If you talk about Song Ren as a latent author, Su Yangxuan has only seen it twice.

For the first time, when Su Youwei was about to die and Su Yangxuan almost sent a daughter to the road, the author, who had never met, stood in the palm of Deity’s ghost, so he fell from the sky and gave him the Divine Heart. He didn’t recognize Divine Heart, thanks to Nan Huangtong.

The author left without even saying a word.

Shortly after the daughter improved, Human Race traitor Sikong Bitu went online to break into Demon Race, and the captured Human Race soldiers threatened the author’s life in exchange for Divine Artifact.

At that time he only knew where the Divine Heart came from. Was the author so powerful?

Watching the author by the strength of oneself, he took Divine Artifact to exchange for the Human Race assaulting soldiers, returning all the insults of others.

At the border, he spoke to the author standing on Deity for the second time. In order to repay his kindness, he was willing to go together, but the author refused.

As soon as everyone was brought back safely, he asked why he should help him.

The author only said that the teacher had a relationship with the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, and the rest was not disclosed. After returning, he and Nan Huangtong and others checked the past of the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, but they could not find it, and had a relationship with the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos. Who is such a big source.

Since then, I have never seen this indeterminate, the author of Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, has only heard of him on the Internet.

Learned Academy of Classical Learning lectures, assassinations, learning at the Imperial Family, and more.

There are only two sides.

As for the 2nd mysterious help, Su Youwei was dead and he and Song Ren stood beside him to help relax. Song Ren even helped Nan Huangtong to write the final continuation of “Breaking Through the Wasteland” and awaiting the conclusion of the trial.

I didn’t expect to be the first to appear. “Saintly Path of Confucianism” entered the Premium and condensed a ship of Divine Artifact. While they were envious, “Break Through the Ancients” also began to condense Deity, and finally failed.

At the imminent moment, the author would have just appeared Divine Artifact under the control of Deity Chen Zhan, cast a mark, and once again condensed out Deity Hong Luo, which saved Su Youwei’s life.

Today, this is the third time they have met, and also the mysterious author, the third time to save the little girl.

Everything is really as they guessed.

Seeing Song Ren stiff at the moment, motionless, Su Yangxuan bowed directly saluted.

This is a saluted lord of the sea, not affected by the dynasty.

With Su Yangxuan’s saluted, so is Sage’s Composition writer Nan Huangtong, Su Youwei and many powerhouses 铿锵 saluted around Song Ren.

Atmosphere, solemn.

Song Ren, awkward.

Why do you think it ’s different when you give your heart and turn around? I ’m still waiting to go back to see Xiaoxi.

After a seemingly long 3 seconds, Su Yangxuan got up and looked at Song Ren.

“Many thanks Song Gongzi!”

Song Ren looked at Su Yangxuan and then looked at the box in his hand.

I’m going. Is it so good, it’s accurate. I’m coming.

Wait, some time ago, you hurriedly called Su Youwei back from the Spirit Flower Pavilion. Would you just wait for me today?

This is too wily old fox, you are so sure, will I take the third Divine Heart to save your daughter?

Old fox, I just reacted.

Song Ren muttered secretly.

What else could Song Ren say, with a wave of his hand, the box floated over and was taken over by Su Yangxuan.

“Song son, please!” Su Yangxuan let the road behind him, Song Ren caught a glimpse. In the sea cover behind Su Yangxuan, the neat and tidy standing on the 2 sides behind him could not see the beauties of the margins, so take With full of instruments and garlands, all full of smiles stared at him.

There seemed to be a variety of Sea Beast hissing at the back.

The sea protection mask covers all the scenes inside to prevent others from snooping. This time, a large hole was opened. Ripples Su Yangxuan Nan Huangtong and Su Youwei just blocked them. I didn’t notice it.

Song Ren in this brief moment, it seems a bit clear.

However, I wo n’t go in. Except for a few forbidden areas, Su Youwei took him around and I do n’t know how many times, even the island subjects in the high, middle and low 3 area of ​​Divine Sea of ​​Chaos. Played.

Song Ren shook his head again and again: “Master Su Hai, I won’t go in. After sending this one last time, my task will be completed and I will go first.”

Song Ren is ready to run away, because Su Youwei, who has got up, keeps staring at him.

Normally, of course, I’ve seen it countless times and I’ve held my hands.

It’s the first time Su Youwei has met as an author.

“Songgong please hold your steps,” Su Yangxuan also gave the whole circle, so perfunctory, without any requirements?

This is the last time, and you sloppily made me wonder what to do.

“Can Su Haizhu have anything else?” Song Ren said.

Su Yangxuan opened his mouth. For a moment, he didn’t know what to say, and hit him with a completely unprepared. The original plan was completely disrupted.

Such as invitations to go in, eating and drinking, singing and dancing leveled up, grateful gifts, girls to meet grateful, negotiate conditions, bargain if too high, and so on.

But like the first time, they turned and left.

You really do n’t want to order anything, it makes me panic.

Su Youwei saw sweat on the cheek of father and had to step out of a saluted.

“Under Su Youwei, have met Song Gongzi.”

Song Ren was inexplicable for a while, but also paid back: “I’ve seen Aunt Su.”

Su Youwei looked at Song Ren’s mask and the thick voice, and suddenly smiled: “Thank you Song Gongzi for helping me 3 times, can I ask, why?”

Looking into Su Youwei’s eyes, Song Ren didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Su Youwei remembered what father and Southern Emperor grandfather had told her. They entered Boutique through “Breaking Through the Wasteland” and, in addition to turning Deity into reality, rewarded a deduction for Oracle.

In the deduction process, he himself, including his father and grandfather Nan Nan, have seen the author.

However, they did not have the slightest impression.

Faced with Su Youwei’s questioning at this moment, Song Ren had to explain in the old way.

“There is no reason, because the teacher has a relationship with your Divine Sea of ​​Chaos. I just act on orders and don’t know anything else,” Song Ren said busyly.

“Then, who is the teacher, we at Divine Sea of ​​Chaos must be fully grateful for the life-saving grace,” Su Youwei asked.

as for this girl?

Now his identity is neither yes nor no, the real if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off.

“The teacher always liked to live in seclusion, but he didn’t like to be disturbed. After today, the cause and effect have ended.” Song Ren turned again and quickly asked system to send him back in advance.

The system has already started the countdown.

Seeing Song Ren turning around, he was about to leave. Su Youwei, looking at the back, suddenly felt familiar, and quickly said, “Did we know each other?”

Song Ren’s body shook: “I don’t know!”

The next moment, Song Ren’s body completely dissipated directly in the eyes.

Su Youwei smiled suddenly: “It seems that we really know each other, but we don’t know, who are you?”

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