean it. I’ll take you here, Yuling, and get the cleaning tools.” Tang Xiaoyi said quickly.

Su Youwei blushed: “Who said to clean the room for him?”


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