Above the sky, the wind and clouds are soothing, and it is obviously noon, that space has gradually turned into night, a little starry, and waves are emerging.

Under the stars, sea levels appeared.

These natural phenomena have already shown that this book has Divine Artifact or Deity.

It’s incredible, who is this?

Song Ren was also shocked. It was so good to have another Deity. In recent years, it has been basically himself. Deity Hong Luo of Nan Huangtong still helped out by himself, but after the rapid consumption, it disappeared, leaving Divine Heart To Su Youwei.

And some time ago, Sikong Bitu used the order of Deity summon to waste the usage counts of 9 Deity including him, and also completely dissipated the heavenly Master Path’s wife, an old Deity tree demon who became famous 100 years ago.

Today’s Celestial Emperor Pavilion has only 4 stone tablets of Deity.

I heard that there were many before, but in the battles over the years and in secret execution of missions, all of them heroically “dedicated”.

Song Ren still hopes that there will be another humanoid Deity.

Pretend to be very good, especially a person dazzling, but one or two times is OK, 3 times 4 times a bit lonely and panic and boring,

When Song Ren was thinking, with Xiao Xi giving up greetings, and frightened and flustered, the night sky in the distance was deeper and the stars were brighter. The originally writhing sea level gradually calmed down, and a bright moon slowly emerged from the clouds.

Xiao Changen immediately turned his head and looked towards that silhouette in the distance, the ancestor’s Epoch book he had read, this seemed to be a magical powers of the protagonist in the book.

Bright Moon Rises Above the Sea!

is it possible that

Xiao Changen and the many Elders of Cang Divine Race all looked excited towards the sky.

If Deity is really condensed, the strength of the ancestor Emperor’s Composition, the training base of the emperor, once the Deity is manipulated, the battle strength is simply incredible, and it can be regarded as the most terrifying one in the humanity Deity.

After all, the ancestor of Tianyi once gave birth to a humanoid Deity 300 years ago, but it was completely dissipated in the repeated consumption of the Demon Race.

Over the years, he has been steadily advancing. Several books in a row are Boutique Epoch, but only in these years, a book that has been written for 7 years, with an average of 7 days, is the most promising.

He entered the column of Epoch earlier, and this time, with the title of his ancestor Emperor’s Composition, maybe he can make up for a life regret again.

Under everyone’s attention, as the Xiao Changen guessed, the moon was brighter and brighter on the sea, and the surrounding stars were dazzled. Then, a whole body of snow-white armor, like a silhouette of a warrior, since The calm sea slowly came out.

Just moments ago, the whole continent was boiling.

“Oh my god, the human form Deity is really a human form Deity, it’s incredible.”

“How long has it passed this year? These three Deity figures have been seen. Some time ago we witnessed the spectacular sight of nine Deity figures standing in the sky.”

“This year must be the peak of my Human Race.”

“I still use you to say, but as a 20-year-old Book Insect, why haven’t I seen such a scene in any book?”

“Ignore and inexperienced, you don’t know about it, and claim to be 20 years old Book Insect.”

“Come on, talk, I’m curious now.”

“I have 2 years of Book Insect, how do I know where to go.”

“I will endure.”

“That’s because your realm is low, Mental Power is not enough, and you can’t get into Epoch’s book column. This is the ability of the protagonist in Epoch’s book” summon Star Sea “. This armor is also the Peak dragon armor described in Novel.”

“This brother talk quickly.”

“It goes without saying that you will soon be understood. What I know is that this Pseudonym is the author of [一 休] and a true Emperor’s Composition author.”


From the silhouette of the snow-white armor, when the sea level rose slowly, the entire Cang Divine Race was boiling, and the silhouette in the air was also excited.

However, whether it can fully condense, it is the crucial time. The last time, Nan Huangtong’s Deity “Hong Luo” also condensed, but in the end, it has not failed. If it was not for Song Ren’s help, it will end in a mirror. .

Many people held their breath nervously, waiting quietly.

After the mighty armored man rose completely from the water, it moved his body, then turned around, walked step by step, and finally ran quickly, finally turned into a shadow and rushed into the In the round of Hao Yue.

The next moment, the picture came abruptly, and the scene of the entire sky seemed like Time Freeze.

With the sound of ka-cha, the whole picture looks like a mirror, it directly breaks, and the real mirror feels like water and moon.


All people’s hearts are sinking, but some people immediately look at them again. Each of those broken mirror images seems to have a continuous sea of ​​water, and many mirrors form a bright tunnel, or in other words, yes Entrance.

“Secret Realm, this is the creation of Secret Realm.”

“Oh my God, really, this is going to be Sage’s Composition, so great.”

“That’s the author of Emperor’s Composition, what do you think, founding Secret Realm, I never thought I could see it twice in my lifetime,”

“Yeah, I did the same. Last time, I was still the author of the ability to hit me.” The sword sword Secret Realm started by the old sword god Li Chungang, but only created a small Secret Realm. After all, “In the Snow” is just Reached the level of quasi-Sage’s Composition, after all, it is still Epoch, but it is already Peak level. “

“Don’t make a noise, don’t know how much this Deity can open up. The complete Secret Realm is very big.”

Everyone’s voice has just dropped, Secret Realm over there has been created, and it looks like it should be exactly similar to Song Ren’s Secret Realm.

Song Ren had a feeling of relief in her heart. Aiya was guilty of sin. When did I look so careful?

But at this moment, Secret Realm was created, leaving only one entrance, everything, completely fixed.

Deity, condensed successfully.

The entire Cang Divine Race suddenly cheered, even Xiao Chang’en was a long breath, a smile on his face.

Since then, the position of Cang Divine Race will be greatly improved, which is equivalent to today, there are 2 more Emperor-level powerhouses. There are still many things that can’t be achieved with higher cultivation base, only rely on Deity.

Then, that Deity turned into a stream of light, submerged into the space, and headed for the Celestial Emperor Pavilion.

Holy City Celestial Emperor Pavilion.

Looking at the fifth stone tablet extending from it, each and everyone smiled.

The traitor Sikong Bitu has consumed an old Deity, and now a new, very powerful Deity is born.

Because the author’s cultivation base is high, the Deity power that can be exerted is unimaginable, even one against two 2 Emperor-level powerhouses are possible.

On the stone tablet, rays of light move.

[Linghai! 】

[Summon Star Sea! 】

[A break! 】

Protagonist name, book name, and author name.

Then the words slowly disappeared.

With Deity’s departure, everything in the sky regained the appearance of Yaoyang at noon. However, a huge black scroll was condensed in it. Above the scroll was written [Sage’s Composition], two ancient vicissitudes.

Song Ren’s Epoch Wen Ning is now an azure scroll, and this is the first time I have seen such an older and differently colored scroll.

The scroll slowly opens, revealing densely packed fonts inside.

A huge writing brush appeared, and began to write on it, accompanied by a huge echo of Heaven and Earth …

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